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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I like the one above where Joe has tons more confidence with his invisibility shades on.
  2. I drank the homies wife’s breast milk years ago. Shit was really good. She gave me a shot glass worth and after that I wanted her to hook those big ass swollen mommy milkers up to a gallon jug and get busy. Also didn’t want to make things weird with the homie. Also now have a pregnancy fetish.
  3. mr.yuck


    Gotta keep your eyes on the prize in 2022 IMG_1321.MP4
  4. Every home in America should have an AR platform that pews 762
  5. @SchnitzelI grew some corn a few years ago and it came out righteous. I replanted the following year and they all came out like that no matter how long I let them go. I’m not sure why. I might not have amended my soil right.
  6. Hah. I’m freezing. I either need to turn off this ceiling fan or go grab a blanket
  7. @MOOGLE?I just realized my phone zooms in hella far!
  8. mr.yuck


    Id show back up to the store with that wack ass jacket and also the video. No receipt. Here’s why you’re gonna give me my money back.
  9. I would love to use this technology for my business. QR code filters you by zip code. Rich neighborhoods get the rich neighborhood pricing. Middle class neighborhoods get the actual costs and the poors get directed to a page informing them that I’m booked solid.
  10. What if it’s some new fool simpin on your ex. Careful. Pussy ass nurgas can be dangerous.
  11. Hah! I guess my body feels like 4 hours was enough last night.
  12. He’s not even a conspiracy theory guy. He finished up all that shit with “…yeah, that sounds legit!” Lol! I don’t know what’s going on anymore. This timeline is wild AF.
  13. I just got a call from my cousin that’s doing my tile. Not related to my late uncle. He said they just banished him from the house and are making him live in the RV cuz he probably has Covid. The things he told me next make @Dirty_habiTs views on Covid look like some libtard cuckery. The first thing out of his mouth was “Covid isn’t real so I’m just gonna skip the test.” I replied “Wait. Hold up. Like you don’t even think Covid exists at all?” ”Nah. Yo check this out. I went to go get some medicine from Walgreens and their shelves were empty. I’m about to send you a picture.” *Phone dings* “Lol. Bro it’s like the government is working with Walgreens to make sure you stay sick.” He starts laughing nervously. “You know what I really think Yuck? I called my brother when I saw this lack of medicine and he said it’s the same everywhere, You know that freak snow we had on Monday? I think that shit was government sanctioned weather control and they dusted all of us unvaxed with the Covid22. Now it all makes sense why there’s no medicine. They are trying to kill us off.” Im dying laughing at this lunacy. I’ve never had a good read on this dude whether he’s being for real or not. My wife doesn’t have a good read on him either so she’s laughing too. It’s becoming clear he’s not joking. Maybe? I dunno. He starts talking about trying to make a jail break back into the house for some apple juice.
  14. I’m doubling down on my 2020 predictions Clint Eastwood Gene Hackman Robert Duvall
  15. Bro I was raised by simple HoodBilly folk that didn’t accept any input on the grocery list. 😂
  16. I forgot about Duke’s. They were the choice before JFG. @whereI had to look kewpie up and I’m gonna have to keep my eyes open for that when I’m out next.
  17. What kind of Mayo are yinz rockin with? I grew up on miracle whip but traded that in for Hellman’s when I became an adult. I was recently introduced to JFG and that’s my new go to.
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