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Everything posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN

  1. Re: so this one time a deco pen exploded in my pants and somehow went up my urethra...true Nevermind, I've done it! It just sounds retarded as fuck. To me anyway. Still enjoy! :cool:
  2. Re: so this one time a deco pen exploded in my pants and somehow went up my urethra...true I've tried to pronounce this about a dozen times so far and have failed miserably. Anyone else having any trouble or do I just got down syndrome? Anyway enjoy the movie ;P
  3. Look at the one in the BG staring at the guy like he's lunch. These guys are crazyy.
  4. Haha. I know a lot of chicks, and dudes that have been saying that for years, guess what most of them got little ones running around all over.
  5. lol These threads are the best.
  6. Are you serious? HAHAHA.. On a serious note, stay safe man. Hope you make it back O-K.
  7. HAHA. I enjoyed it as well. Especially Godzilla wrecking shit in the BG.
  8. Ya, I don't like this. Fear is a pretty important instinct that all beings have.
  9. Seriously man, get in the car now and get to a doctor, NOW!
  10. I'd say yes. If you talk to people who have lost limbs, I would say there personality does change. If not drastically. I'm sure some people are mentally tougher then others, so there would be some exceptions to this, but overall I don't think so. If you want to get into Eugenics and what not. That is a pretty scary subject. You can basically create the person you want you're children to be. Not to mention the other things if you aren't capable of doing now, will be in the future. Basically creation of mutants.
  11. Apparently I'm still breathing, and formulating thoughts just fine. Btw Crooked I was just kidding. ^____^ May you live forever!
  12. Uhm. Because it is against the rules to use the substances they used to get an edge. There are plenty of major leaguers that will tell you people are like Clemens and the others mentioned above are a cancer to the sport. Eating it away. I would love to see a similar investigation into the NFL and NBA, see what happens then.
  13. Nothing is immortal. My definition of immortal is basically a life that can not end., and even though you may be able to preserve your body to lengthen your existance, it wouldn't be forever. Everything dies. Time to deal with the fact you're not going to be here forever. I'm also going to have to go with the consensus I wouldn't want to live forever. All you would known is death, you would eventually lose everything, over and over again. No thanks I like being sane.
  14. I'm going to have to go with overrated. I'll still smash though.
  15. BTW he can't rap either. PS anyone with money can get a degree. I've been to College, I am not impressed.
  16. Nice Eon, nice. I agree. Since when are spanish and black chicks not corny? Word IOU, if I do end up having children, and I happen to have a daughter, she isn't leaving my field of vision until shes like 25.
  17. PM isn't an idiot. He just has his own set of views. I agree with some of them, just not all of them.
  18. http://www.meet-an-inmate.com/ladies/melissa-10091.htm
  19. The Yankees pay ARod 300 million dollars, do you think they actually give a fuck about how much they pay anyone? Clearly money isn't the concern. There are probably so many other players that haven't even been named here.
  20. I try to avoid the hospital especially the ER at all costs. Unless you are in need of immediate attention. You might as well bring a suitcase with you.
  21. This chick I know who is all up in every celebrity there is buisness told me Derek Jeter gave this girl herpes. Ever since then I could careless about the girl. Scarlett Johansen ftw.
  22. That's what I'm trying to say DAO. Enough is enough already. Let the dude do his time, and get on with his life.
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