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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. Word I've wanted to try one of these things just for shits and giggles too. Let me know how it goes.
  2. LOL^^ I had one situation where I started to pipe one of my sisters friends, let's just say there not friends anymore and I don't talk to the bitch either. Proceed at your own risk. PS: I did like smashing the chick though.
  3. Ya, because of this I thought a law was created here where that was illegal. It seems to be that I am mistaken though.
  4. Not that I'm defending the actual creeps they do catch. Those perverted justice guys don't even conduct the shit they do legally, so fuck them and what they're all about. On a thread related note, can we get over this obsession of celebrities already? I mean this hasn't gotten old yet?
  5. If I was a hippie, which I'm not. I'd be calling the lot of ya's haters right about now. Drink up fella's that shit sure tastes good don't it.
  6. This will be my 4th year paying taxes, and so far I've only gotten cash back once, and I owed them about 600 each of the other two times. Most people I know get dough back too, and my aunt does my taxes for me for free. Here's to hoping I at least get a few hundred back this time around.
  7. What happened to live and let live? I don't see nothing wrong with this, and I'm not a hippie either. Who cares what there doing as long as it isn't harming others or more specifically, you.
  8. Thats because I doubt 10-15 tv's are stolen daily from that Wal-Mart. I'm not saying that there isn't a problem, but I like to see documentation of some sort when your just throwing random figures out in the open that I'm supposed to believe. Regardless we have a way of life here that needs to be changed for the better benefit of everyone.
  9. I think that this should bubble out further to any person killed in a tragedy that was basically unforeseen. Not just troops that are KIA. It is completely unfair to the persons family to have to resolve that person's debt. Again I am not a lawyer or anything, and if documents were signed in both partners names this obviously couldn't count for those people. I'm talking about debts solely belonging to the party that has died. Especially if the person killed is the basically bread maker for that family. Ah well, I guess life's a bitch then you....well you guys know the rest.
  10. I feel like picketing the picketers. Just one more reason why to hate organized religion.
  11. Props to those Anonymous guys, for not only taking shots at Scientology but the media as well.
  12. You can't even really tell whats going on in any of those video's anyway.
  13. I'm not going to lie. If I was in Palestine right now, I'd probably be all up for getting in on the Jihad. What is being done to those people will come back to haunt us in the future.
  14. Juan is a idiot. I don't understand why you take someone like his opinion seriously, and why you attribute what he says to what everyone else thinks in the whole "truth movement". There are some easy questions that if they were answered I would completely turn my opinion on what happened on 9/11 around, however 7 years after that tragic day they still haven't been answered, and probably never will. You doubters keep your heads in the ground, it suits you guys well. As far as this tape is concerned, who cares? Obviously this man is trying to move on his own agenda, possibly trying to make life easier for him and his family, after all they still use the BinLaden name, which is obviously hated by most if not all westerners.


    Same here, and whenever someone does decide to final voice there opinion or anything on any issue that happens to be going on at the moment. Weither it is the war in Iraq, the economy, 9/11, the upcoming elections people just spit out the same recycled garbage that every other person spits out because they hear the same shit from the same people on TV. Oh yea, and staying on topic, we're fucked.
  16. I just got the chills from watching that shit....
  17. I'm waiting for someone to wake me up from this nightmare.
  18. I hate all the parties involved in this prank.
  19. Hip hop is most certainly dead, however there are still people putting out good stuff, you just won't really find any of it on MTV or your local radio station.
  20. This shit straight up ruined my ski trip. Fuck this.....
  21. Where are the pics of this thing flying around? All I see is dumb ass kids and some stupid bitch sitting in it on the ground, with the wheels on the ground.
  22. I don't know but is that dude with no shirt on fully naked, it sure looks that way. To be honest it looks like he's jerking off to the dude on the turntables. Oh yeah... /NH
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