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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2009 in all sections

  1. grabbed some shoes grabbed a bike headed that way rode around under this speakerbox? saw this go by rip ghetto b went this way stoplit on the water yacht club world trade under the bridge reflect holidays are near
    3 points
  2. O SNAP! fereal, you're a turd. now stfu.
    3 points
  3. Ice Nerves.. check your flickr, I only had time for these 8 tonight, don't think any of them will even make the cut so they're no longer "exclusive". enjoy: I changed my mind about one of them, only 7flicks after all.
    3 points
  4. heads kinda swimming. I loved a girl once. Only one. I stopped keeping track of how many i fucked. Abcs generally speaking dont love them hoes. Anyways. I haven't seen this girl in 4 years she moved to LA and was dating a chik. Calls me tonite wants to kik it. Now officially i hated her ever since but then it hit me. In situations like this. Fact that you have strong emotions at all suggests the very opposite of hate. I really cant call it. Not sure what to make of it. So tonite we got a drink. But now she wants to see me again tomorrow and i dont kno what to do. Its somewhere in between take it very slow or dont take it at all. This isnt about sex either. This girl wasn't the best lay. There was just always something about her that fucked my head up
    1 point
  5. Second day of snow here, but the first was back in the middle of October. So I developed my first good roll film today, followed by a 36 exposure loss. I've learned that the recommended temperatures are bullshit for me. To develop prints, the developer I'm using says to keep it at 68F (20C) and leave it in the developer for 60 seconds, but I only get good results when I have the temperature at least at 75 and then it takes about 100 seconds to get a good print. The only good roll of film (out of three) I got today was about at 80~82F and 30 seconds longer than what they said. The other film was just a 10 exposure test from a bulk loader, but I think that film is expired, and the 36 exposure was a nice Ilford delta 400 that I was excited to see. All in all, I'm just pissed off about how much all these recommended times and temperatures have been off for me. That said, my aunt got 5 "new" slr cameras so we tested out a couple of those today using the kodak 400cn stuff and got it developed at walmart. Tomorrow I should have some snow pictures, but now cows will have to do. These are all test bs. If anyone can guess what this is for. Mega-props.
    1 point
  6. i am still completely hung over from last night. and i vomited in a walmart today. it sucked.
    1 point
  7. bump!! you are so right! hahaha what a toy auner must be some lil kid who just started he dont know about og augor who has been around for years!!!! keep this going more talk about auner!!!!!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. got these yesterday http://img43.imageshack.us/i/shoes003z.jpg/
    1 point
  11. I just really don't see how you attribute the several acids you claim to be in brake fluid to eat away at varnish and paint, or for any fact of the matter, be corrosive at all. Brake fluid contains many bases that are additives whose only purpose is to be "corrosion inhibiters," essentially negating any acidic effects that would in theory be present in brake fluid because of the acids such as boric acid, which I will add is one of the weakest acids in existence. And as far as fish oil goes, fatty acids are not in any way going to add a "corrosive" element to your ink.
    1 point
  12. i went to the moma yesterday. only took pics of art
    1 point
  13. Deflate your dome and change the tone
    1 point
  14. Big5 and company did some awesome pieces for a show we did about a year ago. they had some real clean fades inside the pieces and im not quite sure how they did it. these peices were to scale also, not the ginormous pieces writers usually do on models. if it was spray paint then yeah i have no clue. it will probably remain a trade secret. perhaps they were using empty cans.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. False i'ma risk it n live on the wildside tpbm likes christmas movies
    1 point
  17. Seagull, thank you for the repost of our flicks. It's greatly appreciated, as well as critisisms. Unfortunately until you post your flicks your word means nothing.
    1 point
  18. ^^^^^you really could have just kept that to yourself. its understood at this point.
    1 point
  19. this is simply amazing my friend.. perfection this thread is gettin really hot i feel everyone in here is improving, and ther is no toys to ruin it at the moment
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. NO NO NO...This shit is extremely weak, lazily executed, unfinished? and on the verge of " extremely toy." These skinny (Ebay hustling', drug thinkin' (wantin') addicted) etc, etc, etc,drugged out white boys ( and heavy set Negroes??? (bus riding, pedaling)Shit, I don't know...(talk about it for a few pages...) talk crazy game about"fighting"(?) Young guy please...you 28? 42? "putting in work" ,etc... Only to post Utube clips of played out poor quality hum drum bebop that my sister's son (my nephew) did when he was experimenting with finger paints/crayons in the late 80's...( on accident) That's a no no...(WWl, Ouch...this is in reference to your poorly thought out themes, fills, quotes, and whatevs, whatevs... you know...I'm kinda sorry to be the one to say, just sayin') Your shit is rhetorical and uninteresting. Don't keep kidding yourself, step up or step off...(OFF) ( I guess, right?) Run game, preach "hip hop", (Bombing) do you.................(Don't do what you've been doing) whatever..you're the bosses, right? )Discuss) All a' yall act like you're bosses, out patrolling the hip hop 206 scene (etc), this is not the case... You live in the past, you're old, like me (34)....stop. You're done.. (No,I'm not!!!)( Yes, you are) Whatever... Real recognize real???(toy statement)...real talk...(how embarrassing) Bubbles,quotes, etc... you're running noticeably low on ideas...You won't admit it, but anybody with half a noggin knows the deal... (Where's EUROPE) Ouch, you're running the gamut...to no avail... say (when you speak) blah...( Who's this guy from the late 90's bay area?) poopin' ( Who's this guy? Wreckin' the block?) Don't front...it's silly, son. Give your girl a (props) for old times sake...he he (Oh, no girl, the last one???) Lil' Sammy Jr... WWl, you're tired (sorry, but it's becoming evident), out of creativity, and scrounging for respect... Give it a rest (OC80) poppin'up out of nowhere,(somewhere) barkin'... callin' shots, blah blah... cats keep talking and fronting, but their self proclaimed style??? (most would consider weak/played) real talk, no squawk! Unfortunately, this will cause a page or three of rebuttal ( which it seems you all like to read anyways)l, refuse, and poop poop squalkin', ( 3A writes with poop) but someone has to speak from their beak...nobody else has the gall to put these cats to the wall... (Side note...all that Blink shit is weak too , played, same as usual, boring, lame, just silly....Task, oh my god...this can't be for real... Shit, you made me log in just to tell you what you already know... shame ON ME... (I see Ouch was probably crying on my PM, but I don't have time to read his tears(Palestine???)...my girl's crying for a snake salad, I gotta bounce... I hope your shit came off tonight...(probably not) Typical... PSSSSSSSSSSSS...no PM will be read, responded to or laughed about...take this as constructive criticism, and keep livin' your silly Graff lives..(you know what I mean) (Yo honey, is chicken heated and wet???....aigth, I'm gonna grab a chilled one and piss first, hold up....
    1 point
  22. http://www.myfitteds.com/vgrteneweraf.html http://www.myfitteds.com/vgrfublnewer1.html
    1 point
  23. matter fact i holla!!
    1 point
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