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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. I hate it when you just go to give someone a pound and they have some sort of different technique then you. Then you spend the next couple of seconds trying to figure out there method of giving a pound, makes you both look like fucking retards.
  2. I seriously love every single album by these guy's I've heard. This is one of there better ones IMO. Along with the last release by them I forgot the name. Black Thought is so under-rated as a lyricist its not even funny.
  3. I seen him wearing those characters out anyway. This guy isn't even that funny. I will admit that Borat was hilarious though. I know that contradicts what I said but w/e.
  4. I hear you man. I was at this spot in Time Square for Thanksgiving Eve. It was alright. Super over-crowded though. We knew some promoter so he squeezed us in and we didn't have to wait on line. However after a few drinks and some flirting I decided to explore the place some more. I'll admit I was a little twisted, but I was exploring none the less. I walked into this room on the first floor thinking it was just another themed room. They had hip-hop rooms and such, anyway after about 30 seconds I realized I was actually walking out of the place. So I turned around to head back in and there was this bouncer there. I try to just walk passed him and he bumps into me not letting me passed. So I'm all like "excuse me man, just trying to get back inside." He's all like "I can't let you do that." So he basically forces me out of the place because of overcrowding issues. I get outside and attempt to just get on line and go back in. However due to the amount of people inside they aren't letting anyone in anymore. I tried to talk to the bouncers outside like a gentlemen at first about the situation, and how everyone I came with was still inside the place. They weren't having it. I payed 40 bucks to get into this place and I wasn't nearly ready to go plus I really didn't feel like traveling all the way back home solo. Anyway a bunch of other people were in the same position as me so dudes ended up calling the cops for crowd control. About 4 cops show up and start basically pushing people off this block in Time Square I might add. On Thanksgiving eve. These guys were like forcing people that weren't even involved off the sidewalk this club happened to be on. Anyway to make a long story short. I tried to talk to them like human beings. They decided that communication isn't necessary when dealing with people. This cop grabbed me basically dragged me down the block and tossed me around the corner for just trying to reason with him and he "wasn't having any of it." BTW. McDonalds should still serve Hamburgers at 4 am. Not breakfast. Fuck that. Fuck Cops. Fuck Clubs. Fuck all the douche bags I have to stand in line next to to have a miserable night anyway.
  5. Butter. I've already come to the conclusion that a heart attack is the way I'm going to go.
  6. Hey! I'm goin sKin nex mtH! /nohmo
  7. FUCK R KELLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REAL TALK!
  8. ?????????????????????????????? Alchol is teh dvil. I'm uout p'z.1
  9. IM goinSNowrdin in amth!!!!!!!
  10. They're terrorist's! Wipe them off the map!
  11. You can do whatever you'd like. I'm going to smoke this clip real quick and check out the Rams/Steelers game.
  12. I don't really travel into that thread much, because when I would check it out the only thing I see is a single song that people happen to be listening to at that very moment. I don't know if it's still like that but whatever.
  13. I used to have problems going to sleep. Then I discovered pot. My sleeping problems are over.
  14. The thread should stay opened. Without the content though. It could just be used to put people on to certain albums. A lot of shit I saw in that thread I've never even heard of before or probably would never if it wasn't for that thread. So what I'm basically saying is. Just let people post the album names or art or some shit, maybe even the title, with maybe a link to a website that has like streaming mp3's of tracks off the album. Then people could figure out their own ways to obtain the music, illegally. ^___^
  15. Yo I seriously love this thing. It cracks me up everytime I see it. Props for the Ader. lol.
  16. Re: so this one time a deco pen exploded in my pants and somehow went up my urethra...true Nevermind, I've done it! It just sounds retarded as fuck. To me anyway. Still enjoy! :cool:
  17. Re: so this one time a deco pen exploded in my pants and somehow went up my urethra...true I've tried to pronounce this about a dozen times so far and have failed miserably. Anyone else having any trouble or do I just got down syndrome? Anyway enjoy the movie ;P
  18. Look at the one in the BG staring at the guy like he's lunch. These guys are crazyy.
  19. Haha. I know a lot of chicks, and dudes that have been saying that for years, guess what most of them got little ones running around all over.
  20. lol These threads are the best.
  21. Are you serious? HAHAHA.. On a serious note, stay safe man. Hope you make it back O-K.
  22. HAHA. I enjoyed it as well. Especially Godzilla wrecking shit in the BG.
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