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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. I'd seriously love to have seen how he got up there.
  2. LOL 2789. This is why, after a few early mistakes. I always wear a hat.
  3. Since I feel like getting ultra c0n5p12acy 7h302y, this stuff could be put into play to get people used to not having any privacy. I mean, it certainly wasn't like that when these websites were first developed, but if you look at who bought them out.... Anyway I agree Facebook and Myspace are a waste of time.
  4. check, check, check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTj3STZqviY
  5. Haha. Not to mention break up with your girl. Just to get back with her a few weeks later. Usually I just give people money this way they can just make their own decision on what they want. Or if anything I'll take a few people to a mall or something and just let them pick something they'd like out. It just works out better, and everyone ends up happy at the end of the day.
  6. I just can't wait to see how for real everyone is, on December 16th. I think a lot is going to be decided on that day.
  7. I had some random bite like that appear on my arm once. Then I got cellulitius and had to go to the hospital. :(
  8. I know what i'll be doing. It's everyone else I'm worried about.
  9. Ron Paul is the only candidate running for president this time around that can get us out of the mess we are currently in. If you feel someone else has this ability you are wrong. If anyone but Ron gets elected we(all those that live here in America) are going to be in even more trouble then we are now. I'm also not saying that everything the man says is fact, there are certainly some flaws in his believe system. However the overall majority of the things that he stands for, would only put a positive influence on this country, and the rest of the world. With all this being said, however optimistic that I am on this issue, I still don't see him getting elected. To much corruption. To much ignorance.
  10. Research into certain fields like this shouldn't be allowed. In what kind of circumstance would you need such technology? Where does it go from here? Other insects, animals, people? Seriously a lot of what I see going on in the world today is pretty scary.
  11. word. however if we collapse the rest of the world would feel it as well, which of course is not something at least at this point, the rest of the world wants to feel.
  12. yeah. she's just "normal" i guess. and yeah this bitch is dead.
  13. Re: My Fight Against the Lobbyist Scumbag Group, the Center for Democracy and Technology ( It's pretty funny to think that a man at that level has pretty much no debating abilities. If this were a fight, he'd look like this guy.
  14. this guy is a HO-MO so is the rest of his band...
  15. ya i'll be buying her book asap. pretty scary stuff going on, yet i'm crazy yet when i say the shit i do.
  16. Apparently I don't know how to use e-Bay. Thanks man.
  17. India and China are two of my favorites.
  18. i just got home from the hospital, boy was that fun! about to light up though, so it's all good.
  19. Ha. I just started brewing my own beer too. Me and a few of my boys are on our 3rd batch.
  20. More reason's as to why you should kill yourself.
  21. Wasn't there a thread like this a while back, with a picture of some bum in a wheelchair in some alley facing the wall? I've got like this weird feeling that i've read this thread before.
  22. Oh shit I got a shout out. I think thats a first on 12 oz. You're an annoying ass bitch, go fucking kill yourself.
  23. word. i couldn't find anything on ebay, i'll try again later. white it is!
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