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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @NightmareOnElmStreetwhen I was a kid, maybe 11 or so, I stubled upon a legit dirt track for rv cars. The shit looked like an excitebike track. Turns out some older kids, maybe 16 or so built the thing. They never let me drive their shit around but at least they didnt tell me to fuck off like they did the other 11 year olds. Lol.
  2. What would you like to know?
  3. They said they found bodily remains. I wonder if the gunshots were murder/suicide, or the government wrapping up any loose ends, before the explosion cleaned up the rest.
  4. @KILZ FILLZand like clock work my cousin drops this gem on me https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10223640061291148&id=1279945346 If any of this is accurate, im not going to fact check any of this, some poor sucker will get framed for this and painted as some radical trump lunatic.
  5. The plot thickens. Where does this fit on the psyop o meter. I saw an article saying they have a suspect or person of interest in custody. I dont think any of this shit is real.
  6. mr.yuck


    Hey guys. Some elves did some shitty work on putting the little homies bike together. When you squeeze the back brakes they dont close enough to touch the wheel. Then they also dont release tension when you let go of the brake handle. This is what the back brakes look like if you can help me get this bike on the road.
  7. Thats really dope. Id crap myself if I saw that rollin.
  8. Standing outside waiting for this tornado to come finish me off.
  9. Ive always like 9mm. It's the easiest of the self defense rounds to control in almost any size handgun. I always thought the argument against 9mm wasn't stopping power but over penetration. @KILZ FILLZ
  10. Did you have to cup your nuts when you flushed so they didnt get tore off?
  11. @Schnitzelhey man. Keeping one person fed for the year outside of your family responsibilities is not nothin. You should be proud of that brother. Edit Or you could look at it like you fed 1300 people one meal. Perspective.
  12. I cant wait to see whats about to happen with england. I dont know if its as bad as the media is making it out to be, but we might get to watch a societal collapse in real time.
  13. @KILZ FILLZthats whats up. At least you know where the shut off is. How many units does it cut off? If I had some light plumbing to do, Id cut that shit off at like 3 am, not tell anyone shit, and get busy.
  14. I was responsible for it, well my insurance was. I only had a $1000 deductible but the pay out on this thing was absolutely atrocious. I think the asbestos mitigation part of the job was some where around 25k by itself. That was only the affected area. Anywhere the asbestos wasnt disturbed is still there. If I were those people I would have been throwing buckets of water at any dry ceiling in the place. From what Ive noticed, property management is the absolute fucking worst everywhere Ive ever been. Everyone acts like Im spending their personal money. The particular company Im dealing with right now has a multi unit loss all covered under the associations master policy. They had some jack off independent adjuster come in and the scope of work he wrote up is about 50% short to be able to do the repairs and make any kind of profit. So I told the property management company this and said I would put together a supplement that they could submit to their insurance company to make up for the short comings. This asshole bitch told me that anything outside of the scope of work is the responsibility of the home owner. I had to explain to her that the buildings master policy has a $5000 deductible and if I say there needs to be a supplement for a million fucking dollars, it wont cost the association a penny more. I have now had radio silence for about a week and a half up until last Friday while these numb nuts try to finger fuck their way through their own job. She sent me an email over that just said "please send proposed supplement." The really fucked up part is the people that were effected the worst by this loss have had caving in ceilings in their condo now for about 6 months. If somebody doesnt speak up and wax poetic on common sense issues or threaten legal action, property management will never go beyond the actual damage. But also you have to keep a close eye on the insurance company. They do stupid ass shit from time to time too. In my case, my insurance company paid out 100% of the money to the renters. The renters paid about 85% of all the repair bills before they realized they werent responsible for any of it. The pocketed 1000s of dollars that didnt belong to them. My insirance company basically shrugged their shoulders and said we paid it out. I eventually ended up settling with the restoration company to pay them an additional $5000 out of pocket for work they did.
  15. I was doing a repair job a few years ago in a large building of condos. I think it was like 15 or 16 stories and we were working up on like the 13th floor. So one of my guys is doing a drywall patch in a wall. The whole building is built with metal studs and in one of the cavities of these studs the plumbers had hidden a 3/4 inch water supply. The guy zaps a screw right into this pipe and the side blows out of it. We scrambled around for a few mins looking for a cut off for the unit and there was none. So I had to scramble down 13 flights of stairs to the front desk and tell them what was going on. Then they had to radio maintenance. It took several more minutes for maintenance to show up on the scene. They took off to the other end of the building where the main cut off was. I think this whole shit took roughly 15 mins. I straight trashed the 2 units below me. I found out a few days later that all of these units had asbestos popcorn that needed to be abated. This was single handedly the most expensive 15 minute fuck up in my history.
  16. @KILZ FILLZalso you could just turn your faucet on full blast and get under there and start turning that handle to see just how far it needs to go to start slowing down the flow of water.
  17. @KILZ FILLZI hate that style man. Some times they just spin forever. They make a newer style, if you ever want to replace them, that are push to connect and only do a 1/4 turn to cut on or off. I think they are like $10 a piece
  18. Finished putting the little homies beds together and hanging some dinosaur shit up in their room. Also been stewing all damn day about the way amazon, hulu, and disney have conspired to make me pay to watch Home Alone this year. Fucking monsters. I already pay for prime. Also hulu was trying to get me to sign up for some real tv program they have that cost an extra $50 a month. All these butt fuck ass sevices can eat shit.
  19. Finished painting the little homies room. Bullshittin on putting together their new beds
  20. Nobody ever talks about how many people eazy e infected with HIV.
  21. If you serve that shit for dinner, you better be able to throw hands.
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