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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @tha whutwhats the purposepuf the pvc primer? Is it just for richer color? Does it help the ink dry quicker?
  2. Also landed on a crown molding profile. Top piece is this funky piece of base board we found. Crown is a simple cove.
  3. One ceiling down. My wife surprised me today when she said "lets hang some drywall!" I need to enlist some more help. I think she's about ready to fist fight me. Luckily her arms feel like jello.
  4. The homie sent that to me a few days ago and I thought it was a joke. Lol.
  5. I hope that style mustache makes a come back and there is an over abundance of gentleman theives lurking about.
  6. I agree totally. That movie was great though. Easily top 5.
  7. I recently saw Bill Gates on the Daily Show and they specifically brought up the microchipping issue where Gates says "This whole microchipping rumor is new to me," and Trevor Noah dick rides this old psycopath into the sunset by turning the issue into a big joke. If they werent worried about being caught in a lie, Gates would have just ignored the nonsense and not have worried himself with the dailyshow smoke screen.
  8. I know pbb was sold out everywhere and smaller seed banks were reselling 10 packs for $500+. Fucking sick. Ive heard nothing but good things about thug pug genetics.
  9. @SMdoubleXLdid you ever figure out who the breeder was?
  10. Ooooo weeeee. You're gonna have to let me know if they decide to take that bad boy all the way to fruition. That's exciting. I should put more things into the universe.
  11. Im sitting here watching the game show network and warching super market sweep. I knew of this particular show but never really watched it. Im fully engrossed in this right now. This show is nothing but product advertisement and consumer data collection as well as a value reassurance mechanism, thinly veiled as a game show. It also seems that they bring this show back for a few seasons every time a new generation comes to age and needs to have data collected and told what to buy. Fight me.
  12. "With this executive order, we are ensuring that all businesses and families in Texas have the freedom to determine their own destiny." When I first read this, I read that last word as density and litrally LOLt.
  13. This was pretty cool. The guy who was controlling the boom arm on this truck was upstairs with his helper and was using a giant remote control. There are manual levers on the side of the truck also that opperate the arm. While he was controlling it from upstairs all of the little control arms on the truck were going the fuck off like an old ghost piano.
  14. @ndv @Dirty_habiTyou know youre gonna have a bad time when the person that picks up answers like its their house phone.
  15. Welp, after much confusion with my cable company, they finally came out and ran new cable lines. I kept telling them I needed new cable lines run, they kept telling me that I didnt have cable with them. One dick head told me I needed to hire an electrician to come to my house to run the lines. I dunno, maybe I wasnt clear enough when I asked them "What happens when you get a new customer that doesnt have service run to their house? I need that." Ive completely given up on leveling this floor for the time being. Drywall delivery tomorrow.
  16. She was genuinely concerned that I wasnt paying my "fair" share and some how cheating her out of money. Lol. I felt fucking embarrassed even having the conversation and that she had the reaction that she did.
  17. Its gettin me excited man. I moved here about 18 years ago and until recently I hadnt seen much street level action anywhere.
  18. I wish I had recorded the most recent conversation I had with my mom earlier today. I told her I havent filed taxes in the past 3 years and she went full statist and started shrieking about how that was her medicade money and the roads needed repair. I havent had a good laugh like that in a long ass time.
  19. I have the same reactions to a lot of stuff. Like I should really probably chill out before I pop a blood vessel.
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