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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. I don't think one person said this man was their idol. Just respect that's all, and spreading awareness of the mans death.
  2. Probably the only time I've ever wished to be out west. Sadfaces.
  3. Wasn't he about to put out that movie/book? Or some shit..
  4. This bitch Hillary is going to come back from the dead, just wait and see. I surely hope not but it's going to happen. You mother fuckers are going to get SWINDLED. Oh and as far as Obama's safety. I highly doubt anything is going to happen to him. He really doesn't advocate too much real "change". That guy Kennedy though....that's another story.
  5. Damn, ain't that the truth.
  6. All I know is that after this shit was over, that was the brightest moon I've ever seen. Shit was like the sun was in the sky at night.


    That's pretty wack. I get cases of that shit at my job.
  8. I've wanted to see these for so long, and now that I've seen them, eh.
  9. I agree with Yumone and Casek here, the fact that the majority of the kids that do this are on perscription drugs at the time, or stopped taking there medication in or around the time the incidents took place should be all over the news, not this other bullshit we hear about.
  10. That is part of all the incredibly toy shit out there. Hence the comment.


    Yeahhhhhhh. Usually I cut them up and throw them in some cereal or yogurt though. Can't forget these either...
  12. Dude's name is "King Diamond" how can't you appreciate him.
  13. You have to also understand this is the internet, people aren't going to always react to something as they would if it was directly related to them, or if you actually were to tell that person what you were saying in person. So many people have the "haha, sux2bhim" approach just because it has nothing to do with them, but if you were to talk to that person in person their reaction would probably be a lot more humane. As far as doing drugs is concerned I always do mine with this in mind. "Proceed at your own risk".
  14. Sorry, I ignore MTV at all costs. Haven't turned that shit on in at least a year or two.
  15. I don't even take aspirin. Most kid I know that pop pills on the reg are zombies.
  16. Oh shit I just bought this shit with a gift card from my grandmoms, I best not have wasted her money!
  17. Ask Beavis I get nothing, Butthead. One of my favorite rappers ever.
  18. Fuck that. Anyone women walking around taking flicks of herself like that deserves a kick in the ass. Fucking pathetic what people will do for cash.
  19. I agree this movie looks epic. It reminds me of a Apocalypto/LOTR type thing. That mixture just can't lose.
  20. I wonder what people would think after they through these bitches off a cliff and they just fell to their deaths. "Shit man, maybe we were wrong" Or did they just go about there business like "Oh well, didn't like that bitch anyway".
  21. Yeah the whole finger popping, epic nap thing is hilarious. That girl's got amazing lips and everything else as well.
  22. http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/wh9.html One of my favorites, lol.
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