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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. Another step to controlling more information. I don't see how shit like this doesn't tie into everything else that's going on, and why people don't wake the fuck up already. "and said the White House would never employ such tactics at its own press briefings." My absolute favorite part of the article. I sure as fuck hope not. Because if it gets to that stage then the American people have become completely complacent with all of this non-sense. Not to mention how completely absurd the thought of that is.
  2. all i know is i used to get off the goethals bridge i used to see the dopest shit. now i gotta bring a bag with me just in case i loose my lunch. there is a few cats not from jersey that aren't making it any better either.
  3. not only that, i hope you've tunned out to the rest of the media as well. because your being lied to on a daily basis. if not ignorance is bliss, eh?
  4. LOL. That shit is great. I'd love to run into someone rockin that. This may be ultra gay, but I'm trying to find some fitted's with T's on them. I can't really find anything that I actually want that isn't Orange.
  5. Ha, I have this same problem. It actually lead me to smoking almost daily as for some reason that shit knocks me out almost immediatly. I could be extremly exhausted but for some reason my mind wanders when I lay down, and once I start thinking about shit it's all over. However when I spark one, and put on some shit movie or the travel channel I'm out.
  6. Re: NoeWhan's Krazy Korner Superthread - 10/17/07: COMMIES FIND GOD This thread is full of win.
  7. The Wire, Rome and CYE are the best series that HBO has put out. Can't wait to see how this thing is going to end. Plus I've heard of another take on all this, the media's play on how everything goes down. Should make this season better then last.
  8. fucking serious? my aunt does shit like this to guys before she even gets dudes name she wants to know how much he makes a year. fucking hate birds.
  9. Man the beaches, and the scenery remind me of Cabo San Lucas. The Mexican girls look a little diffrent. Those Brazilian girls got badder bodies. I've wanted to go to Brazil for so long, and this thread isn't helping at all.
  10. I dont know man, but I sure feel bad for them. It's got to be hot as fuck in those things.
  11. Dear RSA, I feel a little embarrassed asking this, but is there any way possible to tit-fuck? My girlfriend has huge tits and wants to see if I find any pleasure by fucking them...is that even possible? Chris, N.Y. Yes. Yes. i think this is the best one.
  12. Dear RSA, A friend of mine said you can tell if a girl is a virgin by the way she walks. Is there actually a way to tell if a girl is a virgin or not by the way she walks? Anonymous, Texas No.
  13. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
  14. i agree with you sir. however i dont see how he still gets credit for "discovering" america though.
  15. clearly the problem is, these guys don't actually do anything, so they need to argue amongst themselves (who have nothing to do with anthing) about what's actually going on. which makes my time spent here very entertaining.
  16. wow. how you've managed to figure out how to not only take the screen shot, but then host it to ask the question is beyond me. honestly i don't know how you've lived this long, should have drank some bleach, or fallen off a cliff or something by now.
  17. im just reaching on this one, but i would use the NYC @ the end of his name to indicate that it isn't.
  18. might wanna take those barrels back a few feet those things are to close to the flame.
  19. Re: Buff my stiffie with this pile of old poonuggets. Hard. No habla spanish btw, caligula was a dopppee movie.
  20. word that ket wall is fire, really feelin the wane peice.
  21. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! PK's been doing this thing for longer then some of you have been alive. Respect. Thats all.
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