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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Sounds disgusting. I'll do it.
  2. 259a2d948132ec588a64bfe02037a341.mp4
  3. Whoops. I didn't realize this was twice. 51d1ab8005da07bad1e1fa9694a3a7ab.mp4
  4. Pelosi gets a trash because I can't fuck with a girl whose feet are more fucked up than mine and those bad boys look like some cloven hooves. Cho... No. I can't put my finger on it, but I find something about her off putting.
  5. I can't imagine anything worse than this! These fucking morons are still full steam ahead in the case of this 10 year old from Ohio that was raped, impregnated, and denied an abortion. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2022/07/14/indiana-attorney-general-todd-rokita-says-he-is-looking-into-ob-gyn-caitlin-bernard/65373487007
  6. Real coincidence the trump's were scheduled to testify in that whole ny attorney general investigation today. I'm just sayin.
  7. Haha. I had an old boss that used to call people nipple dick as an adjective. That was the search that got me there.
  8. I had no idea the dick/tits/poop/dick was such a popular trope. There's tons of this shit.
  9. I don't remember what they were a reply to but here were the top contenders
  10. I worked at a now defunct Italian owned NY pizza joint when I first moved here. The only place that made a decent slice in this town.
  11. @LUGRI just did a very regrettable Google search looking for an image that I thought would make for a hilarious reply. I successfully found the image I was looking for but I got greedy and clicked a little too far and found a whole new fetish that I'm a little bit upset about.
  12. Yo for real if my old lady was out smashin everything and all my homies knew and didn't say shit, I'd go fucking crazy. Crazy like kicking in a mother fuckers door and beating the shit out of one of his kids in front of him crazy.
  13. She's down to clown. I'm gonna tell her I want to paint her butt using my butt as a brush.
  14. Phew phew phew. That's tough. Was he the homie before they were married or did they come into your life as a married couple homie situation? I had a married couple homie came into my life years ago. His wife came over to my house to kick it with my old lady and a mutual group friend. His old lady ended up fucking mutual friend in the car out front of our house. Then he dropped her off at home to her husband and went in and had beers with him. Mega foul behaviour. I told the mutual friend what he was doing was foul as fuck. I never told the homie because it was clear to me he didn't care about his wife anyway. They ended up divorcing soon after on unrelated shit. And I never saw any of them ever again.
  15. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/14/nyregion/ivana-trump-dead.html
  16. Haha. Maybe I can convince my wife to go on some speed dating shit where we just tell the other person a bunch of crazy shit like it's completely normal and see what happens.
  17. Dream job is painting a bunch of big ol (*) pumpkin butts. Watchin em clap all spooky like. (*) Oops I mean girl. Girl , girl, girl!
  18. Hahaha. My old lady owns majority share of our company and is present always. I'm just out here doing my part to help empower the wiminz.
  19. Hey @NightmareOnElmStreet I found much better help when I was hiring women. I was taking 0 experience females, literally holding their hand with a paint brush in it to teach them good habits, and drill into their heads the order I wanted things done in. I'd give them a few gallons of cheap paint to go practice in their bedroom and within a week I had a decent painter. They generally have a better eye for detail than dudes. The only shitty thing is, I can't pay a single mother enough to support her kids so inevitable I ended up sending them off into the world to paint for themselves.
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