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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. When we were decorating the tree I found this truly spectacularly ridiculous ornament. Iโ€™m not sure where it came from but my wife said I donโ€™t like that, it makes me feel weird. Sight unseen, the first person to claim it can get this hoe in the mail for next year. You wonโ€™t be disappointed! Act now!
  2. @mortonWhen I first moved here I worked at a place called Cuginiโ€™s. It was in a shopping center on the corner of greenbrier parkway and military hwy. They have since closed the restaurant and a club called The Eagles Nest has taken its place. But legend has it that Cuginis still operates within the club making slices. Iโ€™m not sure if the place has regular hours or is only catering to the dance club crowd during club hours.
  3. I just heard that Omicron is half Covid half common cold. Just one more mutation to go before this thing isnโ€™t shit to worry about anymore.
  4. Lol. My man drank that whole can of Monster brand energy drink in 3 sips. Iโ€™d probably be making those same faces.
  5. itโ€™s the finest sugar syrup money can buy. Maybe thatโ€™s where they hide the secret burger pheromones!
  6. I think this is the correct answer. Any of this bulk made in China horseshit is more than likely being sold to the consumer at a 400% profit margin with a built in return expectancy ofโ€ฆ even 10% wouldnโ€™t put a dent in their money making machine. When done at the scale of Amazon, with even higher profit margins on millions of small item transactions where the consumer doesnโ€™t even bother returning their broken $5 item, that return rate, replacing products is probably negligible.
  7. Bro McDonalds is trash. Their fries, their burgers, the milk shakes when the machine actually works. I speak these truths as some one who would sometimes eat McDonaldโ€™s 3 times a day 15 years ago. When I initially stopped, my body went into withdrawals. I literally felt ill for about 4 or 5 days. When I finally cleared all of that trash out of my system, I went back and tried it again months later. The burgers had 0 flavor. The fries were like vegetable oil flavored cotton sticks. I donโ€™t know what they put in their food to keep people coming back like an 88 crack spot but I can only assume itโ€™s on some unscrupulous evil Corp shit.
  8. Haha. Could you imagine driving 1000 miles to try Outback Steakhouse and then when you get there, itโ€™s Outback.
  9. yeah man. I really really like this one. I see a full size bottle in my future.
  10. @Schnitzelskip Outback Steakhouse. Itโ€™s shitty food with gimmicky Australian names for menu items. The last time I went was a few years ago for some family function and it was straight up terrible.
  11. @KILZ FILLZI have a pair of Danners. Pull the trigger. They are worth it.
  12. I feel like I just read somewhere that they arenโ€™t going to have their next sell of until after the holidays. Can you imagine the trash/treasure pile after Christmas? Booooing
  13. Put broken shit back into the new box. I promise they arenโ€™t opening boxes and checking internal serial numbers
  14. Is Texas road house the one where you throw your peanut trash on the floor?
  15. When I was like 19 or something like that I used to work at CVS. I learned that you could get cash back on any return under $10 without a receipt and would get a gift card for anything over. So me and my homie would got rack small bottles of pills/supplements that were like $80 a pop. I would go in and tell them grandma bought the wrong pills again and get my store credit for $80. Iโ€™d go down to another store and use my money to buy cigarettes and liquor and then resell all that for a profit to underage kids
  16. I smell a black market full breed wagyu opportunity arising.
  17. I would assume they donโ€™t go any further away from your local distribution center. Iโ€™m about to look into this further.
  18. I donโ€™t think Ive ever met anyone from Iowa.
  19. @Elena Delle DonneI like lamb best for red meat. Iโ€™ve been toying with the idea of raising some sheep for meat.
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