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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Three hours brushing out horses to help them shed their winter coats and detangle manes and tails after a windy winter and here’s the first thing they do… IMG_3639.mov
  2. Not sure if they’re still called pets when they weight over 1000 pounds but here’s Nova and Lulu.
  3. Ah, already moved into the news section LOL Still interested in hearing from everyone, pro, con or just passive observer.
  4. If this gets contentious, we’ll move to the news section but still an important topic IMO. How many are a little more interested or have evolved their point of view since this topic was made through until today? These last few years have been pretty crazy in terms of how the theme of this topic has unfolded. In most places at least.
  5. Bumping this after a recent post for @One Man Banned and to lure @6Pennies back on.
  6. Reminds me of @6Pennies . Dude, where you at?! Pop through …
  7. Okay, I have a good one… Not sure what image I can use, but how about “micro transactions”. Especially subscription based micro transactions. Seems like it began with apps and now car companies are exploring micro transaction subscriptions to unlock features like seat warmers or additional speed in vehicles. It’s obvious that if people go along with this, you’ll see home appliances adopt this next in terms of feature sets. https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/features/bmw-features-subscription https://www.foxnews.com/tech/automakers-bmw-gm-mercedes-charge-monthly-fees-faster-speeds-heated-seats Example, most laser / ink jet printers are relatively the same across models, in terms of guts. They actually use software to hold back features and performance in lesser models because it’s cheaper to R&D and manufacture one basic chip / feature set and then throttle it back. Can’t find a link quickly but read a bunch about this a few years back. Anyhow, the dawn of crypto going mainstream and allowing for ultra low transaction fees and fractionalizing out to far more decimal points than dollars (x.xx) will absolutely lead us into an era where virtually everything will be based upon micro transaction and incremental subscription models. Similar is how in South Florida (at least) charges tolls based upon traffic levels. Peak hours are charged at a premium and off hours are substantially cheaper. As a public road, I’m very much against this and though I ultimately am a believer in free market capitalism, this feels a bit dystopian in that it really separates the “haves” from the “have nots” in an entirely new way. I can visualize how tools will be more specificity tailored in the future. Guaranteed it’ll be adjusted for vehicle type and cost, mileage driven, passengers and probably nuanced to the point that cost won’t be premium only for time of day, but might get into what areas you’re driving in. A nicer road in a better part of town will naturally demand a premium compared to driving through the hood. Guaranteed of the path we’re on is allows to continue that we’ll see peoples behaviors more directly controlled and engineered in the real world as we see further development of micro transactions and subscription models invade every aspect of daily like. Already happening professionally (Pantone charging its own fee to use it within Adobe, which is already a “software as service subscription suite”). We’re seeing the beginnings of it now being woven into personal life.
  8. I’m one of the assholes that lost a bunch of monero. When I first moved ti Montana about 8 years ago, I had a video based desktop mining monero through a GUI based labor pool 24-7 for about a year and a half. Then got side tracked a bit. When I returned to it, the app was dead and the company that made it was gone. Like an asshole, I never shifted any off into my own custody. To this day, I have no idea how much I had, but this was a time when mining ETH was even doable since it was something like $30 from what I remember. I chose Monero based on some discussion on The Survival Podcast and because mining it versus ETH was more fun with the numbers going up faster. I still have the hard drive saved but launching the app just errors out and multiple google searches informed me that the developers disappeared and lots of people got fucked.
  9. N ver connected it until those last posts but yeah, I imagine Silk Road saw a lot of transactions paid in BTC that must represent billions of dollars today. Wild!
  10. Ha! All good, appreciate your participation none the less. Give it another go.
  11. Time to work up an exit plan my dude.
  12. True but not quite every day life, common stuff. Here’s something that was everyday shit 20 years ago but no longer exists. In fact, if I handed my kids a VHS tape, I’m not sure they’d know what it was.
  13. Maybe this will be fun or maybe it’ll just be depressing. Either way, pretty sure this is a new theme for a topic. Impressive considering we’ve been discussing, debating and shit posting on here since 1999. I’ve said more than a few times that the world feels more and more out of control and surreal these days. Maybe it’s because of how the pace of change seems to be accelerating at an exponential rate. Generally we call this progress, but is it really? Here’s a list of very prominent bits of everyday life that did not exist 20 years ago. What else didn’t exist 20 years ago? What existed as a part of everyday life 20 years ago, but does not exist today? Is it progress? Post photos and discuss…
  14. https://www.instagram.com/p/C4lNEsoOqND/?igsh=MWNpdjExYm40NWxnaw==
  15. Oof! You have to be in either California or Alaska right? I think last I filled up, regular was around $3.49. Northwest Montana.
