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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2011 in Posts

  1. the only time in the past month that i took any pictures was when my 92 year old grandmother came to visit, back in panama now so i should be posting a lot more often:
    3 points
  2. I haven't read any of this thread, but it seems like girl problems... there is only one way to deal with this sir
    2 points
  3. THE LITERATURE THE VEGAS DAZE THE END Hope I didnt step on anyones toes by posting too many photos. Enjoy
    2 points
  4. i just finished my first week of college today and i will say it feels great. its been 15 years or so since i been in a classroom. i got skrewed tho i gotta be there monday thru saturday, six days is kind of rough for this ex-slacker... fuck it tho it fun learning shit. hopefully someday i will choose not to partake in this activity even tho i made it happen
    1 point
  5. its obviously WAY over your head. you want to ban guns because they can cause harm. trans fat, salt, and white water rafting trips also cause harm. you cannot legislate away the risks and possible harm that result from various activities. since you cant comprehend this, its better for you to stick with the cars, ball peen hammers, ice picks and bic pens (beginning of casino... pen into neck)are just as capable of 'enhancing' the 'violent nature of a crime.' do you think we should ban these because these objects can be lethal and are capable of enhancing the violent nature of crime?
    1 point
  6. So I can rob a gas station with trans fats? I can maim a US Congresswoman with white water rafting accessories? Its not guns... its CRIME with guns. Cheeseburgers dont enhance the violent nature of crime, but a gun does. I dont think if this nutjob was armed with cheeseburgers the results would have been the same.
    1 point
  7. but, but, but, but,.... the machete genocides in africa arent bad at all, because, uh, well, a machete was DESIGNED and, uh, was created with the intention of just merely hacking trails through brush and trimming trees and bushes!
    1 point
  8. best thing you can do is pick up john taylor gatto's books
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. i reckon its like putting loads of money into a slot machine for hours, except hundreds more people are doing the same thing, in the same slot machine. then it finally cashes out, and nobodys a winner except one dude, and the slot machine.
    1 point
  11. these fools didnt call! but i had my phone off alot so idk maybe they did i got some dope flicks and some stock video footage, we'll be getting south central/east la, etc. next time, holla holla p.s how you gonna be all hood with the homies drinking 40's next to the low lows and shit and have a elmo jump around in your front yard just saying
    1 point
  12. http://www.underground-productions.se/default.asp?p=arkiv&arkiv=500 this is pretty strange
    1 point
  13. http://m.lifehacker.com/5444274/five-best-dvd+ripping-tools
    1 point
  14. Really liking that last one Mayor. From todays outing. An abandoned textile mill. Neat spot. I fell in a stream on my way out...it was really cold. Hahaha.
    1 point
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Or a man. To man him up. Don't ever be a sucka for love. Love can change a man in many ways. it i'll fuck your head up. So just fuck bitches and when you're ready to settle down find a nice descent chick at a bookstore or the library man.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. It has FUN in the name so how could it be a scam????? I wish I would have thought of this.
    1 point
  20. whats so funny about this sentence? it was a simple, serious question.
    1 point
  21. yet my only question would be why you choose to see penis's, out of a womens thigh.
    1 point
  22. not necessarily, if you were printing your own negs you could burn the shit out of the sky
    1 point
  23. wow I think the concept of this movie went over some peoples heads
    1 point
  24. you can fuck as many bitches as you want but as soon as she cheats on you she gets dropped, thats what being a male is all about, dont you guys know anything? pimps up hoes down
    1 point
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