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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2019 in Posts

  1. i did these in class yesterday with a ballpoint pen and a gray marker, top ones gonna be the next thing i paint
    3 points
  2. Done, feels good dusting off the cobwebs
    3 points
  3. Call me when you need someone in charge of peeing in butts, so long as they're female. No training required.
    3 points
  4. If you don't want to read, scroll on, if you want to participate like an adult, do. If you're only capable of trolling or dismissing, get fucked and go to channel zero.
    3 points
  5. Less anal fisting stuff, more memes. Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises, Fredrick A Hayek, Murray N Rothbard, Hans Herman Hoppe Carl Marx
    2 points
  6. Props, at that age/weight I'd take every opportunity to show off. Balls frying on the hot asphalt style.
    2 points
  7. While I don't think@Hua Guofangis racist, or @Dirty_habiTis genuinely hurt/offended, calling out "white privilege" is 100% racist. Why would his point be less valid based on his race? If his point is invalid explain why, this ad hominem shortcut is invalid. Nothing against @Hua Guofangbecause again, I don't think he intended to take the conversation here, it's generally socially acceptable to be racist against white people for some reason, but that doesn't make it right. Anything that is deemed unacceptable/acceptable to say about one race, and not another is a blatant double standard. If we're talking how one race has a tendency to do ___________, like in the case of statistics showing white people have privilege, we're OK (obviously depending on how it's presented). To use "white privilege" in the context of a debate, to diminish the position a white person may be taking in that debate is a substandard move, and in my opinion has no place in this section of the forum. Some people think white people are so superior to all other races in every way, they'll excuse this type of racism on the grounds they think it doesn't matter anyway, being white is so far superior that you should not get upset at these racist acts. These people are known as "progressives", and they founded American racism. They're the people that fought against freeing slaves in the U.S., built internment camps for Japanese during WWII, founded the KKK, and were responsible for the current government dysgenics program known as the modern welfare state which is responsible for a tremendous amount of inequity between races. LBJ is on tape describing it as such using racist language. This double standard, and it's assumption/underlying belief that white people are so superior they need no coddling/protections like other races is in fact racist, and a harmful belief. People should always be judged on merit, and dismissing an opposing point of view based on the proponent's race is alway's 100% wrong. I'm not saying white people aren't in fact privileged in many aspects generally speaking. I'm pointing out how this casual racism points to an underlying racist viewpoint, it may be socially acceptable, but this type of racist behavior is harmful. Trust me, as a minority myself I genuinely find it offensive, even though I know the people engaging in this type of behavior don't intend to be racist. You wouldn't use this same logic to say (insert non-white race) are uneducated, so your opponent's position must be uneducated, and therefore invalid, so why do it to white people? This seemingly minor step of applying a stereotype to an individual to dismiss their opinion is poor sportsmanship. I've noticed we're all, (including myself) starting to slip into unproductive, unsportsman like conversations, and debates. I've decided to take a step back, look at what I'm typing (sometimes I don't like what I see) and be a little more civil in here because I genuinely enjoy debating, we should all consider this. We should all be trying to use less ad hominem, and more facts to get our points across.
    2 points
  8. For real...who got time for edging lol
    2 points
  9. It's a good thing that didn't sound racist as shit. I'd have to feel like you were a somewhat unintelligent dip shit for saying that. Phwew.
    2 points
  10. I'm in the news section of a forum that for about 19 years was only trafficked by adults interested in serious conversation and the occasional Christian hoping to save our souls. It is YOU who is in the wrong place with an inability or refusal to read relevant conversation.
