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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. Did any of this matter when it came to smoking laws? Which are also just as ridiculous.
  2. Of course everyone is happy 90 million people just watched history be made, and it was the kind that nobody expected. I've been and Giants fan since birth though and that game was just unbelievable. Still in shock....
  3. ROFL HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'll be at that parade tomorrow for sure. That pass to David Tyree was one of the best plays I've seen in a Superbowl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe6O9EOSwzk BTW I've hated on Eli hard but its w/e I take it all back. I knew they were going to win that shit though.
  4. Mos Def is on point with most of that right there.
  5. Even worse, people will go see that shit in theatres too.
  6. Word, fuck winter. A most big FUCK THAT to having to warm up the whip for like 15 minutes before I can even get going in the morning. I swear I'm late for everything in the winter.
  7. Radio station sounds cool. I'm pretty sure if members were involved you would get a nice interesting mix of music on there from all different genre's of music, or commentary.
  8. I'm well aware of the things you can catch from walking around barefoot. Not to mention the things you could just step on, barefoot. I'm also well aware of what would happen to me walking with them on my feet. You do what you do, I'll do what I do.
  9. I can name a few places I'd like that shit to land on. /crosses fingers
  10. There ain't nothing wrong with chilling with your girl. After all at least if it is serious you are actually trying to build a relationship that who knows could go where. He'll usually when I'm with a girl I'd rather chill with her then go out to some overpopulated bar or club anyway. There is a complete difference though when you actually cut off ties to people you consider your "friends". I have a few people I know ,close friends of mine that I literally can't get a hold of when they are in relationships, and when we do chill they're usually on the phone or next to a laptop communicating with that other person electronically. Shit is just out of control.
  11. NO WAY! How could she even try to pull off wearing shit like that knowing full well the vertical rain forest she has coming up her back? That shit is fucking nasty. I hate hair, even a little bit. I'd kick her out of my house. Or if she looks good enough, go grab the machete and point her in the direction of my bathroom.
  12. I would have kicked those mother fuckers off my feet before I got out of the house. Go in barefoot.
  13. I went to the Rage show @ Randalls Island a few months ago. I'd say every other guy I seen in that place was rocking dreds.
  14. Re: Whats up with New Jersey?! Honestly I see the trend dying down a lot. But for a few years these mother fuckers ran rampant. You still have to deal with the same attitudes and douchebags, they've just tried to blend in more with the kids you don't want to punch in the face.
  15. This game is pretty fun. I hated on it for a long ass time, whoever said just add booze is right. This game gets pretty hilarious while intoxicated. Still rather get drunk at a local bar though.
  16. Damn, homie. He died yestarday we ain't the AP over here. :rolleyes: This guy was a brutal dictator who "supported" democracy so basically whatever he did was cool with us. Tis the way the world is, atm.
  17. Re: Whats up with New Jersey?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JMOh-cul6M This shit is probably old by now, had me rolling when I first seen it though.
  18. I'd slip on the ice, then put an anonymous tip in with the labor board. People at my job put anonymous tips into the State's office for review all the time. Sometimes shit hits the fan, sometimes nothing happens. It always makes your superior's sweat and sometimes you get something out of it that's positive.
  19. Re: Whats up with New Jersey?! HAHAHAHA this shit is great. You can also include Staten Island into the mix because most of the douchebags I see around at bars, look just like most of these retards. Theo knows what's up. The best is most girls around here eat that shit up. I laugh at those chicks too, because most of them are walking around trying to look like Paris Hilton.
  20. Thats the truth right there folks, like it or not.
  21. So when did NoeWhan change his name? Can we give this guy his own thread too, it seems that he'll start hi-jacking the rest of the threads in crossfire soon too.
  22. because you're gay and you can tell when other people are gay?
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