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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Sorry guys, I had no idea emoji's were borked. Just got them fixed. 🥳
  2. off topic, but wow! So wild that this forum literally has threads that are older than how long some members have been alive. In fact it’s like half a lifetime ago for pretty much everyone else. So crazy…
  3. I can see it fine, but there’s no preview. I just see the play icon and it plays. Can you try it? If it doesn’t work, shoot me what mobile / browser you’re on so I can dig into it.
  4. @LUGR @nicklesndimes Any chance you guys use ETH or BTC? Again, still working through this, but it's the only easy way to send something like $2 without either of us being hit with fees. Noticed even PayPal F&F has been working less and less these days.
  5. This is George... 3 legged, German Shepherd mutt that used to be a feral dog off the Browning Reservation. We adopted him shortly after he lost his leg after being hit by a truck and was left for dead. Genuinely the happiest dog ever.
  6. Not quite a full on dedicated iPhone app, but experimenting with the next generation of the forum which might just be the biggest evolution of the forum since it launched, so 12oz getting around to a smart phone near you.
  7. we sell stickers on https://12ozprophet.com but I’ll send anyone a bunch of free stickers if you don’t mind covering postage. That ends up adding up quick. I am planning to build out some contests and incentives around sending free stickers so you can also hold tight until then as well.
  8. Almost 50° Warner than the other day…
  9. Just wrapped up The OA (Netflix). Best series I’ve watched in a long long time. Strongly recommend.
  10. No, not quite instant. But yeah, exposed skin is something to be mindful of because it starts to hurt pretty quickly and get damaged soon after.
  11. In my opinion 10 degrees is where it starts to get cold. Cold as in that if you do something stupid or unfortunate, you can find yourself in a pretty bad spot. -10 degrees it starts to get a bit scary. You can feel the moisture on your nose hair freeze as you breathe in. At -30 degrees, you have to squint because the moisture on your eyeballs will freeze. At that temperature, even a little wind is dangerous if you aren't dressed properly. Anything at 10 degrees and below means you need to take special care of animals and live stock. We don't blanket our horses intentionally because doing so messes with their ability to thermo regulate. It actually makes a specific muscle or something in the hair follicle to not work as its supposed to so once you blanket, you kinda half to always blanket. That said, so long as they have a solid windbreak and steady access to calories, as well as clean drinking water, they do amazingly well. Really it's pretty similar for all livestock and humans as well. Life burns more calories in an attempt to stay warm and most animals will either gorge and hibernate or slowly nibble to keep warm. It's odd to see, because the horses for example will be covered in snow, which actually serves as an insulating layer. You guys might be surprised to know that my house is also only heated with wood in the form of a wood stove. Wood stoves are far more efficient for creating and maintaining heat than a fireplace and actually keeps my house pretty toasty as long as I keep feeding it wood. Generally it takes anywhere from 4 - 7 cords of wood to get through winters here, which are obviously far different winters than most people see. We're actually above the latitude 48 here (48th parallel north), which means that in winter, sunrise is about 9 - 9:30am and sunset is about 4:30pm. During summer sunrise is about 4:30am and its still kinda light at 10:30 - 11pm. We also are far enough north to occasionally see the northern lights (aurora borealis).
  12. yeah, planning on rolling out product again for 2024. Kind of retarded that I haven’t considering the screen printing facility.
