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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. lol. Jesus christ dhabz. You’re a fucking wild individual.
  2. Fuck all you haters. Im getting into the Christmas spirit for the first time in a decade. I bought a tree tonight and strung lights up on my dumpster. I’ll be praying to black Santa tonight. Don’t make this weird for me!
  3. @T4M*that looks fun as hell.
  4. I’ve been looking around my house seeing what kind of mega insurance claim I can manufacture for months now.
  5. Lol yes @fat ralphy. Guerrilla market that joint. I should just start slapping this stack of 12 oz stickers I have on everything I donate or put out to the street.
  6. Murder robbery is a real thing! Hopefully my days of being involved in home invasions and other fuckeries is a thing of the past, but also I’m not interested in finding out if that’s the type of robbery I’m being involved in.
  7. Inflection, punctuation, and cadence is everything with that name. What’s your name? Diego! Diego what? Diego, Fagot! Fight.
  8. You need to check with your insurance provider and find out exactly what is covered a lot of times insurance will make you cover the cost of repairs on the source of the damage and then pay to repair what was damaged by the source.
  9. That sounds about right. I got 3 separate quotes to completely reduct my house and replace all of my units brand new. They were in that same range. I think 28k was the high mark. I told all of those busters to eat the worlds biggest bag of dicks and ended up calling a smaller company without brand new trucks and tv commercials and shit. They got me done for like 14k and were in and out in like 3 or 4 days.
  10. I need to work on my non regional diction.
  11. Turn the switch off that works the sconce and you’ll be safe to dig around in there.
  12. That’s a good question. I wonder if that was a center screw hole for some old timey fixture. I think one way or another you are probably gonna have to get that (w)hole box out of the wall.
  13. here I am. Traffic was a fucking bitch tonight. so you can turn that into an outlet. You are going to need (1) single gang old work box you are also gonna need on of these Most importantly, you are gonna need one of these The first thing You need to do is determine which one of those wires is bringing the juice and which one is the continuing wire on to the next stop. wait… is there another wall sconce? And I would assume they are controlled by a switch some where?
  14. Before the days of GPS at your finger tips when I moved to a new city I would get a night job as a pizza delivery to learn the area.
  15. you gotta make a game out of it and then track your results from year to year. These games are like Monopoly, Risk, and Stratego in one.
  16. Jesus my back is killing me from sitting in these wooden school auditorium chairs listening to middle schoolers sing Christmas shit. God they were terrible. Even the soloists were trash. Ive been playing this game I made up when I get roped into going to one of these fucking things for the nieces and nephews, going all the way back to first grade. I size the kids up and try and guess which ones are gonna develop drug problems, sell drugs, go to jail and so on. My predictions were in a few years ago. Not to toot my own horn, but things look like they are shaping up nicely. Like I might be batting .500 or better on these degenerate kids. Only another year or two before I can test my intuitive nature for all things scum bag.
  17. I also remember fools figured out the color code for that gray background and would make some of their text that color to make hidden messages you could only see by highlighting the text. This forum has always been on some cutting edge nerd shit! Lol
  18. I used to write in black. I think it looked way better on the old light gray background. You can’t even see it on this new one.
  19. Lol. I was for sure certain one of these comments had just been eating away at this dude for the past 20 years. Like he just tosses and turns at night thinking ‘I have a right to ask questions! This is a graffiti board after all. Everybody thinks I’m stupid now!’
  20. The internet has replaced the need for a lot of people to be knowledgeable in their field. Ask your questions there.
  21. Thats also the guy that’s been in your house and seen all your new ass shit he might come back for later.
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