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Everything posted by misteraven

  1. Not for nothing, but this has been by far the best rally / outreach we've pulled off so far. Congrats to everyone participating! Might just be some hope yet for this. Again, another heads up that we're beta testing a dedicated iPhone App. Should be out officially this summer, but might make this a lot easier for everyone to jump back in if they setup the beta.
  2. Amazing, glad you dropped by! Just a heads up that we're beta testing a dedicated iPhone App. Should be out officially this summer. Welcome back dude! Just a heads up that we're beta testing a dedicated iPhone App. Should be out officially this summer.
  3. Definitely nostalgic. Some of it doesn’t even seem real to me. Kind like something I dream up until I stumble on old photos like this or bump into someone that was there. Hopefully there’s plenty of fun times ahead of us especially with everything picking back up.
  4. @Kr430n5_666 @GLIK$ @Poop Man Bob @boogie hands @ImChristeezy
  5. I believe it’s actually latency issues but unsure. Could be a slow connection or server issues. Very likely also amplified by how true apps handle that as well as caching so that all remains smooth. Anyhow, looking like the big forum update is pushed to April so will be a little longer before I can get too much deeper into it. Hopefully it remains usable and fun in the meantime.
  6. Fun little video showcasing our ability to embroidery. Fun fact: My son digitized and stitched this out. He actually runs the embroidery / Coloreel side of things. Anyhow, you guys get to see the video first. Enjoy! 12ozCollective_Kanye.mov
  7. Reminding you guys that @Kults actually started a whole group on this.
  8. Inspired by this comment from @fat ralphy ... https://forum.12ozprophet.com/topic/95790-the-rebirth-of-12ozprophet/?do=findComment&comment=6534019 What are the main Instagram accounts you see out there of people steady benching, walking and traveling for graffiti and posting images of it all. Not the writers themselves, but dudes that are known for always taking and sharing flix? Maybe I can reach out and work something out with a few of the main ones to help encourage graffiti content in those forums? We know this is a better user experience to see, share and discuss graffiti than Instagram anyways. Has to be a way to work something out yo get them posting on here as well / instead?
  9. Definitely something I need to be better at encouraging and supporting as well. It'll build... Still a lot of people out there taking photos and benching. Just need to get more of them on here instead of wasting energy posting on Instagram just for them to get buried.
  10. Feels like a lifetime ago when I was staying at an ex girlfriend's apartment on Forsyth park. Downloading music all day and countless hours on the forum, LOL. Think @diggity took that apartment over at some point. Damn, so crazy to think of those days and where we're all at now.
  11. Wow, welcome back my dude! Really wild to see all this...
  12. An email hit my inbox that is a pretty interesting topic. Hopefully not as contentious a subject as straight politics, but I can kind of see both sides of the debate, though my general position is that people should be free to do anything they want to do, so long as it doesn't encroach on others. I assume at the very least, we need to insure that things are entirely transparent. Anyhow, what say you? Should Florida ban lab grown meat? 🧪 Where does the free market end? This month the Florida house approved a bill banning the sale or possession of lab grown meat. Last week I was surprised listening to the 4 members of popular business/tech-billionaire podcast “All In” calling this ban irrational. They typically represent a broad spectrum of views politically, but they were unanimously against this ban, calling it regulatory capture by Florida’s $1B ranching industry and an attack on free markets. Otherwise smart people fail to see that a laissez-faire approach to food tech permanently displaces defenseless staple foods via convenience and cost cutting, ultimately putting them in a high-end niche and making them forever inaccessible to large parts of the country. The crowding out of staple foods like quality bread and butter by ultra-processed food is a key contributor to America’s unique chronic disease and obesity crises.
  13. @Tesseract @diggity @seeking @King Of Hell @LastBoyScout @Cracked Ass @Ouija @beardo @FREDDY KRUEGER @sofarok
  14. Very amazing to see so many OG’s popping through. Wondering if we can coordinate a date and time to all jump on at the same time and see how close we can get to the flow we had back in the day with threads moving in near real time?
  15. I can mass email the entire forum. Going to cause a shit ton of bounces though.
  16. https://trueelements.wordpress.com/2009/04/28/from-the-pages-of-12oz-prophet/ Some good old photos here on this post.
  17. This one looks freakin nuts, especially with the way things seem to be going. Hopefully it remains Hollywood fiction, but damn, if I can't see it happening with all the stupidity going on.
  18. Beets are an awesome one in my option.Think I talked about it in my Off Grid thread, but besides eating the beets at the end of the season, you can east the leaves for a few weeks / month leading up to it. Super tasty as well for greens.
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