  13. Actually warmed up out here. This was the other day…
  14. Feels like things have come full circle… I recall when Flickr presented the first real challenge to the forum… Yahoo did a pretty spectacular job dominating the internet early on and then an even more spectacular job killing off everything they touched later on including Flickr and Tumbler. Then came Facebook. I never really saw much in Facebook with its convoluted interface, but it did present the first opportunity for a massive audience and features that allowed for a little more “ownership” perhaps of profiles, online reputations and discussions. I always hated it, but I understand in hindsight especially how it was a juggernaut that we had little chance of doing much about. Incredible that other than serving as an authentication system / data mining behemoth, that all the social side of it is all but dead. Then enter Instagram… Truly the nail in the coffin to online communities everywhere, I including this one. Didn’t help that at the start of it gaining popularity, that the forum was experiencing technical issues that were far outside my ability to solve for quite a while. By this point, the powers behind those online experiences had a deep understanding of all the flaws in human behavior and how to optimize exploiting them to huge advantage. Yet here we remain. I recall about 5 or 6 or so years ago when I was working to fix all the technical issues and revive the forum how many people told me it could never happen; that forums are dead forever. It’s been an amazing journey and in part, why I’ve popped back up after another hiatus, to put together another attempt at rebuilding everything. A good many of those same people that said to give up and quit, have since come back waxing nostalgic about the forum and all but begging me to provide an alternative to social media and especially Instagram. It is indeed incredible for me to see how people invested so much time and energy in the face to build followers only to be fucked by the big platforms and their algorithms. To have their voices neutered or silenced by those algorithms and completely eroding the accomplishments of building huge follower counts. Adding insult to injury, treating most everyone like the hardly tolerated step child by shadow banning unpopular ideas and eventually shadow banning erratically because someone tripped one of their bots and then denied recourse or due process to fix the situation. Anyhow, kinda ranting here but it really is wild to me, how regularly I hear from old 12oz bloggers, as well as some of the biggest names out there - past and present - how much they miss what we had here. I believe it truly has come full circle.
  15. Bumping this back to the top, in light of a bunch of work currently being done to the forum. Maybe there’s some tips or tricks that are helpful, but also looking for you guys to add to this if you’ve since discovered a function or feature not described in this thread already that might be helpful to others. I am also considering a suggestion from @Mercerand some others that have mentioned we should have some tutorials to help build things up and make it easier for new people to slide into using the forums like a pro or for you OG’s to learn ways or making this forum easier to use or more fun. Either way, maybe it makes sense to have easy to follow guides for core stuff like posting successfully, image uploads, building out your profile and the props and rank systems. Not sure, think it would be useful?
  16. Happy this thread is still alive. Kinda crazy to go back and read, since I feel like it’s become so much more relevant in the post-pandemic, nut house of a world we’ve found ourselves in since I started this thread. I’m curious… For those that read this thread and thought about making the move, what’s help you back? Are you still hoping / planning? Anything I can do to answer questions or assist (short of lending you the money you’ll need to buy a homestead)? I’ll loop back and share some updates when I’m not typing in this mini virtual keyboard that is iPhone, but wanted to pop in and drop a note.
  17. This is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I just got an Audible trial account and loving it. Halfway through The Creature from Jekyll Island, which has been on my reading list forever. (Scary and entertaining freakin story, considering it’s supposed to be true). Planning to read Rothbard next, which has been on my reading list thanks to @Mercer
  18. Member Number 0000001. JOINED: May 7, 1999. Early 50's now. This thread makes me want to start posting stories in The Unofficial History of 12ozProphet Thread. An especially good one that is highlighted in the Spotlights section. Thank you to all of you, past and present for decades of LOLZ. This thread though, gives me the warm and fuzzies.
  19. We’ve come a long way since a kid posting drawing of cows on the forum. Crazy to see the evolution of technology and culture represented on this board.
  20. This thread is run it’s course and is now done.
  21. Link or description of grain shortage theory? Also, look at my last comment… Mind diving in?
  22. good read. thought all the news suddenly coming out about the Fed and government claiming to be able to enforce sanctions in the crypto world was kind of interesting. Maybe @Mercer can step in and give us an overview on the validity of those claims and perhaps break into the specifics of how it could be done or why it can’t? Yellen Says Treasury Will Monitor Crypto, Other Channels for Sanctions Evasion https://decrypt.co/94273/yellen-treasury-monitor-crypto-sanctions-evasion
  23. SMH… Could A Small Nuclear War Reverse Global Warming? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nuclear-war-global-warming_n_828496
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