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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2009 in Posts

  1. Wow. Talk about douchebaggery.
    5 points
  2. i was like awwman i dont have a mucha lucha mask but then i wear it sideways thats the style and the rest of day in pies
    3 points
  3. a homie wrote and directed this short little comedy clip as a school project if im not mistaken, im just helping him get it viewed by another crowd that might not have checked it out. its got me laughing let me kow what you guys think and ill pass along the critics. thanks. Hold My Chain - watch more funny videos
    2 points
  4. I have some stuff you might like, theme. If you have it, then never mind. Grateful Dead 08/27/72 Old Renaissance Faire Grounds - Veneta, OR Ron Pigpen McKernan - Apartment Demos 1965 - 1966
    2 points
    2 points
  6. ShynePo FREE AT LAST PEOPLE FREE AT LAST MOSES MICHAEL LEVIY IS HOME!!! HAPPY SUKKOT!!! I DONT QUITE GET THIS TWOOTER THING BUT IM ABOUT TO CHECK MY EMAILS ShynePo @aol I’VE GOT MAIL! GIMME MY EMAIL MY USER NAME IS BADBOY1 AND MY PASSWORD IS PASSWORD ShynePo @AOL HELLO? CLICKETY CLACK BADBOY1 PASSWORD @ShynePo *picks phone up off modem, peers into it* ShynePo FUCK MAN THEY TOLD ME UPSTATE THINGS DONE CHANGED BUT I DO NOT GET THIS AT ALL iamdiddy @ShynePo Shyne baby! You’re back! Sorry I couldn’t be there to pick you up this morning, but I was too busy uStreaming myself trying to close my mouth all the way! Let’s go! ShynePo @iamdiddy USTREAMING YEAH YEAH WE HAD TO DO THAT EVERY COUPLE OF MONTHS IN THE BING, CONTRABAND AND ALL THAT. LET’S GO WHERE, THOUGH? I HOPE IT’S THE STUDIO, BECAUSE I GOTTA LACE ALL THOSE TRACKS FOR THE BAD BOY SUPERGROUP ALBUM I’M DOING WITH CAIN AND MARK CURRY! iamdiddy @ShynePo …ah, man, we gotta talk. Don’t worry, I put together a new video explaining everything! Peep it on YouTube! iamdiddy *Sets up tripod, consults Stephon Marbury’s Guide to Overexposing Your Crazy* ShynePo @iamdiddy YOUTUBE IS THAT LIKE HOTBOT PUFF? iamdiddy @ShynePo Hotbot? Puff? Hahahaha who is you ni**a, Rip Van Wrinkled? Thanks for shootin’ up that chick’s nose and all, but I’m DIDDY! I ran a marathon! I replaced all my regular teeth with baby shark teeth! I wear a tuxedo to bed! I’M CIROC OBAMA! ShynePo WTF IS A CROCKOBAMA THAT SHIT SOUND LIKE A SOUTHERN-ASS ALLIGATOR MAN THIS IS TERRIBLE I’M GONNA ASK JEEVES WHAT TO DO ShynePo @AskJeeves HEY JEEVES I CAN’T FIGURE ANY OF THIS SHIT OUT I DON’T KNOW HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH PEOPLE I EVEN BOUGHT BLACKBERRIES AT C-TOWN BUT ALL THEY DID WAS MAKE MY THUMBS PURPLE BarringtonLevy @ShynePo U biddlywiddlywhoa? Let’s get this waddlyziddly doooooough! ShynePo @BarringtonLevy SORRY FAM TIMES CHANGE I HEARD THEM LITTLE NI**AS B2K ARE THE ONES TO ROLL WITH SO I 2-WAYED CHRIS STOKES. WE’RE MEETING AT THE TELLY LATER! HE SAID HE HAD A GREAT DEAL FOR ME! BarringtonLevy @ShynePo But he’s a kiddly diddly noooooo! ShynePo @BarringtonLevy WHAT, SHOULD I NOT TAKE A LOOK AT THE PACKAGE HE’S OFFERING? PausePolice @ShynePo Ayo, son, pause! ShynePo @PausePolice FAST FORWARD! NO, REWIND! FUCK, I DUNNO, HOW DO YOU PLAY THIS GAME? Tami760 @ShynePo whoa.. found a date @http://bit.ly/hBy70 (: ShynePo @Tami760 BIT WHAT NOW? YA PARENTHESIS POINTING IN THE WRONG DIRECTION SON! @iamdiddy Nah, man, that’s spam, you gotta ignore that. Twitter’s not for listening, it’s for talking! To people you don’t know! It’s about sanctimonious platitudes and juice fasts and self promotion! Save all that other shit for Tumblr and Facebook! ShynePo FOR WHO AND WHAT?! GODDAMN I’M ABOUT TO START CRYING OVER HERE FUCK ALL THIS INTERNET SHIT LEMME JUST TURN ON THE RADIO ShynePo HMMMMM ShynePo WHAT IS A DRAKE? ShynePo WHAT IS A KID CUDI?? ShynePo WHAT IS A JERKIN’???!?!?!?! ShynePo *gives up, becomes a rabbi*
    2 points
  7. Today was decent, and i'm bored and took pictures of most if it. So I guess i'll post it here. I woke up, got out of bed and since I had no work Hit the Trail to the yard to kill some hours... Met some Woman who was on the phone with the cops, I guess she heard Gunshots in the woods but the cops argued with her and wouldn't come. Claiming that they didn't know what trail she was on. So we talked about cops and such. Back on track to the yard I'm there, and it's chill... While at the yard I heard a quad and thought it was the bull so I ended up hiding between those hoppers...turns out it was some dickhead kid riding all around getting it hot. So I got back on the trail and went to grab some food. These are cheap and taste like funyuns with hot sauce Fail Delicious Lo Main for Dinner and Now i'm here
    2 points
