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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. I'm not going to lie. If I was in Palestine right now, I'd probably be all up for getting in on the Jihad. What is being done to those people will come back to haunt us in the future.
  2. Juan is a idiot. I don't understand why you take someone like his opinion seriously, and why you attribute what he says to what everyone else thinks in the whole "truth movement". There are some easy questions that if they were answered I would completely turn my opinion on what happened on 9/11 around, however 7 years after that tragic day they still haven't been answered, and probably never will. You doubters keep your heads in the ground, it suits you guys well. As far as this tape is concerned, who cares? Obviously this man is trying to move on his own agenda, possibly trying to make life easier for him and his family, after all they still use the BinLaden name, which is obviously hated by most if not all westerners.
  3. That shit sounds good, pass some my way.


    Same here, and whenever someone does decide to final voice there opinion or anything on any issue that happens to be going on at the moment. Weither it is the war in Iraq, the economy, 9/11, the upcoming elections people just spit out the same recycled garbage that every other person spits out because they hear the same shit from the same people on TV. Oh yea, and staying on topic, we're fucked.
  5. This movie is fucking GREAT. I watched this shit blazed thinking it was going to be mad dumb, had my dyin the entire time... "I'll smoke it witcha' bro we'll go to the looney bin together, I don't give a FUCK!"
  6. I just got the chills from watching that shit....
  7. I'm waiting for someone to wake me up from this nightmare.
  8. I hate all the parties involved in this prank.
  9. Hip hop is most certainly dead, however there are still people putting out good stuff, you just won't really find any of it on MTV or your local radio station.
  10. This shit straight up ruined my ski trip. Fuck this.....
  11. Where are the pics of this thing flying around? All I see is dumb ass kids and some stupid bitch sitting in it on the ground, with the wheels on the ground.
  12. I don't know but is that dude with no shirt on fully naked, it sure looks that way. To be honest it looks like he's jerking off to the dude on the turntables. Oh yeah... /NH
  13. Seriously all of these machines need to be removed. From what I know you can basically program these machines to show any result you would like, you can make the races as close or as wide as you need and without a open source to check the data there is basically no hard tally of the ballots. We need to go back to paper ballots obviously there are ways to commit voters fraud with paper as well, but at least you can go back and go through the paper votes to get a hard count and filter out the fraudulent ballots.
  14. Mike dropped Bodie. It was Chris and Snoop that crept up on him and Mike came out the alley. Pretty sure Mike has Bodie's corner now too, right?
  15. Episodes 1,2,5,6,7 are all available online.
  16. Ya you'll paddle about 2 feet before he's got you flipped over and in the water already. Seriously the great white is the most bad ass animal on the planet...
  17. HAHA. This guy has been at it for months and hasn't been caught and apparently his last burglary netted him 225k. He also got stabbed by someone who I think came home while he was in their crib. Dude is probably out of his mind.... Seriously this shit is too funny...
  18. That's what I'm about I got jaws in my tank.
  19. This shit is weird as fuck. I don't even know what to say...
  20. Sharks are gay? O kay. I'm working on actually getting a nurse shark. It'll be pretty expensive and depending on how fast it grows I'll only be able to keep it a year or two, maybe a little longer. Regardless shark's are fucking bad ass.
  21. Re: US recession is already here They're not going to tell you what is really going on even when that happens. Guys I hope some of you are preparing yourselves for this shit because it's not getting better any time soon, in all likely hood shit is going to get worse.
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