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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. I remember watching Ari Shaffir's amazing racist skits on youtube back in the day...and I remember him being involved in the whole joe rogan vs carlos mencia drama. so about 5 or 6 years ago, when he came to my city to do standup, i went with my exgf. it was funny, but not very funny...i remember him telling us some story about someone eating a pastrami sandwich and shitting on someone else's windshield at the comedy store on sunset blvd....that reminded me of like 4th grade humor...i guess the highlight of the show was when he went off on an african american female heckler during the show and mentioned something about her bringing down property value...like you said, it was more offensive than anything. but we got to meet him after the show and he was nice enough...even got a flick with him. i wouldnt see him live though again.
  2. Top Row: TST Middle Row: TSSS Bottom Row: SSSS
  3. Let me know what day! I'll try to remember to flick the day for pies.
  4. Dear Trader Joes in Silver lake (hyperion), Damn. ..me and my cousin just shopped at your location a little over two weeks ago. Crazy about the hostage situation and loss of life. cG
  5. I'll take 93 over that 112 degree day in l.a. last week. Yeah, i told iou like 4 times to get back on 12oz, i hope he comes back on. Dope fisheye pics ralphy...i still need to make a trip to chitown.
  6. finally got around to watching the 2017 version of IT
  7. ^I'm sure we can pretty much link everything thats been going on in current politics to that one event.
  8. Welcome back SukiSukiNow!

  9. ^groceries in bulk for the win! besides gas, food, etc. i splurged and bought a $30 bluetooth speaker off of amazon that doesn't get loud at all. you get what you pay for. Next purchase: A new cell phone....as soon as the samsung s9+ prices drop some more.
  10. Is embedding images not working for some reason? regardless, I put the link up.
  11. ^glad you got around to reading it. i'm taking a break from autobiographies...just finished reading this one last night: The Power of Habit
  12. so many to name...are we talking dead or alive?
  13. keeping up with the jonses with zach gilafinakis i feel pretty with amy schumer
  14. I finished watching The Birdman of Alcatraz with Burt Lancaster from 1962 yesterday and tonight I just finished watching the original Jumanji with Robin Williams from 1995 (I'd never seen it before)
  15. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: LMAO! I just choose whatever looks interesting.
  16. I watched 3 movies this past week: Juice (with 2Pac) Some Kind of Hero (with Richard Pryor) and Sully (with Tom Hanks)
  17. At OMB...definitely a great read. It's crazy how much of a 180 degree he did after getting locked up. But it wasn't until his trip abroad until he recognized that the NOI's take on Islam was skewed.
  18. just watched everything must go with will ferrell. kind of a slow paced movie...but in the end i liked it....wasn't really sure how it would end...which is good cause i hate predictable endings in movies. i also like rebecca hall in this movie....acting was pretty on point...the only other movie i can remember seeing her in is the town, which i liked as well. watched the credits and realized that the kid that played kenny in the movie was actually Notorious B.I.G.'s son, Chris Wallace Jr. kind of ironic though that rebecca hall's character mentions that she doesn't like when fathers name their sons after themselves.
  19. Man was made in the image of God. The first man was black. Therefore God is black.
  20. Watching the douchebaggery on Fox news. I figured I'd tune in to see what they're talking about over there. Oh, not much...just interviewing a bunch of rednecks about how great they think djt is doing. I'm sure komrad putin would approve. Im seriously losing more and more faith in this country each day.
  21. Field of Dreams Yup...i had never ever seen it. From what I'd heard, i figured it would be some life altering movie....yeah....no. I'm sure someone will hate on me for this but really? ...this movie was not only corny, it was fucking out there...a bunch of ghosts playing baseball? ...the film company put its eggs in this fucking basket?!?
  22. I just finished watching Quick Change with Bill Murray and Geena Davis Couldve been so much funnier/better.
  23. Just finished watching Bad Boys with Sean Penn...very anticlimactic.
  24. I watched volunteers with Tom Hanks and John Candy...I'm a huge fan of both of them, but this movie was seriously awful.
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