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Fapitalism last won the day on March 9 2020

Fapitalism had the most liked content!


1,417 Someone you can trust to help bury a body in the woods


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  1. Smash midgets. Trash hep c golem. Trash Ace Ventoprah Winfrey.
  2. I might actually leave the safety of the dank memes thread today and explore ch.0 a little. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?
  3. Agree. But I think we severely neglect alternative energy sources. It's funny how people talk about solar, wind, thermal, etc not being as sufficient as fossil, but no one talks about using them all at once along side with fossil. Reduction, not elimination.
  4. I'd be all over this thread if I was back home. Been in Canada for a minute, gotta pay the queen $20 just to fart.
  5. I lived in Kihei, Maui when I was a kid. They don't fuck around, especially if you're a haole mainlander. If you don't bring anything to the table and can't prove yourself in a fight, you're gonna have a rough fucking time. Take up knitting, get really good at being invisible. It took me a couple beat downs before they let me hang out at the youth center. I never wanted to leave.
  6. Life didn't make sense until I visited this thread. Still doesn't. But it's nice to see someone living the life I wish I could. Extinction party. I love terrible tattoos. They fucking speak. I gotta do Kinko's up here, no one likes my OC. Lucky me where I live one major indigenous group's flag is an infinity symbol. They all want sick tattys with my Chinese guns bruh. Real talk though, if we replaced the Kardashians with Bloodfarts o m fucking lorrrrrd I'd be all alone in my apartment searching for Kardashian threads.
  7. I'm so ready to snitch on Hillary
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