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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. No TSA, no lines, you can take off when you feel like it and plenty of leg room.
  2. this is very much like making stupid people famous. if you literally don’t watch keeping up with kardashians, the show gets canceled. if people stop participating in the election process all that goes sideways in pretty much the same way. there’s a reason they keep beating the drum about how “it’s your duty to vote”, “if you stay silent, you’re part of the problem”, etc. Like pretty much everything else they’re peddling, it’s almost surely not in your best interest which should be a very obvious indicator. they just need everyone to stay tuned in and stay engaged so the show can go on. participating in the clown show in DC, has about as much effect as tuning into the other one on TV... just encourages ever increasingly outrageous episodes to make sure you don’t get bored and wander off or it loses relevancy and ultimately gets cancelled. they’d rather be stars than unemployed and all of us are the audience than an audience tuning in and keeping stupid people famous.
  3. P.S. The photos above are a small glimpse at all the stuff I’ve been immersed with. Apologies for falling off the grid and not posting lately. Again.)l P.S.S. For more specifics about my personal life out here, you can check out my Off Grid thread here:
  4. Lots of room for fancy equipment and cool projects... Still looking to fill positions so if you’re looking or know anyone that would be a good fit to join the team officially, send them a link to this page or the career listing at https://12ozcollective.com Also, if you’re on the fence about living in Montana, we also put up this little page highlighting a couple things about life out this way... https://12ozcollective.com/montana/
  5. Following up, some progress shots of the first building. Latest ones were taken about a week ago so it's a little further along. Second building is right next to it and is a mirrored copy. 12oz about to bout to blow up so giving you guys first peak and first chance. By the way, this is why I've been mostly radio silent these last couple months (I am lurking regularly and get the highlights from @Kults, @Dirty_habiT and @Mercer. Job link: https://12ozcollective.com/careers/ Questions, either DM me or drop an email at https://12ozcollective.com/contact/ ❤️, Misteraven
  6. Giving first crack at this to the peanut gallery here on the forum... We are officially hiring several positions for both 12ozProphet and 12ozCollective. Link to job listings: https://12ozcollective.com/careers/ As all of you following along for more than a minute know, we quietly shifted into building out a screen printing facility about two years back. Well, I'm happy to say that things have been going super freakin well, despite the rest of the world being a dumpster fire and we're at the tail end of building two nice new buildings and have placed orders for two new auto presses and a grip of super high end manufacturing equipment that is presently being shipped over from Holland, Portugal and Italy. Likewise, we'll be expanding into embroidery in house, as well as automating a ton of stuff including the ability to fold, custom pack and label products, as well as all kinds of cool automation for screen reclaim and developing. We are also preparing to push into cut / sew, as well as dedicating the second building to white glove fulfillment services. Anyhow, most of these jobs require that you move out to our location, which is an awesome idea for most people after seeing what pandemic life is like in most parts of the country. If interested, check out the 12ozCollective Careers link and apply or hit me up if you have questions. We plan to start putting these jobs on blast so don't sleep. Some positions are immediate, rest will be filled when the buildings come online in the first half of May. xoxo, Misteraven
  7. In the age of “fake news” and cancel culture, all packaged in a thick layer of hyper polarization and extreme political division which is amplified by memes and all carefully orchestrated and spook fed to the masses by mainstream media and social media, I thought it might be interesting to circle back, explore and connect some dots on some popular “conspiracy theory” that eventually can be shown to be conspiracy fact. Since the MSM has shown to consistently ignore when new evidence is presented that bucks the narrative and social media has remained a shit show divided along partisan lines, maybe we can have some fun on 12oz and build out a repository that helps add clarity to a few of these hyper-divided topics so that we can put to rest any notion that MSM and its enablers, whether government or crony capitalist mega corps and big data, can really be trusted. So rules of this thread: No subscribing or playing into the partisan bickering (both parties are opposite sides of the same shitty coin and we’ll past being representative of what’s in the best interest of the people). This is an attempt at finding topics that are significant in terms of fueling debates in the public discourse, whether MSM articles or social media driven topics that are categorized as “fake news” or “conspiracy theory”, but ultimately come to light (via credible, non politically driven, tangible evidence, as fact. To start off... No doubt as we celebrate a year into the great COVID Pandemic of 2020 all the memes promoting or dismissing Bill Gates as trying to inject tracking devices as part of the vaccine? Here’s a few screen shots but definitely feel free to Google search words: gates vaccine tracking chip conspiracy Example article: Link: https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/05/bill-gates-responds-to-bizarre-covid-19-vaccine-conspiracy-theories.html But wait... What’s this? Storing medical information below the skin’s surface. Link: https://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218 Oh and the flabbergasted Mr Gates that dismissed this as bizarre conspiracy theory and states having had nothing at all to do with micro chips... Now that’s not to say that this is specifically some New World Order plan to enslave mankind, but come on... You lack any sort of credibility in arguing much of anything if you’re caught lying from jump street. And yeah, you can look the other way and say, “well he’s an important guy and maybe he didn’t know what the foundation he runs, that is named after him personally, was spending its billions of dollars on”... Yeah okay... Likewise, you can say, “but why do you got to be so negative Misteraven, not everyone is out to be bad or are evil”... Yeah okay... Show me the track record of consolidations of power that weren’t eventually abused at the expense of the masses. We have a sociopathic big data tech billionaire that wanted to vaccinate indigenous populations with drones and is now talking about spraying shit into the atmosphere to fight global warming (two more great topics to add to this thread) creating tracking tech that you might receive in the form of a vaccine shot that allows tracking from a device as small as a smart phone... No doubt going from the track record of government, big pharma and the rest of big data... They’re all salivating at what this represents. Crazy days... And yeah, my rant got a bit opinionated towards the end, but fuck me... Am I living in the Twilight Zone or are we all fucked? Anyhow, I encourage you to respectfully discuss and debate, as well as follow up with additional case studies.