  8. The Long Now The Long Now Foundation was established in 01996* to develop the Clock and Library projects, as well as to become the seed of a very long term cultural institution. The Long Now Foundation hopes to provide counterpoint to today's "faster/cheaper" mind set and promote "slower/better" thinking. We hope to creatively foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years. The Clock and Library Projects Civilization is revving itself into a pathologically short attention span. The trend might be coming from the acceleration of technology, the short-horizon perspective of market-driven economics, the next-election perspective of democracies, or the distractions of personal multi-tasking. All are on the increase. Some sort of balancing corrective to the short-sightedness is needed-some mechanism or myth which encourages the long view and the taking of long-term responsibility, where 'long-term' is measured at least in centuries. Long Now proposes both a mechanism and a myth. It began with an observation and idea by computer scientist Daniel Hillis: Such a clock, if sufficiently impressive and well engineered, would embody deep time for people. It should be charismatic to visit, interesting to think about, and famous enough to become iconic in the public discourse. Ideally, it would do for thinking about time what the photographs of Earth from space have done for thinking about the environment. Such icons reframe the way people think. Hillis, who developed the 'massive parallel' architecture of the current generation of supercomputers, devised the mechanical design of the Clock and is now building the second prototype (the first prototype is on display in London at the Science Museum). The Clock's works consist of a binary digital-mechanical system which is so accurate and revolutionary that we have patented several of its elements. (With 32 bits of accuracy it has precision equal to one day in 20,000 years, and it self-corrects by 'phase-locking' to the noon Sun.) For the way the eventual Clock is experienced (its size, structure, etc.), we expect to keep proliferating design ideas for a while. In 01999 Long Now purchased part of a mountain in eastern Nevada whose high white limestone cliffs may make an ideal site for the ultimate 10,000-year Clock. In the meantime Danny Hillis and Alexander Rose continue to experiment with ever-larger prototype Clocks. Long Now added a "Library" dimension with the realization of the need for content to go along with the long-term context provided by the Clock - a library of the deep future, for the deep future. In a sense every library is part of the 10,000-year Library, so Long Now is developing tools (such as the Rosetta Disk, The Long Viewer the Long Server) that may provide inspiration and utility to the whole community of librarians and archivists. The Long Bets project - whose purpose is improving the quality of long-term thinking by making predictions accountable - is also Library-related. The point is to explore whatever may be helpful for thinking, understanding, and acting responsibly over long periods of time. -Stewart Brand Guidelines Serve the long view (and the long viewer) Foster responsibility Reward patience Mind mythic depth Ally with competition Take no sides Leverage longevity The 10,000 Year Clock (Prototype 1) Completed on December 31st, 01999 The images below are of the entire three year development of the first Clock prototype. The Clock was primarily designed by Danny Hillis, additional design work and project management by Alexander Rose. Engineering and part drawings were done by Elizabeth Woods. The Escapement and movement were designed and built by David Munro and General Precision Corp. Almost all other Clock parts were machined and assembled at Rand Machine Works. Clock: Orrery (planet display) Completed on August 02005 The Orrery is an eight foot tall planetary display. It shows the relative position of the six human eye visible planets (Mercury through Saturn). The lower six layers are a mechanical binary calculation engine, each with a geneva output to a gear, which rotates a coresponding planet. Each layer is calculating a fraction of the planetary orbits to 28 bits of accuracy. Mercury takes about 88 days to make one revolution, Earth about 365 days, and Saturn takes 29.7 years. Clock: Chime Generator Prototype Chime Mechanism Completed in June 02006 This is the first concept proof of a chime generator for the 10,000 Year Clock. Through a series of phased geneva wheels, (the large star shaped plates down the center of the mechanism), a progressive algorithm generates a different bell ringing order for each day the clock is visited over the next 10,000 years (over 3.5 million combinations). This is the same algorithm used for Brian Eno’s album “07003.” This prototype is made of aluminum, steel, and brass, but the final, much larger mechanism would be made of monel with cast bronze bells. The Foundation is now looking to scale up the designs with lessons learned from these first two efforts into a monument sized version. We have purchased high desert mountain top property in eastern Nevada as the site for the public 10,000 Year Clock. We are currently designing this experience and the mechanisms that would be used in this large scale version. There is no projected completion date, it is an ongoing program. * The Long Now Foundation uses five digit dates, the extra zero is to solve the deca-millennium bug which will come into effect in about 8,000 years. http://www.longnow.org ©
    1 point
  9. click here.. http://www.12ozprophet.com/ find hennesy banner ad. find events section link and find out what is the tour date and artist scheduled for Sydney event? go the extra mile by showing the advertiser some love and… if you send a screen grab of your computer screen with a hennessy wallpaper.. You'll get an extra month additionally to the extra month for finding the answer to our event question. (please know what you are doing don't hit us up asking how you do this) contest ends 30 minutes from post dated time. :cool:
    1 point
  10. dug the blurry ones...
