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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @Tails0nEfirst and foremost, welcome back man. That's all true though. It's a hard lesson to learn about the company you keep. I was in my early 30s before I realized that there's just some places I can't bring people that don't have table manners.
  2. @LUGRI agree with that. I've put in years of new construction and insurance remodel where the whole thing is gutted and there is no escape from the heat. Nuts to that shit. I'm really enjoying my time doing interior painting right now. Guaranteed AC for sure. The only down side is that it's making me fat.
  3. mr.yuck


  4. I've only ever had one land scaping job. Worked for this contractor that got a ton of work laying sod for new construction. One of my homies hooked me up with the job when I told him I was out lookin. So we get to work and my man hands me a rake and tells me we need to rake the bigger rocks out of the dirt. We're doing this god damn shit all fuckin day and it's hot as fuck outside. But it's whatever. I'm making like $10 an hour. My homies my boss and we're just out here rakin dirt and smokin big ass dirt blunts. Like 30 minutes before the end of the day our boss man comes riding up in a tractor with an attachment on the back that does some light grading and rock collecting. My homies like "cool. This one's ready for sod." I'm excited. Rocks are raked up, I'm bout to learn something new, let's go. We show up to work the next morning and there are a god damn million Mexicans at this house laying an easy 3/4 acres of sod. We walk to the next house over and my homie hands me a rake again. I'm mad. There aren't enough big ass dirt blunts in the universe to make this enjoyable. But I'm not trippin. It's Friday and I'm about to get 160 bucks for the weekend, son. Everything's cool. I get paid, no problems. I'm back at my homies house drinking some beers with him and his wife and he starts talking about Monday. I cut him off like "whoa whoa whoa. Today was my last day man." He starts laughing. I told him this was the stupidest fucking shit I've ever done in my life. If the boss man comes through and tills up all the rocks at the end of the day anyway, what the fuck are we doing raking acres of dirt all day for? I stayed true to my word and didn't go back. My homie quit that shit a few days later.
  5. Hah. I went to go do an estimate for repainting a day care type deal on Friday. I was talking to the dude outside for a little bit just shooting the shit when I caught a super strong wiff of stale beer. It was so strong I made a comment about it. I proceeded to wipe the sweat from my forehead and I realized it was me. It had been awhile since I had been out drinking and forgot that was a thing that happens. The dude realized that I realized it was me and he said something like "painters, am I right?" We both had a good laugh about it. Nailed it.
  6. Lolz @LUGRI made them with weed butter for a Sunday Funday. I'm kinda nervous cuz the last time I made edibles, I just gave them away to friends and I made several people violently high. I'm gonna make my old lady guinea pig this shit.
  7. @fat ralphydude it's super hard trying to meet new people in your 40s anyway. My wife and I are child free and mother fuckers straight shun us on some jealous hater shit lol. I like my neighbor pretty well, but only I'm short bursts. But he's not a normal MF either. He has history. Me trying to have a normal conversation with a normal go to work everyday ass normal good natures human being: Norm: Hey I went kayaking this weekend. You shoulda been there. Me: Sounds awesome. What kinda paddles do you use? Norm: Yeah it was great! The paddles are light weight aluminum shaft with a heavy duty plastic blade. Why? Me: I was just thinkin about some one that owes me some money and if those shits would be good to tear a MFers scalp back. Norm: Haha Me:. .... Norm: .......
  8. @Schnitzelit's running through our state like wildfire right now. My SIL works with another one of our best friends. They both picked it up at work and gave it to half of their kids.
  9. Lol @Fist 666it's like your man knew the rule about "never tell them what you don't like" so they don't know where to send you when you fuck up. But he went too far and was like "oh yeah I love that shit." Damned if you do damned if you don't. You're digging a ditch, hoe! damn @metronomeand @LUGRthose power augers are worse than the post hole diggers?
  10. @fat ralphyI can take the heat. Even if it means taking a stance I don't believe in. 12oz improv theatre. Annnnnnd, Scene!
  11. Look at the food thread bout to go sideways. I'm saying... If Ukraine didn't want that smoke, they should have given up those borscht eating border town fuck boys back to Russia.
  12. Okay. I haven't been completely honest with y'all. I do eat ketchup occasionally, but it's not that super sweet Heinz or Hunts bullshit. If you ever want some super fire ketchup, I recommend this version, forged in fires of communism. See you on the other side, comrades!
  13. @Fist 666apple pie and fried eggs? Is this a trap you are carefully crafting for me to fall into?
  14. Everyone here knows how weak my All American Ketchup game is. It's no secret. If you don't want to take the challenge, I get it. But I might have to report this suspicious behaviour to The House On Un-American Activities Committee.
  15. mr.yuck


    You know, praise be Allah, I really don't know how he didn't shoot himself.
  16. If you both are so American, then I challenge you to the ultimate test of patriotism. You each shall eat one giant slice of apple pie douched in ketchup. Which ever one of you does not complete the challenge will forever hence forth be known as the most vile, unAmerican, socialist critter to have ever scurried from under the unholy rock of communism to have ever lived. Pics or it didn't happen.
  17. mr.yuck


    Lolz. My homie did that shit trying to take apart his Glock and forgetting to clear the head. He had it like tucked under his arm for some reason. It popped off and and I thought he shot himself in the ribs. I stared at him and he stared back at me as he started to sink into the air mattress he was sitting on. We didnt break eye contact until he was sitting all the way flat on the ground. We both started laughing and went downstairs to make sure no one caught the round coming out the ceiling. We couldn't find an exit hole in the ceiling and everyone downstairs seemed to be fine so we went back to our cocaine.
  18. @LUGRI went to some fast food joint last week and got some trash ass fries with my order. The kind that have been sitting out for a while so they drop them back in the grease to heat them back up. They were so terrible, I broke protocol and tried to jazz them up with some ketchup. I immediately regretted my choice and went back to eating them dry. I should have gotten some honey mustard or something
  19. Hmmm. I'm a little shakey on this one.
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