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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Thought of this quite a bit myself. All these segregated cultures/ sub cultures seem to be doing better than the population at large. I believe it’s a result of community.
  2. just realizing that it’s been ages since I’ve seen a vending machine outside of an airport. Kind of surprised they aren’t everywhere. Then again, the way the world is these days, especially the USA, I’d imagine they wouldn’t last long. Imagine how long it would last out in the street in Portland, OR or the Bay Area.
  3. Looking back over old threads… How the hell did we ally the world to get to this place? Freakin surreal.
  4. Thank to all of you guys for making this place what it is. Still believe we’ll see a massive come back and the state of social media today is going to help that happen.
  5. somehow missed these last couple replies, but greatly appreciate it. Being honest it has not been easy. Lot of months I was late with some bill or another or skipped a purchase that anyone would agree was probably more important, just to keep this place alive. Honestly, it still hard, but I’m still trying.
  6. misteraven


    Posted this a few times over the years. Very highly recommended, even if you’ve already listened. has become more true and relevant over time. https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/personal-responsibility
  7. because government won’t let it die. Likewise, they still have their tentacles deep into other stuff, namely the pixel / ad / retargeting / authentication shit. More interesting to me than FB being a ghost town (personally not surprised) is how Instagram is largely the same. It’s not quite this bad, but they now show posts up to 5 days old, I’m seeing posts as many as 3x and feels like at least a third or more of my feed are suggestions and not anyone or anything I follow. The explore section went from a half hearted attempt to show shit I might be interested in, to click bait shock shit. Wild, but still not surprised, to see it come full circle.
  8. No, it used to briefly. In fact that WOBF collab was an experiment in getting people to pay in crypto. Thread is probably around here somewhere. But I am hoping to set this up again.
  9. Very specifically controlling environmental conditions to optimize production and quality on press. In the shot below, we’re using an industrial atomizer to bump humidity levels since we had water based inks on press. Goal to be between 45% - 60% humidity so the ink flows nicest and avoids dot loss from ink slowly drying in screens. Just another step in our efforts to maintain and deliver the utmost quality.
  10. Oddly, I've gotten an above average number of comments in this last week regarding the forum tee. As mentioned, I do plan to create new forum tees (as well as forum specific patches and stickers). One of the tees planned is a sort of bundle you get when you join VIP and prepay the year. Likely will be $60 and is more for support than anything else, but when you decide to support by paying $60, you'll get a forum tee that is only available via VIP, as well as a patch and sticker set. Additionally, I plan to do a series of forum tees and thinking of spinning off a sub-brand of 12ozProphet, called the Official Bootleg Series (like the last book) and potentially selling that line of tees for $20. If so, at that price point, even with the print facility, it's going to be a bit punk rock in its execution - printed neck Lebel, simpler printing probably limited to no more than three colors, no packaging and different blank than the 12ozProphet stuff. I'm still thinking it through, but trying to find a way to support the community and kids that just want a cool tee that is priced no brainer, versus being able to do all the over the top production and quality that has always defined 12ozProphet. I've been putting a lot of thought and energy into these ideas lately and expect to start rolling some stuff out pretty soon. Still mostly a one man band as far as that goes, but its gaining traction and definitely making progress.
  11. @ndv By garnular I mean I can't make a rule that is only for that thread or a rule that is for the forum as a whole, but excludes a specific thread. It's either a universal function or its not.
  12. I can't make it that granular. I can make it so that when you register, you need XX posts before starting a thread. In some ways its easier to identify spam when its a new thread, than a new post.
  13. So you're advocating to get rid of the feature? Surprised so many don't like it.
  14. Calling this the One Man Banned Tweak... Cut the post merge feature in half, so it's now one minute instead of two. Balance between everyone's desire to shit post and keeping these tidy, especially when it comes to spam.
  15. Working on it guys... Trying to get the facility stabilized, which is where my focus has been for this last while. Definitely working on it though. Soon...
  16. When’s the last time @PurpleNerple has dropped by this thread?
  17. @Mercer dude, which armpit of the dark webz are you pulling these videos from LOL
  18. Fun little video we made just to give people a little peak. It’ll be interesting art of a slide show or something I’m planning to post on Instagram. You guys get to see it early. 12ozCollective_Talking Terps_Loupe Reel.mov
  19. Amazing man, thanks for sharing. Love seeing threads like this.
  20. I think you guys are simply seeing lags. Whether it’s the network (WiFi or cellular) or the app or device I’m unsure. Hopefully the big update I keep mentioning later this month is a bit better in terms of obvious feedback but reality is our resources are a laughable fraction of what I’m sure most apps have (especially the big dogs making the apps you probably spend the most time using) so doing my best with what help I have available (very little). Hang tight and hopefully there’s a big jump in experience with this next update. I’ll give you all a heads up as we draw close.
  21. Think we should do one meme per post so that comments and reactions are more focused and accurate. A couple of these made me LOL, but others were meh, so was confused about the reactions.
  22. Going to add to my watch list. Kids are too old, but looks dope.
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