    1 point
  11. I don't want to think of what the world will be like in the year 10,000.
    1 point
  12. I just vomited,now my throat burns...uggh ive had no luck with intronet job lerking
    1 point
  13. one of the best comments so far.
    1 point
  14. idk but that shits wack haha. musto and kinks bump.
    1 point
  15. Man I'm about to john madden this shit...:D Move aside. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
    1 point
  16. lol god your a shit bird....
    1 point
  17. bump that BW shit. and that lung is hot
    1 point
  18. Its alright guys dont worry. Twinky's a faggot.
    1 point
  19. Is that OJ Simpson starring as capt. hook in peter pan?
    1 point
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear t14k, and you called me a faggot? that post above was gayer than a mustache full of cum seriously schnitzel
    1 point
  21. if merda dusnt win ther is no justice (spoiler alert he wont win)
    1 point
  22. megarampage aint happenin. wu aint coming no more.... who cares! we get this.....
    1 point
  23. Another way to look at it is, why would you want to promote this crapsite if it's full of pompous assholes? OHHHH because you're one of them too I get it now hahahahaha.
    1 point
    1 point
  25. they give those out all the time at the bars here . I like the spice flavor ones they taste like sweet iced tea, i thought the minty ones were gross * law and order is on i gotta go
    1 point
  26. I can't stand the ridiculous shit so many kids wear. Neon zubaz style coats, plaid looking jackets with neon yellow pants hanging off the ass and like 3 bandanas hanging off the pants for no reason, etc. I keep it black. Plain, simple, functional waterproof shit. I don't think i paid more than $50 for my pants since they had been sitting around the shop for years and had been price cut repeatedly since everyone seems to be all about the ridiculous colors. Also grabbed a really nice, waterproof northface jacket last year on sale for like $150 since it was a year old, then everything was 50% off as well so it only ended up costing me $75. Fuck if i know how they do it, but if i open the armpit vents and unzip my coat a little, its perfect temp with a tshirt even on hot days, and if i throw on a sweatshirt it keep me plenty warm on even the coldest days. My old jacket, if it was at all warm, i'd be fucking sweating bullets even if i had on a tshirt. I think i just overheat easily though, since i almost always have my gloves and hat off for part of the lift ride, even when its chilly out. On an unrelated note, i searched for my colorado/utah ultra photothread from last year and it looks like it got lost in the big crash. Weak. Really poorly stitched panoramic i took from the top of a peak in Utah. Can't remember which resort it was at for the life of me though http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v152/MrChupacabra/UT%20CO%2009/Utahpanoramic.jpg?t=1254902915 (zoom in to 100% for maximum detail. durr) RIP Paul
    1 point
  27. Anything you do that fucks with another person's life is fucked up. Always believed that and always will.
    1 point
  28. Fuck. Could philly fail any more at graffiti? Check out my dope philly hand
    1 point
  29. I thought this kid is in Jail. Why he keep ragging every1?
    1 point
  30. they should arrest your child at birth to prevent future crime
    1 point
  31. saute wish i had thought of that...
    1 point
  32. anyways moving on....
    1 point
  33. look, if that nigga doesnt own up do the time if you have a dumb fuck lawyer who doesnt get you off. never snitch. he'll get his, if you have to wait, but no snitchin man up.
    1 point
  34. holy geez that last erupto made my day!
    1 point
  35. Sandman! http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/herocomplex/2008/12/dream-a-little.html Planet Hulk & World War Hulk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_Hulk
    1 point
  36. See, what i like about actual albums, is that sometimes the sleeves are actually interactive in a sense. like this album: has a rotating calaidescope kind of disk in it that you can spin to reveal different pictures on the cover. also, you get the inner-sleeve designs that sometimes include a free poster, or lyrics and pictures of the band/the tracks on the album. with records, too, there is great inner sleeve art. like on Eat A Peach by the Allman Bros it has this: just to name a few. i had a post your vinyl thread for a second, but it didnt catch on. aint no thang tho.
    1 point
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