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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. If anyone would like some more evidence that directly shows the hypocrisy of the way we(The United States of America) do things and why Ron Paul is necessary, read that letter.
  2. Oh shit dog, I don't watch as much TV as you!
  3. That's funny, although I doubt it means shit.
  4. Anyone see the Zoo York commercial? Apply directly to forehead! Can't find it on youtube yet though. :*(
  5. You should have stayed up to achieve greatness... 20,000 posts!
  6. Apparently you guys have never been to NYC. You need moutain climbing equipment to journey into some of our potholes.
  7. One of my little sisters freinds reminds me of this bitch sooo bad. But yeah I don't really sit down to watch TV but when I do catch this it usually does get the thumbs up.
  8. Re: YEAR of the RAT I thought this was going to be one of those "Stop Snitching" things..
  9. Good book. As far as what Spitfire said. Fuck that. That's just bullshit. Those words are just like a worm on a hook to a fish, bait.
  10. Highway to hell. I've always thought it looked ridiculous, even before I considered myself to be an Atheist.
  11. I don't know why anyone would. Unless you are a Evangelical interested in trying to wage war with the muslim world.
  12. Now lets all stand around and look at each other till they've picked our pockets and left us naked.
  13. Too bad that satellite didn't come crashing down to earth and crush the building they happened to be in before they got the chance to escape.
  14. Did any of this matter when it came to smoking laws? Which are also just as ridiculous.
  15. Of course everyone is happy 90 million people just watched history be made, and it was the kind that nobody expected. I've been and Giants fan since birth though and that game was just unbelievable. Still in shock....
  16. ROFL HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I'll be at that parade tomorrow for sure. That pass to David Tyree was one of the best plays I've seen in a Superbowl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe6O9EOSwzk BTW I've hated on Eli hard but its w/e I take it all back. I knew they were going to win that shit though.
  17. Mos Def is on point with most of that right there.
  18. Even worse, people will go see that shit in theatres too.
  19. Word, fuck winter. A most big FUCK THAT to having to warm up the whip for like 15 minutes before I can even get going in the morning. I swear I'm late for everything in the winter.
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