  16. Imagine sleeping for a decade and a half and then realizing that your orange toilet seat MacBook that’s been collecting dust in the back of the closet… that computer you didn’t throw away or give to your nephew to take apart, only because it has Napster installed along with every song ever recorded in modern history - also has 4,793 BTC on it because you bought some stranger off the intewebz dominos a million moons ago. That you’re almost half a billionaire because dude delivered lots of LOLz and you reciprocated with pizza. That scenario is just as insane and real as modern politics being dominated by a sleezy reality tv star with a penchant for mean tweets and geriatric old school racist that seems to regularly forget where he is. Completely surreal.
  17. Not only do I have trouble getting rid of my cellphone, despite wanting to. Also have an Apple Watch so when my phone isn’t around, I can still make / receive calls on some Dick Tracy tip.
  18. Probably the best coffee / espresso I’ve ever had. Been to lots of coffee shops everywhere and this place consistently delivers the best product. Though draft lattes at some of the spots I went to on my last NYC trip were epic as well. Surprised there’s no dedicated coffee / espresso appreciation thread on here considering the popularity of the pizza appreciation thread.
  19. Damn, forgot about this thread and that you’re blonde. Funny how over time you have these visual impressions of people that you built up over years and then suddenly get a glimpse at what they look like in person. Kinda reminds me of that Ready Player One movie.
  20. @KILZ FILLZ think of where we are now since the time you created this Dystopian Society thread. Honestly the COVID era doesn’t seem as crazy as the world now. Call it “great reset”, post-pandemic or the new reality, but shit I’d wild AF right now. Guessing by the 2028 elections we’ll look back on these days as being tame by comparison to whatever wild shit will be going on by then. Looking back on the shit we were living and talking about in the early 2000s forum era, shit looks like Andy Griffith show vibes.
  21. BITCOIN. Somewhere on here is a thread where all of us dummies are arguing whether it’s worth $1 since it just got that as an all time high. I remember at around that time talking to @psm026 and @Mercer about maybe setting up some of our studio desktops to mine BTC instead of searching for extra terrestrial life. I think of how effectively we used to mobilize to fuck with other sites. It’s a huge regret of mine that as a group, we didn’t all jump into BTC when all of that was happening. We had / have a similar outlook and mindset as the pioneers of cryptocurrency and blockchains and it’s honestly as much about dumb lack of luck and chance that we never rallied around it. A good many of us would be millionaires right now and with all the resources I’ve had available back then and the years since, could have easily been sitting on stacks deep enough to be a billionaire today. Anyhow, slept on it for far too long and appreciate how far reaching an impact cryptocurrency and blockchain will ultimately have on humanity.
  22. I talk to @Kults pretty regularly on Instagram. He pretty much drifted off when DHabz left. He kinda explained to me that things got too fractured on here and his beliefs didn’t align with most of the board. I’ve encouraged him to swing by and see for himself how it’s changed, but I think like most, he’s still thrown off by how wildly divergent and divisive most people think. Unsure if he disagreed with me shutting down the debates or that I didn’t approach things more heavily handed since a good part of the time we’re generally aligned in our views. I just got tired of what I was seeing everywhere and wanted to bring this place back around to the fun part and think he’s just in a different mindset. No idea, but hopefully we’ll see him and all these other old members drop by and jump back into the community. Would be amazing to see this place flourish again and to bear the odds and shitty dynamics and experience that seems to exist most everywhere else online and really, the real world itself.
  23. Thought this was a really great thread concept back when I made it, as well now several years later. Most of you guys know what I do, but what do YOU guys do for a living. Sort of blends into other threads like the BUYING HOUSES (mortgage) thread and the HELP WANTED thread I just bumped. Maybe people on here can help out other people by sharing advice, opportunities and anything else that might help your fellow Oontzer or yourself.
  24. Anyone here have professional creative experience with photo and / or video? Also anyone happen to have any type of print production experience (screen printing or offset)? Anyone with real marketing experience? If so, message me.
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