  8. Talked a lot about how 12ozProphet is shadow banned on Instagram... Then yesterday I had to update some stupid plugin so I could continue to post shopable posts, though I basically stopped posting at all for the last year, and low and behold...
  9. For 1911 / 2011, I’d go Salient or Combat Precision. Not cheap.
  10. Good choice or you can get the best of both worlds with stopping power and round count with 2011. Though, personally I’d get it in 10mm even if extra mags will be a pain in the dick to find. Noticed on this last rush on ammo that 10mm was among the last calibers to sit on the shelf. Oddly it’s only shotgun ammo now.
  11. agree with everything except “overpriced margaritas”. besides that being highly subjective based upon the income bracket of the individual purchasing them and what that individual is used to paying or margaritas, I believe most would consider the cost of margaritas down in Mexico as exceptionally low priced.
  12. Talking to @Mercer IRL about how we're going to change the world.
  13. Been busy as fuck, but time to get off my ass and get another forum tee into the world. I really love this first one and trying to decide between trying to reinvent the wheel with a new design or just remixing this and giving the people what they keep asking for. Open to suggestions and feedback, but yeah, planning to take care of you guys and put some cool forum specific stuff together. Let me know...
  14. Would you mind explaining how it would even be possible to regulate this? (Or point me to a post where you've already discussed it?). My understanding is that the entire foundation of this is engineered to counter exactly this type of situation. As for registerinhg a wallet, no doubt apple / google can pop some shit and ensure wallets (via apps) are compliant, but likewise, couldnt you VPN from a foreign IP and download a non USA version of teh app? Or likewise, download some shit off the internet to a computer or buy a hardware wallet from outside the USA? Please explain how a government, ours or otherwise, could actually implement this sort of thing. TIA
  15. Some amazing scores here if you can work remote. Wish I knew of a resource like this in the early 12oz days. https://www.cheapoldhouses.com/
  16. Also worth noting Americans are the only ones to have set foot on the moon and will likely set foot on Mars before anyone else manages to get to the moon.
  17. As mentioned in my last post, there really is no straight answer on this and once again, that is part of what I have a problem with. We're almost a year into this and we're still arguing if the shit is real. We can keep spinning our wheels on this, but reality is that this was sensationalized significantly by the mainstream media, in the USA at least, we've been given bogus information... First it was for our own good and to protect the PPE for the medical staff when we were told that wearing a mask is actually more harmful than good, and then repeatedly at every step when both sides of the partisan debate latched on to aspects to drive their own talking points and agenda. Not to dead this thread cause it seems to have spawned endless dialogue and a few laughs, but I have to admit that its a bummer to see yet another example of a core member ( @Hua Guofang ) drop off because shit has become partisan, petty and or personal. It's just another example of the world / country at large and how its hard to have any sort of confidence that we can bridge these divides. We now live in a world where contentious topics are hurdled at us faster than we can process and certainly faster than we're able to properly address. Pretty incredible actually... How we went from a pandemic, to race war, to defund police to climate change, to whatever fuckin genocide is popping off wherever to the most important election of a lifetime that ends up being a race between a turd and a wet noodle. I guess shit has to run its course, but it truly is sad to see and a real shame for me personally to see that even our beloved community here on 12oz is not immune to it. I guess I'm a dick for still haven't gotten around to creating forum noodles and a debate guideline so we have some sort of framework to self regulate on here. In any case, I sincerely hope you guys can occasionally pause and think of all the members that have passed, including even this year, and remember to treat each other decently. It's not about winning arguments on the internet. Learn to focus on you and what you need to be doing to engineer the best possible life for yourself. Bulldozing discussions and "winning" arguments on the internet is certainly not that. In fact, neither is jumping on a soap box and preaching to an echo chamber. I'm all for exploring ideas and topics and the first to rally for coming at everything from the point of view of skepticism, logic and reason. But at the end of the day, these are just interesting explorations or entertaining discussions. Once it gets past that, it really starts to suck for everyone, so please do me and yourselves a solid and remember that with the interactions on here and else where in your lives. Yeah, there's a lot of suspect shit in regards to Covid. Who the fuck knows what the truth is and how its going to affect yourself of the world long term. Makes sense to wash your hands and we'd all probably benefit from being more selective by who we surround ourselves with. Personally, I like the idea of masking my face, assuming I go out in public at all. Don't trust the media or anyone else for that matter, nobody will look at for your best interests as well as you will. Be safe. Try to not be stupid.
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