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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. In an ongoing effort to elevate the 12oz community, here’s an awesome video that goes into great detail on why you shouldn’t talk to the police, when presented with such a request. Worth a watch because knowing is half the battle. Discuss…
  2. Special investigation via the Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-facebook-files-11631713039? Facebook Inc. knows, in acute detail, that its platforms are riddled with flaws that cause harm, often in ways only the company fully understands. That is the central finding of a Wall Street Journal series, based on a review of internal Facebook documents, including research reports, online employee discussions and drafts of presentations to senior management. NY Times follow up article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/17/business/dealbook/facebook-files-whistleblower.html We've been discussing this for ages, but nice to see some MSM finally coming around to doing the responsible thin g and serving the public. For reference, be sure and check out... Weigh In: Has the social media revolution devolved conversation? Link: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86519-weigh-in-has-the-social-media-revolution-devolved-conversation Your data, privacy, surveillance and Social Media Link: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/88006-your-data-privacy-surveillance-and-social-media/?tab=comments#comment-6340856
  3. While we’re off focusing on the irony of AOC’s Met Gala dress, Biden is out here making power moves with unprecedented government over reach and even more overt violations of American’s Constitutional Rights… Wondering if there’s any Biden voters left that aren’t experiencing buyers remorse… Treasury Department Seeks to Track Financial Transactions of Personal Bank Accounts Over $600 https://fee.org/articles/treasury-department-seeks-to-track-financial-transactions-of-personal-bank-accounts-over-600/ Proposal: https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2022.pdf Aaaaaand a Quick link to the Crypto thread for those up front paying attention: https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/86476-cryptocurrency/
  4. Raise your hand if you owe Columbia House money for those penny CD’s you signed up for.
  5. wondering if the Aussie members on here can chime in about this. Not doubting that it’s happening but find it odd the USA is focusing on this. Cynical side of me is thinking it’s an attempt to switch focus on how tucked it up it is here by pointing at Australia and their fucked up app tracking, Marshall Law shit they got going on.
  6. For the record, dude has like a thousand accounts but I believe the official one is @DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER
  7. Bumping this shit, cause it’s even more relevant than when I made. Who could have predicted the global shit show the world has become?
  8. Kinda looking forward to the Wonder Years reboot on Hulu. Same concept… A grown up reminiscing on a simpler time. This time from the perspective of a black kid in the 60’s. Hoping it’s as fun and relatable as the original and not another platform to talk about how America is inherently racist. We’ll see, but hoping it’s a good series.
  9. I’m likely going to split these comments off into its own thread. No doubt it’s genesis was in response to a meme nuts it’s become a much deeper discussion that I feel has a lot of value. That said, let’s try and avoid any offensive remarks… It does suck that we’re all grown up and still trying to wrap our heads around concepts we should have learned in high school, but that speaks more to how shitty government school is as well as all the manipulation taking place in society than anything lacking on the individual level. We’re all here to have fun, as well as learn, so let’s prioritize those two aspects of our own community and provide each other the benefit of the doubt and respect in our responses. In any case, good info. Learning a thing or two myself.
  10. @Mercermind explaining anarcho-communism for those of us too lazy to research? Honestly can’t see how you can take two diametrically opposed ideologies and somehow combine them. Makes no sense how the absence of central government works with a totalitarian system of government as one thing.
  11. Been kind of thinking it deserves it’s own topic. Surprisingly, a good many people can hardly explain how our own government works and most taking points on these types of subjects are just shit parroted back from what’s posted on social media. Economic theory and practice is even worse.
  12. How is anyone not willingly out of work in the USA right now? We literally have businesses shutting down because nobody wants to wash dishes for $18 hour.
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