    2 points
  11. Gold. Pure gold. Back in May, three Indiana judges got into a fight. It was the crescendo of an incident brimming with colorful details: a gaggle of judges drinking the night before a judicial conference, a failed attempt to visit a strip club called the Red Garter, a brawl in the parking lot of an Indianapolis White Castle. The altercation apparently started sometime after 3 a.m., when one of the judges, Sabrina Bell, raised a middle finger at two men yelling from a passing SUV, and ended after one of those men shot two of the judges. In between, the three judges took a number of actions that "discredited the entire Indiana judiciary," according to an opinion posted by the Indiana Supreme Court this week, suspending the judges. The court found that the three — Andrew Adams, Bradley Jacobs and Sabrina Bell — had "engaged in judicial misconduct by appearing in public in an intoxicated state and behaving in an injudicious manner and by becoming involved in a verbal altercation." Adams and Jacobs engaged in further judicial misconduct "by becoming involved in a physical altercation for which Judge Adams was criminally charged and convicted." The document lays out the events as soberly as possible, but the details remain spicy: "While in town to attend a statewide educational conference for judicial officers, 10 hours before the program convened, Respondents walked the streets of downtown Indianapolis in a heavily intoxicated state. When Judge Bell extended her middle finger to a passing vehicle, neither Judge Adams nor Judge Jacobs discouraged the provocation or removed themselves from the situation." The three had ended up at a White Castle after trying to go to a strip club at 3 a.m. and finding it closed. A fourth judge went into the White Castle, while Bell, Adams and Jacobs stood outside. Two men in the passing vehicle, Alfredo Vazquez and Brandon Kaiser, parked their car after the gesture from Bell. Bell and Vasquez traded further insults. A physical altercation ensued among the four men, with Adams and Vasquez allegedly hitting and kicking each other as Jacobs and Kaiser wrestled on the ground. Kaiser then allegedly pulled a gun and shot Adams once in the stomach and Jacobs twice in the chest. Adams and Jacobs were both seriously wounded and required emergency surgeries; Jacobs was hospitalized for two weeks. Bell tried to stop the fighting by pounding on the door of White Castle for help and calling 911 once shots were fired. While at the scene, Bell was recorded on video telling police detectives something akin to "I feel like this is all my fault," though the opinion notes that Bell "was intoxicated enough that she lacks any memory of the incident." Kaiser, who allegedly shot Adams and Jacobs, has been charged with 14 crimes related to the brawl, including four charges of felony aggravated battery, according to The Indianapolis Star. The court suspended both Jacobs and Bell for 30 days without pay. Adams, who pleaded guilty in September to one count of misdemeanor battery, is suspended for 60 days without pay. He was sentenced to 365 days in jail but was required to serve only two. In the White Castle incident, the court said, the three judges "gravely undermined public trust in the dignity and decency of Indiana's judiciary." The court says its penalties are designed "not primarily to punish a judge, but rather to preserve the integrity of and public confidence in the judicial system" and, when necessary, to remove those who are unfit.
    1 point
  12. Whatever you have to tell yourself to make yourself feel better is ok with me. When you offer "campaign support" to jugaloons then it's a "birds of a feather" type deal. You have a red nose and big floppy shoes for not realizing that. Crusade through with your shield up on the defense though if you like..... nobody is here to stop you from doing that. So which one are you btw, because I didn't say your name? Are you Kruger or Bozo? We know who Dunning is.
    1 point
  13. I think commenting on, and calling out views expressed in the memes posted in this thread is 100% valid. Post's in this entire section of the forum are all up for debate as far as I'm concerned. It would be boring, and suck if this thread, section turned into yet another conservative/liberal echo chamber.
    1 point
  14. Also, I find it dope nobody is commenting on how fucked it is these judges got into a brawl. The double standard of believing people in government are somehow infallible, and should be allowed to make all decisions for an otherwise inferior public is fading away. If people can't be trusted to govern their own actions, why would you put people in a position to govern over actions of countless others. After all, humans are not, and cannot be perfect. This is the perfect example.
    1 point
  15. Oh, I didn't realize that you guys were that color of stupid in here. I got it, there's nothing to say if you believe in "privilege". You've been indoctrinated by the left. I don't see why it's so difficult for you guys to see that what @Hua Guofangsaid is racist. So you guys are rallying around someone who said something that was obviously racist. Sounds familiar to democrat activities of the past. You guys are clowns. Dunning, Kruger, and Bozo.
    1 point
  16. Pops really nicely, mate.
    1 point
  17. Let's not sidestep the issue at hand here. You said some racist shit. You don't care if you say racist shit. That's something a racist does. It takes either super thick skin to not care or just an incredible amount of ignorance. So, I wonder if you'd man up and just come out and say you're a racist, or if you'd just dance all around it acting like you're not a care bear when it comes to what I say. You obviously care because you responded. Ooop, here comes Hua, everyone shut up and listen to the wisdom that is fixin to be pasted.
