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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. ya everyone plays different, it's kind of annoying. way i play wrists can't go past the table throw it is 1 cup, bounce it is 2. however you can swat it away when people bounce. i usually play where you gotta drink the beer before you shoot. but sometimes people are in bitch mode in which case, if you manage to get it in someones cup who's drinking you win the game regardless. and i don't even take this game seriously.
  2. yeah that shit is crazy. i play this game all the time. probably not a good idea that most people just reuse the same cups though. holy shit i just saw the whole pedal thing....what the fuck!
  3. you crazy. only way im dealing with the chaos on this day, is if they are giving shit out for free.
  4. damn man, i think you just killed the thread with that one.
  5. stuff like this is the reason why i love reading you're posts.


    i thought you hated ron paul?
  7. i think google is naive to what they are doing. they are setting up a pretty nice big brother cooperation, and it's not like i feel that these people that work for google are even doing this. what i'm worried about is when all of this stuff if finalized, who will seize control of the company and use it for personal inetresets. i know it may seem like paranoia, but this is the world we live in. having a monopoly on information is kind of scary.


    yeah. i'm addicted to cod4. anyone that has xbox live and thinks they can hang, holla at me...
  9. i work at a nursing home. i walked into this room one time, this guy was behind the curtain in his bed, i let him know i was in the room twice before i went around the curtain, and the like 60 something year old man was going at it, seen me, and didn't stop. needless to say i got the fuck out of there.
  10. my profiles private too, fuck you nosey mother fuckers.
  11. ghost face is the man. i remember back when i was in h.s (not too long ago) he came promoting his new album, supreme clientele , handing out poster's, flyers autographing shit for people. it was pretty cool. especially because it was random as fuck... definatly going to check this out.
  12. i think your taking what he said out of context. but that's just me.
  13. HAHAHA. crooked, i agree with most of that. what i actually ment when i said china scared me, was fighting an all out war with them. not that this is going to happen or anything, just if it were to happen it would be a pretty scary situation. of course the things that their goverment carries out on their own people scare the fuck out of me too. randomly getting scooped up, and chopped up for your organs? or being thrown in prison and being tortured until you confess to a crime you had nothing to do with, ya scary shit.
  14. The only thing any of those international organizations are put in place for, are to protect U.S. interests, and insure our dominance of the third world.
  15. i've known a few people that have killed themselves. usually over something a lot more serious then this. it's unfortunate but clearly this girl had more problems then just this "friend".
  16. there was this foul smell going around the area i live in a while ago. i also happened to be in the local barber shop that day. the whole barber shop was talking about how the terrorist were behind the foul smell. and who knows what could happen next. what was also funny about this, is how even though everyone was talking about this, and seemed pretty shook at the time. everyone remained in the barber shop getting their haircuts. which pissed me off, cus i thought i was about to cut the line. people don't even think anymore. as soon as something bad happens regardless of what it is, where it is, or before any information is gathered. the automatic assumption is, terrorism. seriously i'm more scared of what the people that run this country will do to me, or how the average person will handle an actually FUCKED UP situation, now due to the mindset and fear everyone is devoured in. then any other nation on this planet, except china.
  17. I definitely feel where you're coming from but... 1. When we (The CIA) ousted Mossadegh, it was at a pretty crucial time in Iran's history. He was trying to nationalize the country, and unite his people. So they can see the benefits of the oil that is actually coming out of their land. Which who knows what kind of state Iran would be if this were actually allowed to happen. This man was a hero to the Iranian people. Something like I guess a John F. Kennedy would be here. We also were pretty scared that they may ally with the Russian's who weren't exactly our friends around this same time period either. After this all happened what did we do? Not only did we take the wind right out of the Iranian people by ousting Mossadegh, we put in place the Shah that ruled Iran for 25 years with an iron fist. Which was probably pretty similar to facist Germany or communist Russia. We also didn't only do this for British profit. We got our hands in the cookie jar as well and got a nice chunk of that money. 2. I don't know about the U.S. military bombing Iran's nuclear plants being terrorism. But talking about funding people to blow up car bombs in populated area's with probably more civilians then anything, is terrorism. 3. I'm not saying anyone has the right to straight up kill anyone. Defending you're family and property though? I think thats something we all can relate too. Which was probably what Purple Mushroom was getting at. 4. Can't really comment on this stuff. Good day.
  18. That entire post wasn't directed towards you. More so the rest of the people that have been supporting the idea.
  19. What kind of question is this? If a group of people were running around killing people at random and I happened to run into said group. I would defend myself by any means that I could. Regardless of race, religion, age or gender. I hope the rest of you would do the same. As far as supporting terrorism in Iran. You got to be fucking kidding me. You might as well support the people that carried out 9/11. Seriously we are at WAR with TERRORISM. Yet we are talking in our own media about possibly carrying out if we aren't doing so already terrorist attacks in another nation. How am I the only one that thinks this is the most hypocritical thing possible? I'm going to quote my man Chomsky here since he's someone atleast the majority of people here can respect. "Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it." ~Noam Fuck it though. Lets blow up the whole planet. Should solve everything.
  20. yeahhh. "Among other things, this body would launch secret operations aimed at "stimulating reactions" among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction—that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to "quick-response" attacks by U.S. forces. Such tactics would hold "states/sub-state actors accountable" and "signal to harboring states that their sovereignty will be at risk", the briefing paper declares" nice. don't really see how any of this is legal. it's also quite unfortunate. explains why we are where we are too. not that it was really needed at this point. i'm going to have to go with charlie brown on this, good grief.
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