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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Yeah, I'm working on this stuff so you might see new things pop up. Trying to create an intro animation for when you launch the app. Also, there's now a solution for Android. For now it's a web clip, but should work in a. similar way after the changes I just made. Android Instructions: Open Chrome. Navigate to the website or web page you want to pin to your home screen. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to home screen. Choose a name for the website shortcut, then Chrome will add it to your home screen. Or watch the video... (Again I'm not an Android user so support is currently limited).
  2. The JavaScript package this PWA is built off is rendering using WebKit, which is the rendering engine for Safari as well. I believe Brave uses Blink like all the Chromium browsers out there. Assume that's what's affecting this maybe?
  3. Back on topic... Get in on the (un)Official 12oz Forum App beta here:
  4. Yes, it's interpreting it as a URL, not a file. You need to upload teh actual file, not link to it. Yeah, this is how it used to be. Its convenient, but as @Fist 666 said, it sucks to browse topics with missing images. This prevents that entirely and finally puts it all under our umbrella so what you see will always be there.
  5. I’ve seen anxiety and behavioral meds work very few times. Most of the time, seems like the side effects are just as bad as what they’re supposed to help with, assuming they don’t totally fuck a person up. Whole other thread, but considering all the nasty shit that goes into most foods, as well as every day items from deodorant to laundry soap, coupled with mass manipulation, gas lighting and just straight greed and evil, it’s not surprising why people are so twisted up and hurting. Might be tough to link it definitely to why my sleep patterns suck and anxiety is through the roof, but there’s no doubt in my mind. Trying my best to find holistic and homeopathic solutions… Good diet, mindfulness, exercising gratitude and the body itself. Might sound a bit like new age bullshit, but I put far more faith into the fundamentals than an industry that’s run rampant and has proven repeatedly that not only do they not have your best interest in mind, but will do anything and everything to profit off you in any way they can. From government to Big Pharma to the food industry and commercial agriculture to Big Data. All of it is fucked.
  6. Damn was scared to ask. Yeah, hit him up and get him back on. He can mega prop everyone with the (un)Official 12oz App.
  7. I’ve never owned an Android phone so that going to be tricky for now. I’m making a lot of progress but still pretty much ch a one man team doing this between regular work. Hold tight and I’ll try my best to get that side going asap.
  8. oh this isn’t because of gifs it’s because you’re leeching instead of uploading the image. I disabled leeching images / videos. There were an inordinate amount of broken links again after import. Some are from before but many are newly broken. To avoid hollow posts that are full of broken images, I got rid of image leeching. You just need to pull off the image and post that instead of a link to it. Also, the system is re-indexing millions of posts. Last I looked, it was at 30-something perfect and looked like it would take at least a week. Until that’s done, it will consume a lot of resources and likewise, the caching system needs to re-cache popular content. All in all when the dust settles, this should be faster. Upgrade alone should help that but likewise, there’s probably a lot of little fine tuning needed. Again, rather not waste time on this version of the forum since next month will be a major upgrade. Let’s revisit after that. read my last post re-indexing and caching. Until that completes, it’s likely affecting other functions.
  9. Blast from the past that @Mercer , @psm026 snd maybe @Grassy Knowles will recognize. OG 12ozProphet studio / office at about the hey day of the forum in the mid 2000s down in SOHO, NYC (Greene Street between Broome and Spring Street).
  10. I have think once we roll out that big update, it’s going to be on another level. Can’t compete with the social brainwashing dopamine hit that is social media, but think this might help the forum really turn a corner.
  11. Nice to see you! Poke around… Huge forum update in March and also we’re testing a 12oz Forum app.
  12. Sorry, just saw this. Think you ousted almost the same time I did. Anyhow, never considered this lately. In the earliest days of 12oz, literally 2000 or so, I actually did have an idea that would most resemble gmail. I think that was before Gmail existed, but the idea was to have a 12oz webmail that was also a sort of built in inbox that would also aggregate various feeds. So you could sign up and get email, but when signing up, you could pick from various subscriptions that was sort of pulling from a blog or news feed and the individual posts would show up in your inbox. If you clicked to read, you’d see that page. Something like the unified inbox that Blackberries had later, except content mixed between email messages in chronological order. Anyhow, I’ll keep it in mind.
  13. I’ve been pretty consistent these days with the Breethe App. I’ve also been listening to audio books on the subject of positivity and affirmation. I have to admit, it’s isn’t easy. In fact I’ve been struggling with stress and depression quite a bit since the holidays. My diet is literally as clean as can be… Essentially I only eat whole foods. I consume zero added sugar with anything and am still on the ultra low carb diet that falls half way between Keto and Carnivore. Supplements and even been testing CBD and micro dosing THC and some days (bonus especially), I feel like I’m getting crushed. Anyhow, just letting everyone know that if you feel the same, you aren’t alone with it. In my case, I think it was amplified after COVID and considering how off the rails the world has gone, it’s far more stressful than ever. Nothing to do, but try and embrace it. Seems like the harder you fight it or try and hide, the longer it lingers. Anyhow, just an update for anyone still following along.