    1 point
  18. Mate, I just don't care what you think. That's all there is to it.
    1 point
  19. This statement gives away the emotional nature of your perspective on this, and a clear failure in logical consistency. If someone is engaged in fighting in a war, or conducting espionage "innocence" is can only be determined by what side of the conflict you ask. In context to this situation, a consideration for innocence is simply inconsistent. There's only the facts that people may have been harmed that are relevant. These people are harmed during these conflicts mainly because of the conflict itself if we're determining innocence. In my opinion the reporters, and the consequences of their reporting are protected here legally, and damn sure don't apply to foreign press. The 1st Amendment applies, in that it allows people to express themselves through publication AKA freedom of press. Because they chose to voluntarily, or supported their own governments efforts, but nobody is legally obligated to do so because it breaks the law governing where government is allowed to encroach. The deaths of actual innocent people, and more can be a direct consequence to facts being published, even if a foreign government deems those facts state secrets. The spreading of facts in general tend to have many negative, and positive consequences in general. Many otherwise unknown facts have been published in the press that had heavier real life consequences than what Assange has shared, legally. Again, not saying what he did was right or wrong here specifically. I'm just saying his so called type of Journalism (leaking), is journalism nonetheless. He's crossed no legal line, it's the government actors that are responsible for keeping state secrets, but it isn't the rest of the worlds responsibility, especially the foreign press's. Feelings can often be misleading.
    1 point
  20. I think many of us here would be happy if you just kept the USA out of your mouth @Hua Guofang. Not only did you not learn "two wrongs don't make a right." But you also didn't learn "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything." NOBODY can be "right" around you. If you haven't noticed (just check the views vs replies). There are many people that have shut up on these topics. Those high view counts are not you just hitting reload on the page, they're actually people reading this shit and being like.... welp fuck that, you can't argue with someone that's never wrong. What's it like at the top? Lonely?
    1 point
  21. today I learned that Bubble tea is also called Boba Tea...
    1 point
  22. News News, politics and current events. Formal off-topic discussion.
    1 point
  23. News News, politics and current events. Formal off-topic discussion.
    1 point
  24. Hey joker I seen ur criticism on elbows symetrical shit, ignore that shit where the bottom of the a and n connect I know the ks a bit too tall but this is a rough one
    1 point
  25. Sick. Never seen that label before.
    1 point
  26. Stopped in at my mates pub near work, they’ve just had a sour beer takeover and there’s some good stuff lef
    1 point
  27. I have a pair, take it from a music producer, they are legit. @KILZ FILLZ
    1 point
  28. `I'm not super prepared to be honest but after the thread about the people on the train a few months back I took a few steps: Light: three torches ( two that can be lanterns) plus a supply of tea light candles etc for light. Plus some solar lights that might help in a pinch. Batteries to be honest are low because my kids keep using them for toys. Water: my house has 4 rainwater tanks that were pre - existing when I bought the place. We'd have 2000 gallons roughly but half of it is pretty scuzzy due to leaves falling in the tank but you could drink it in times of need. The other tanks are pretty clean so would be okay. Cooking: due to Chinese people living in my house we have a second kitchen in back of shed for greasy/ stinky food powered by a gas bottle plus a gas powered barbecue so there's at least one full gas bottle at any times Food: I have enough dried stuff for a few weeks but they'll be pretty horrible weeks. Lots of dried pasta, asian noodles, rice jars of pesto,, pasta sauce, tinned foods such as tomatoes spaghetti, beans, tuna etc ( circa 100 tins all up).,a big thing of milk powder. Weet bix and crackers some dried split peas and lentils for soups .etc. We have an orange tree that always has fruit on it - we can't eat enough of them . Subject to time of year we'd also have pomegranates, apples, lemons and another apple tree. POWER: currently my solar panels are useless - they feed back into the grid but I'm looking for a way to start storing some of that power to run things like a fridge in the back shed so that in times of need we'd still have cold (er) food. Long and short if things went down for a week or two tops we'd be okay but after that all bets would be off I think. Doesn't include gasoline issues which would surely be a problem after 1-2 days and doesn't include when the less prepared start to lose their shit. Side note these two have moved in under my deck. Bluetongue lizards. Have told the kids to leave them alone - harmless and good to have about. welcome aboard you good things - eat as many bugs as you want. these are a couple and will hang out together for life.
    1 point
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