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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Yeah, we can go through rabbit holes all day long and there isn't likely ever going to be a true smoking gun. We know that even with a smoking gun, shit gets spun and then devolves into the same old tired partisan debates. Likewise, we can look at all kinds of recognized precedents that show what level and what extent governments (including out own) will go to to get what they want. When there's literally trillions of dollars at stake, I doubt any of us can fully fathom to what extent an ambitious party with expansive resources would go to. So yes, absolutely possible. True... Who knows, but its a reasonable theory if anyone takes a look at history.
  2. our local population of full time residents is around 5,000. With tourism, it peaks at 50,000. there’s actually bidding wars on periphery for the first time since anyone can remember because so many rich people are coming in from CA and NYC (mostly CA). it’s not the usual rural situation and there’s a huge spike in infections being reported. just not seeing anything about sick people and though the death count has ticked up, I think it’s like low 20s overall. So a fraction of 1% assuming it’s all true, which pretty much follows the overall national average. again, I can very well be absolutely wrong but so far this isn’t anything like the Spanish Flu, which is was initially compared to early on. CDC has changed their position radically on a couple key points. General MSM has absolutely sensationalized this entire situation. Politicians have mostly politicized this entire situation. Nobody has a straight answer on anything or we wouldn’t still be discussing it in the context we are. Death count is still a mouse fart and when the last “surge” was being called out by the MSM, we saw a lot of hospitals lay off staff cause they were empty. At this point, to not be skeptical of the shit you’re being told by both media and government just shows how easily you can be manipulated in my opinion. Not the same thing as being all lies, but far from trustworthy and accurate. Suggest people go back through this thread and look at old links (if they’re even active) and review what’s been said and judge it from hindsight. What I’m seeing now sounds an awfully lot like “isolate for two weeks to flatten the curve” and we saw what that became. Believe what you want and govern yourself accordingly. Personally I’ve grown to enjoy masking up in public and have engineered my entire life around distancing from people. Still not sold on the idea that this virus is a killer of real significance that justifies the trillions in lost money and productivity as well as all the consequences of that. But that’s just my opinion and I welcome anyone to prove me wrong on it.
  3. maybe, maybe not. He’s not in office yet, so jury is still out as far as possible m concerned. being honest, I’m really not sure. I know one person personally that had it for sure and he only knew after mandatory testing and said he’s not sure he felt anything except maybe things tasted off. two other people I know of, didn’t know them directly. one died, but it’s all been here say as far as details. I know several people directly that died this year (2020 has been pretty nuts) but none had anything to do with Covid. I keep hearing about this or that, but have seen zero for myself except a lot of lost jobs and tons of news articles that point to Trump being responsible for all of it. as such, I’m personally not sold on it, which doesn’t mean that none of its true. As stated, jury is still out from where I sit.
  4. I noticed that there’s news everywhere about TX about to hit 1 million cases and how poorly the response there has been. So decided to look up stats since it’s been a long while. Wondering why TX is being called out all over, but not California? They’re several thousand cases closer to the milestone. Or what about NYC? Are they no longer testing as widely cause they have 33% more deaths but half as many cases? Lot of unreported / unexplained disparities in these numbers.
  5. Not the best farm shoes, but they do okay. Flex on the livestock... Nike SB, horse manure.
  6. Was waiting on shit to get normal to start in on an Aero Precision build, despite probably having four or five Seekins Precision lowers stashed. Anyone have any god links to how to tune a gas block? Been seeing malfunctions in one of my AR’s and thinking the bolt is just cycling too hard. Wondering if there’s something better than trial and error to fix it.
  7. Let's not write him off. Cancer kills, but there's a lot of things that can kill and certainly a lot of people that have survived cancer. I have faith in the exception to every rule and the belief that not everything exists as absolutes. Keep fighting, don't lose hope. Enjoy every moment, whether its today, next year or a lifetime.
  8. Was looking at options from https://mavenbuilt.com/collections/riflescopes for a precision gun build. Was planning to bite the bullet on some nice Nightforce glass, but as dude I know that is very highly qualified to know, let me use a gun that he had with some Maven glass on it. Not cheap, but also not NF prices either.
  9. My experience with cooking is to keep things as simple as possible. I had some quality butter and some quality sea salt. Salt it to taste, sear it in butter, braise it with more butter, finish it in the oven if you like it cooked medium or more. Don’t forget some good vegetables to go with it. My favorite is cauliflower. Break it into florettes, toss it in olive oil, salt it, sprinkle some fresh rosemary and bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes or so. And a decent red wine.
  10. Pandemic is a very specific designation defined by the WHO, and adopted by the CDC and other national health organizations and not just an arbitrary term to describe diseases that cross borders. Covid-19 stopped being a pandemic several months ago.
  11. 12 hours in... Trekking through horse shit and processing deer.
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