  14. Just launched a thread for the (un)Official 12ozProphet Forum app.
  15. How to setup "Push" Notifications on the (un)Official 12ozProrphet Forum App: So once you've followed the steps above to get the app installed, I highly recommend you setup push notifications. This is so you can have events on the forum push to your phone outside of the app itself. This is how its done... 1. You need to login to your forum account. 2. Tap the icon for the menu in the top, right and click "Account". 2. From there, click on "Account Settings". 3. Scroll down to "Notification Settings". 3. Click on "Notification Settings". 4. Here's all the options for notifications on the forum. You can disable them and for most, select between Push, Email, Notification List or a combination of those options. The main two that I suggest changing to "Push" Notification is "Mentions & My Content" and "Messenger". But there's a bunch others so setup it how its best for you. Enjoy!
  16. Okay, I received a lot of interest in people wanting to jump into our unofficial beta of the 12ozProphet Forum App for iOS. Just a little heads up / explanation... I call this a sort of pseudo beta app. Reason is it's essentially, but not quite a Progressive Web App (PWA). PWA's are essentially highly optimized web applications that are just packaged into a JavaScript container. What I did here was the same, except for now it's the actual forum being loaded, which is optimized for mobile, but not highly optimized to really be a PWA. As I stated in the 12oz Rebirth thread, there is a major forum upgrade expected March 2024 and that version will be pretty heavily optimized for mobile, as well as having a million UI improvements and a bunch of extra features. So in the meantime, you guys that want to get down have an opportunity to jump in extra early. So far, it seems to be completely functional and smooth. Essentially the same experience as navigating the forum on mobile in your browser, except its PWA that lives in your iPhone's Home Screen. Makes it way easier, in my opinion, and really cool to see the 12oz logo on a phone next to all the other apps. Again, this is super early and though I'd love feedback, since there's already a complete overhaul planned for next month, there's probably no reason to spend time fixing the current version. By the way, though PWA's seem like a bit of a cheat as opposed to fully programming a native app in something like Apple Swift, major companies like Twitter (X) and Uber apps are actually PWA's. The only cheat really is that instead of going through the steps to release as a developer, I'm giving you guys access via Apple Shortcuts, which in essence is a collection of snippets and PWA's that bypass all the rules and scrutiny required to be on the Apple App Store. This is why you need to install a self signed certificate that is not approved by Apple. Once I get a bit further, it is my intention to submit to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. So for now, here's how to install the (un)Official 12ozProphet Forum App for iOS... TLDR: Hit the link > hit the button to download > open it up in Apple Shortcuts > Follow all the prompts. ------------------- 1. Hit the link to app to get started: https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/db946114d16e4014b41ee764e902fdd2 2. You'll see the following... Hit the button to + Add Shortcut 3. The above should download and launch your Shortcuts App. The "Install 12ozProphet" shortcut should be at the top of the Shortcuts App Home Screen. 4. When you launch the "Install 12ozProphet" Shortcut, you'll be presented with the prompt below. Tap "Allow" at the top of the screen and then "Allow" again on the second prompt. 5. Tap "Allow" on the prompt below. 6. Tap "Close" on the prompt below. 5. Tap "OK" on the prompt below. 6. This is where you have to pay attention. It seems sketchy, but basically the sis the step to work around the fact that this isn't an App vetted by Apple and available on their App Store. In that case, they review everything and sign off, meaning it's got a security certificate that has been signed by Apple. In our case, we're sort of skipping the Apple Store so the app is being self signed. So at this point of the install, it drops you in the Settings > General > VPN & Device Management section and tap "12ozProphet". 7. You'll be asked to install the self signed certificate (Profile), which you do by tapping "Install" in the top, right. 8. Enter your iPhone's passcode to approve. 9. At this prompt, tap "Next" to continue. 10. At this prompt, tap "Install" to continue. 10. Finally, at this prompt, tap "Done" to finish. SUCCESS! You should now see the 12ozProphet Forum App icon on your phone's Home Screen.
  17. I hit up @SukiSukiNow on IG and she said she'd pop back through.
  18. Shoot me a DM and I'll fill you in but thinking we might formalize this into an official program since it seems to be getting dialed in.
  19. Hit him up and get him back on. Hit me if he needs help recovering his account.
  20. Not quite a resolution but this is a good thread and sorta feels like it fits.
  21. Classic shit… Did we ever find @^ . ^?
  22. Damn, 2016 and here we are in 2024. Pretty freakin nuts how time keeps on ticking… World is literally a different place. Granted, seems like most has happened (or maybe it’s just accelerating) in this last couple years. Covid almost feels like 9/11 to me looking back in that it ended up being a sort of bookmark in history… The time before and the time after. Anyhow, I’m on team sleep problems for the night and reminiscing and figured I’d bump this and see if we might be able to rally up and reach out to all the OG’s. Instagram has fallen far since 2016 and it’s going to get harder to find people. That and maybe since that place sucks, it’ll be that much easier to get people back on and LOLing again. You guys up for round two of a reunion?
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