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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Everything's gonna be fine fine fine. Cuz I got one hand in my pocket and the other ones givin a high five.
  2. It no longer slaps. It doesn't even clap. Haha. That's crazy you've never been to one. They are off every major highway in America aren't they?
  3. My wife told my FIL to lay off the Russian propaganda. He called her a lefty. I told him if he goes far enough left, he gets his guns back. Without missing a beat he said he believes the Russian propaganda over the Chinese propaganda and I hit him with the "Oh no, baby. What is you doin?"
  4. @LUGRthat's my worst nightmare. I constantly have the feeling like some one is living in my attic and comes down in the middle of the night to sniff my hair while I sleep.
  5. I just walked in the door a few minutes ago and in a strange turn of events some raw sewage had backed up into the shitter down stairs. Or some one came to the house, dropped some foul shit and then left without flushing.
  6. Sitting at a gas station/burger King in the middle of Virginia. Playing a new game where I load up on burger King and try to make it home before the explosive shits happen.
  7. I'm trying to push out a shit that is clearly bigger than my butthole. How does this even happen? Poor design!
  8. As long as he's good too it seems like you got yourself a deal!
  9. Yep all indoor. Pulling roughly 8 zips per plant. I got a little bird in my ear trying to convince me to build a greenhouse and take my show outside for next season.
  10. That girls TikTok is dope. She's doing it right.
  11. Initial Investment lights $1400 Prebuilt ebb n flow system $700 DIY ebb n flow system $100 Nutrients $300 Electricity (105 days) $105 Water (400 gallons) ?$100 ------------------------------------------------------------- $2705 Total dry weight harvested 28 ozs So I'm pretty stoked on this. Cost came out to right under $100 per O of the firest of fire. This next run my overhead will strictly be electricity and water and I'll also be looking to triple my output within the same square footage.
  12. I'm gonna see the boy either tonight or tomorrow morning. Maybe I can get a better answer out of him. He's not really concerned with being an edge lord like his little sisters. It's cool watching a house hold of kids grow up and not having any kind of societal norms being pushed on them. I don't really think it's cool to push sexuality on children, but I'd be remiss if I didn't notice that one of the younger boys runs around snapping his fingers at shit and yelling yasss queen in a non ironic manner. He also has an even younger brother that prefers wearing his sisters clothes over his twin brothers clothes. At that age it could just be that the materials feel better to him or dresses aren't as restrictive as pants. I know that God damn shit is driving republican cowboy granddad up the fucking wall.
  13. Its that time of year again. Camping season is upon us. The week long mushroom hunting and wilderness Shenanigans commence in t-minus 14 hours. Will be outta cell range the whole time. See ya when I get back.
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