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Everything posted by grim540

  1. ok, i saw nothing about travis barker, but i did find news on Frank Miller making a film version of "The Spirit" a new Star Trek series?? A REBOOT OF THE ORIGINAL?? WTF??? does anyone not realize that Will Shatner still walks the earth? and J.J. Abrams is going to make a move and/or TV version os Stephen Kings the Dark Tower series? What the hell is going on here??? I thought mtv was about brain dead California brats, tila tequila and pimped out house's or rides... i give up...
  2. every since I moved back to the hills, country/bluegrass has been making a larger part of my new music choices over the past few years... one of the best shows ever, this tops out the Jurassic 5 and Jane's addiction shows that i will never forget SPLITLIP RAYFIELD
  3. grim540


    please believe: everything else is ghey with a lowercase "g" for extra gheyness... and portal is pretty damn fun as well
  4. Re: What Made You Come To 12oz??? i think i came here to look up Tennessee stuff and hang around the third rail, but that was a looooong time ago.....it''s been a few years since I've been in there. The level of retardation there rivaled people that show up in the Myspace picture post.
  5. i thought it was funny though i did spot the first record in the bin was DEVO : New Tradtionalists and now comes the part where where somebody points out that being a devo fan makes me a hipster of a fag or something else stupid:D
  6. grim540

    5 years

    this is my second screen name I'm way more e-cooler than most of you :cool:
  7. It's been on Democracy Now on NPR for about the last month. along with some other disturbing stories about people on Death Row and the general lack of caring from the main stream news and government about whether they die or not. http://www.democracynow.org/browsebydate.pl?year=2007&month=08 http://www.democracynow.org/browsebydate.pl?year=2007&month=07
  8. magic missile!! mmmmagic missile!!
  9. funny thing about this whole thing was that Moore did an interview with some entertainment reporter on CNN headline News about a week ago. She was try trying so hard to discredit him and certain things in the movie and failing miserably. It was kind of funny because after it became obvious that she had been directed to have a negative viewpoint on the movie Moore looked like he was doing everything he could possibly do to keep himself from stabbing her in the face.
  10. no rap is a sad suburban reality these days, haven't you listened to what the wiggers hanging out in the Wal-Mart parking lot play these days?
  11. VOSS = No Hangover dont ask me why but it is the truth
  12. VOSS= no hang-overs dont ask me why but it is the truth.
  13. A delusion of grandeur is when you're a hell of a lot happier than other people think you should be. -- Terence McKenna They say the entire human race is nothing but a small and insignificant speck in our universe, but I will tell you what. I don't see anyone else around here. - Warren Ellis (from memory and probably all fucked up) "I think it could be said that there are two kinds of people in this world....Those who like Jane's Addiction and those who don't...." - Dude I work with in fact i think i love her.....nah, scratch that, i just want to hit it from the back while she calls me "senator"..... - boogie hands
  14. western West Virginia???? not a god damn thing to do excpet get addicted to drugs...
  15. I had a 3 digit ICQ number back in the day.... All the people I didn't want to talk too were really the only ones that would message me all the damn time... Then I bought a cell phone which I never answer
  16. Depends on what kind of southern accent you have, they do tend to come in different varieties and flavors. I guess if you are not surrounded by it, it all sounds the same. Last time I went out west I had this group of hot ass girls buying my belligerent ass drink after drink, they kept telling me my accent was "cute". Now that I have lived in this area for a few years now I can generally tell what part of the area (100 mile radius) they are from just by the way that they talk. There are many different types. There is the ignorant redneck accent. (Bush supporters and NASCAR fans) The inbred backwoods Deliverance accent. "you sure do got a pretty mouth" The enlightened hillbilly accent. he may sound like Jed Clampid but do not underestimate him... also usually accompanied by a dark, twisted and damn funny sense of humor and outlook on life. The Colonel Sanders accent. Usally heard from upscale coastal South Carolina and Georgia people When I used to tend bar locals would ask where I was from because they said I had a neutral (I guess generic) southern accent and that I didn't sound like I was from around the area. I guess that comes from me growing all over the damn South (Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee and Virgina. I don't mind it I think it adds character. And yes Planet Earth is off the chain, crazy blue eyed dancinng bird from New Guinia is crazy to watch. Though I did like that mini series that Sam Niel hosted on the universe about six years ago, I cant seem to remember the name at the moment.
  17. this coming from the guy that takes the time to post somebody else's crappy ass lyrics on a forum
  18. upon seeing the album cover, I decided not to read even further fearing that it might actually make me dumber than all my years of binge drinking has already made me. /co-signed
  19. still the best ... this was the coolest batmobile ever all the episodes were written by Paul Dini who was the story editor for the first two seasons of LOST...
  20. I am currently reading at the moment. Fucking Hillarious
  21. please believe... plus I love to make mashed potatos, and this is the lazy mans way to make them taste good!!!
  22. ugh...knoxville, they have been working on I-40 for over 20 fucking years... I dont miss driving around that town at all...
  23. thats the cheerleader from the TV show HEROES, and that other dude is the whiny guy who thought he could fly or something.... as for underage??? Smash and DENY everything...
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