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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @Corpseinarugwhat can he do with all that keef, baby?
  2. mr.yuck


    @Dark_KnightI can't tell what's going on in this video. I clogged my speaker up with drywall mud the other day. Is homeboy stabbing the person that jumped over the counter or punching them with a taser?
  3. mr.yuck


    My cousin could take some pointers from ol boy for sure.
  4. You know, I didn't think anything of it until these fine gentlemen brought it up. Now when I look at it, I get ANGRYYYYY.
  5. Lol. I knew it was about to be some bullshit as soon as I had to start scrolling.
  6. I just dropped dough on a handmade walnut bed with adjustable bases under the mattresses and they finally got delivered the other day. Commence space age sleeping
  7. Getting geared up to go sand some drywall work. Then I mean it, no more drywall work ever.
  8. Two blondes are walking down the road. One of them sees a broken piece of mirror on the street and stops to pick it up. She looks at it and says "this girl looks familiar, but I don't know where I know her from." The other blonde grabs it from her, looks at it and says "it's me you idiot!"
  9. I frequent a weed forum and the response was out of control. The vast majority of people there were of the "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" camp. They preach this mantra of "overgrow the world"; turns out they've just exposed themselves to be a bunch of buttfucking boot lickers. Overgrow the world (as long as it's legal.)
  10. I'm sure that's what it is. But there's so many other ways you could play that scenario. "My wife started this and despite her best efforts, we just don't have time to finish it ourselves before we move in," is way better than trashing her to a complete stranger.
  11. Haha. I had a homie that got this belt buckle from like hot topic or some shit. The buckle part was a picture frame. He took a picture of his dick and put it in there. Inevitably girls would ask a question about his belt buckle and he would let them in for a closer look. That shit was non stop lulz.
  12. Haha. This dude was instantly off-putting to me. His wife called me to come skim out some textured walls in their house she had started the process and realized it was going to take her forever to get it done. When she left this dude started talking shit about her like "I told her not to leave lap marks in the plaster. But they are all over the place. I told her to hire some one from the beginning but you know when women get crazy ideas in their head..." Blah blah blah, this dude went in on her for a minute. I finally cut him off and told him that to be completely honest, his wife did a really good job. The only reason I agreed to do this job for so little was based on her having a portion of it done in an acceptable manner that I don't have to redo anything. I really don't like that shit. It's a weird personality trait to try and build some sort of camaraderie with me by shit talking your wife.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/04/europe/brittney-griner-trial/index.html
  14. Haha. I had this guy offer me a beer yesterday after I was done. I declined because he was giving mad "washed up, alcoholic, private eye, who's business isn't going so good and dame just left him" energy.
  15. It's important when making eye contact with your homie in a sus situation that it's unwavering.
  16. Fools drinking piss and flashing balls? I really missed out on that era
  17. Bro get you a 5 x 5 grow tent and hang some blankets inside. You can pick up a cheap jank for like $150
  18. Lol @KILZ FILLZI tried your method of small talk. It went really well. With just a little bit of steering and a lot of question asking, we talked about smokers, heavy metal, and tomatoes for like an hour.
  19. mr.yuck


  20. mr.yuck

    Forward Party

    I'm more interested in local politics. I just found out that our mayor is literally a scummy ass used car salesman. Who let this happen?
  21. mr.yuck

    Forward Party

    That's it. I'm about to start voting again. Shit has gone absolutely haywire since I stopped.
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