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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Bumping this. Anyone hear from @-Rage-? Hope he's sipping a drink on a beach somewhere and doing great.
  2. Same stuff as always for the most part... - Kanye - Travis Scott - Kid Kudi - Boards of Canada - Aphex Twin - Bad Brains
  3. Wonder how AI might serve as fodder for this thread? Would it even know what a KAWS chomper is? For you AI people - @Mercer- let’s see what kind of fucked up prompt you can come up with for this to prove just how intelligent AI actually is.
  4. Kinda reminds me of the KAWS Chomper thread.
  5. This is a good starting point for a new thread…
  6. Crazy… The oldest go back to 2001. I couldn’t quote my own because they were in a private section called, “The Lounge” which is no longer used. It was where the original mods posted to each other. I realize now that the original forum was built using a forum script called Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB) which was a CGI Script developed in Perl. The next forum was vBulletin, which was a PHP program and all of it was so long ago, I’m guessing there wasn’t really a good import script. Anyhow, cool concept for a thread and definitely crazy to see how far this goes back. Literally 23 years ago!
  7. can you clarify? Also, assume you linked the controller text email and have checked spam folder?
  8. Thanks @fat ralphy… Thinking I’m derailing this thread so I’ll pick up the topic in the off grid thread. Until then, here’s another book I read. Still on the zombie fan fiction tip, between books on butchering and the high level economics books @Mercer sends my way.
  9. Ha! There's more to it than that. Though grass fed is touted as healthier, it's largely because the grain fed shift is all big ag garbage. Sprayed with pesticides, little nutritional value etc. But reality is grain finished generally results in better tasting beef as grass fed cattle tends to be more lean and flavor is in the fat, which is why well marbled beef is generally classified Prime. This being said, a cheat to quality grain fed is to feed the cows the mash left over from brewing beer. I know someone that does that out here. Cows love it, it's generally free since breweries have to pay to get that stuff hauled away. But to answer your questions, I'm looking at the best solution available while taking into consideration everything from investment (time and money) to the happiness and health of the livestock and ultimately the best quality (taste) beef. I'm also a fan of function stacking, which is a permaculture principle along the lines of one stone, two birds. Example is that I'd love to have a fair cow but I simply can't drink that much milk (as much as 5 gallons a day). So you can convert the milk to whey and feed them to pigs. Whey fed pigs are considered the tastiest on earth (coupled with the right breed), so if you have a fair cow, the option is to also raise a calf and build the herd or replace a beef cow in your rotation or raise a bunch of pigs and diversify the livestock, as well as pulling in a ton of raw milk. (could also use some for cheese).
  10. not quite current but if I took another photo it would look exactly the same.
  11. Following up to the post above… Currently I have a share crop deal where I trade half my alfalfa field for either a check or beef. In terms of beef, I traded for half a cow. Half cow yields about 700 lbs and I had to pay processing/ butchering, which was about $700 ($0.80 - $1.25 lb in most places). Anyhow, the yield from my field is generally 20 - 28 big bales, of which I get half. I’m still wrapping my head around consumption but I believe my share of the alfalfa would be enough to over winter 2, maybe 3 cows. (Takes 18 - 23 months to raise a cow to maturity). So for whatever it takes to build a pasture, shelter and run water, I can pretty much exponentially increase our beef for pretty much the same thing. Rather than half a cow, I’d have 2 - 3 full cows. A good friend living on my property helps hold things down and is willing to manage the cows and I’m already having to pay for slaughter / processing / butchering, though I’d like to try and do this myself. Obviously some investment necessary to get the space setup (figuring about $5,000 between barbwire, wood, water line and equipment rental). Price of cattle varies, but about $300 - $800 a head. So all in, I can possibly break even by the third cow and then actually see profit soon after in addition to storing away a half cow a year for my family. I’m not necessarily looking for profit, tbh but more looking for very high quality beef, sustainably raised and in an independent system in which I control. Goal is to get the cost of this as low as possible, but if I sell shares, looks like I can actually make a little money off it, meaning it’s not just sustainable environmentally, but also financially. Anyhow, anyone do this before? Anyone interested in learning how?
  12. Added a couple books I’m reading to the what are you reading thread, but figured I’d drop them in here since it’s on topics. I’ve been doing chickens for years (mostly layers) as well as ducks. Last year we raised a couple turkeys for meat. Birds are a bit hard in that the return on the effort is pretty low when you consider all that goes into processing. Took us about 1 1.5 hours to slaughter, process and prep a turkey. In that regard, cows make a ton more sense. Granted slaughtering and processing a cow is pretty much an all day thing (not counting hanging time), but you generally end up with 1200+ pounds of meat. In context, that’ll feed 4 adults for about two years. Anyhow, wondering if anyone else on here has experience with livestock?
  13. Also reading… Looking like I have too much on my plate to actually start raising cattle in the spring, but still doing my best to learn and plan. Goal is probably three the first year and as many as five heads when it’s all dialed in.
  14. I watched a documentary on Netflix about the idea of infinity and the theory that though the universe is infinite, matter itself is actually finite. With matter being finite, it’s subject to a finite number of ways it can be arranged. So it’s a mathematical certainty that the arrangement of matter would have to repeat in a universe that is infinite. Science proves that at this very moment there’s actually an infinite number of copies of this exact thread in existence with an infinite number of us looking at AI generated Taylor Swift sausage scat images. If you’d like a deeper dive… https://www.netflix.com/us/title/81273453?s=i&trkid=0&vlang=en&clip=81624576
  15. Any other major issues besides posting .mov files?
  16. The boys list just got shipped to dog names, so they're still alive. Surprised that Chad and Karen didn't make the list.
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