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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. https://www.hulu.com/series/the-handmaids-tale-565d8976-9d26-4e63-866c-40f8a137ce5f?&cmp=7054&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc
  2. For the record, I just removed a series of responses that were off topic, including some crypto based memes. The original intent of this thread was genuine interest in learning about crypto currencies so I'm steering ti back to that. Additional off topic comments will be removed.
  3. Cause I still consume my entertainment on the level of a prepubescent teen. Best book I’ve read in a minute.
  4. Not sure if this is the right thread or not, but seemed redundant to start yet another thread complaining about the state of the country so I’ll drop this gem right here…
  5. Whats the issue regarding parts kits? I know Covid has shit backed up, but I’ve added to my parts kits recently with no issue. Likewise, if you know what you’re doing, $100 or so would get you enough pins and springs for a good 30 builds. (Wouldn’t use a trigger out of a parts kit).
  6. Humans are flawed. The human condition is flawed. Few things are perfect, especially things developed and sustained by humans. Capitalism has some issues, but so far it comes closest to perfect compared to the others, if the goal is personal independence and freedom. The price you pay for that freedom and independence is personal responsibility and accountability. You have to step up. Interesting part is that a lot of people really just want to be taken care of and will forfeit freedom and independence for handouts. Easier to claw out an existence with handouts and complain all day then step up and blaze your own trail. We’re being conditioned for that reality. Covid was an awesome case study for it. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/amp/article/money/will-florida-end-additional-unemployment-benefits/77-190c01c7-a289-4b73-b901-a6c6c84e69df
  7. Surprises me that even after that long, you still miss it. Obviously the chemical dependency is past you already and you know how bad it is as well as how much extra money it is. Knowing that it is 100% your choice to not have that monkey on your back seems like it would be enough to just never do it again. Personally, the idea of dependency bothers me so much that, I'd pretty much be like no fuckin way on that point alone.
  8. not saying it’s smoke, but likewise wondering if anything comes of it. again, past transgressions would make it seem nothing will come out of it. just wondering what’s different this time that would actually see heads roll.
  9. Okay, so can someone summarize? Is the situation in Arizona on its way to actually being a real thing or just more vapor to occupy the crowd that still holds out hope that they’ll throw Biden out and reinstate Trump? I do believe the was plenty of fuckery but seems like a snowballs chance in hell of anything coming of it if it’s anything like any of the other smoking guns we’ve seen in the last decade or longer.
  10. As you all know, I’ve large remained absent from this thread… In fact, I’ve dropped out of most threads because I’ve been insanely busy. (Go check out 12oz is hiring thread for why). Anyhow, I also don’t think there’s a whole lot I can add, though it remains an ongoing topic, here on 12oz and pretty much all everywhere else. What I think most should be able to agree on is that whatever side of the debate (read: political spectrum) you land on, it should be supremely obvious that Covid has been highly politicized by both sides. Personally, if you were to ask me the three groups I trust the absolute least on the planet, it would literally be government, the pharmaceutical industry and big data. Not because of Covid but for the hundreds of reasons that make up so many other threads on here. That’s not to say they only lie and therefore Covid is a lie, but rather, that all have a long and consistent track record of doing things that prove they shouldn’t be trusted. (You all can kick up the hundreds of threads where we go and discuss the specific reasons or incidents). As such, a collab by all three should merit skepticism at the absolute least, if not all out right distrust. I would think at the very least, people would want to openly discuss and scrutinize this topic before injecting a substance that they acknowledge as experimental (which in turn absolves liability). In fact, with how often I see “science” mentioned around this topic, you’d think more people would recognize that science isn’t an absolute (that would be mathematics). Science is a framework for the exploration of life and the world around it, built on skepticism. It’s literally rooted in a hypothesis, that is tested without bias and open for critical review, that never truly concludes. It’s built to be tested and retested by anyone with an alternate hypothesis, according to protocols rooted in skepticism, curiosity, objectivity and evidence. Otherwise, it’s more religion or snake oil, than it is science. Anyhow, just my own perspective on it for whatever that’s worth. On that tip, here’s a super interesting post on the subject. Amazing how we live in a world where stuff like this gets deleted or banned. The actual antithesis of science. Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/COvvmIftt6q/?igshid=cdv57vbthvc9
  11. “Friendly” could also be a shitty Google translation like half their English signage. The Chinese writing says “fuckwad, no Christmas card”.
  12. The Milgram Experiment Read.
  13. that’s because the simulation we live in is going off the rails. pretty obvious at this point.
  14. Good to know fun girls still exist.
  15. In case anyone was wondering, here’s what clear anodized freedom looks like.
  16. seems there are iOS apps for this, at least for metamask. Before I start downloading and linking shit, just wanted to confirm these were legit. What apps are you using on your iPhone? Another thing, dumb question that it is... When you buy crypto, it’s obviously on whatever exchange you purchased on. Is the only way to get it into your wallet is by sending (like a standard transaction) to yourself? Assume the answer to be yes, but wanted to check if there’s another way. Two issues I’m having... 1. I don’t necessarily see what the transaction rate is until after you’ve already sent it. 2. Trying to buy crypto for my son, rather than linking him up to my accounts to buy on his own. Not sure how I’ve fallen so far out of the loop in the last two years but seems shit is evolving at warp speed.
  17. I got a ton of reading to do, but will likely call @Mercer again and bug him for the Cliff Notes. That said, I have several Binance accounts from before they split off the USA version. A couple of them, I’ve purposely avoided logging into, thinking I can VPN into them and keep an account on the international exchange I stead of the USA one. Anyhow, what’s the consensus on the best platform to buy and sell on currently? Promised my son some ETH for his birthday and trying to find some shitcoins to buy to make life more interesting.
  18. If you’re referring to threading a barrel, that wouldn’t be a federal charge since only CA has issues with it. At least for now. That being said, it’s been interesting to see how old precedents are cascading into the gun debate. Because CO told DC to go fuck regarding marijuana, followed by several other states... Then CA tells DC to go fuck regarding immigration, it now paved the way for states to tell DC to go fuck regarding gun laws. Montana becomes Second Amendment sanctuary, joining growing number of states fighting federal gun laws https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/montana-second-amendment-sanctuary-fight-biden-federal-gun-laws?_amp=true cc: @Mercer (told you, you should have moved here)
  19. Ha! Thanks dude... Not mine actually. Belongs to a friend, but been having fun riding around in it.
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