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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2007 in all sections

  1. Only in CHZero could it be proven that the deceased victim did not only deserve it, but he was also gay. It's not even page two yet.
    4 points
  2. im: late 80's-90's hip hop bc: this new shit is wack as fuck
    3 points
  3. i propped bondage guy... i felt weird about it
    2 points
  4. well someone with props needs to hook me up, i noticed this thread is only active at night, well used to be. haven't been on in like 6 days. regardless, i need like 1 more props 3000
    2 points
  5. juice train pfffft communist poesia just got you guys. pistol i owe you one tomorrow!
    2 points
  6. well....i did a search for a "things i miss" thread and only got an old thread from 2003 by fat bastard....but people werent mentioning WHY they miss certain things...so here you have it the official "I miss ______, because_____" thread... post up something (or someone) you miss and why you miss it (or them).. i'll start it off with 3 things i miss... 1. i miss 12ozprophet, because my computer doesnt work and is currently getting fixed. 2. i miss: elementary school because: recess! 3. im: my ex bc: she fucked me better than these new females.
    1 point
  7. OK, here it is, a thread where i will be posting links form The REAL NEWS youtube channel. everytime something new comes out, i'll be posting. you all can discuss issues as much as you want. They are just beginning, independent news, and they cover all the world, even Africa which is almost ignored in the mainstream media. so, tune into this like a TV, and enjoy some quality, NWO-free news. youtube stats: #1 - Most Subscribed (All Time) - Non-Profit #1 - Most Viewed (Today) - Non-Profit #1 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Non-Profit _______________________________________________________________ To start off. some of the recent videos: .
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. IM: Diapers. BC: I have to shit but don't want to get up.
    1 point
  10. I miss being single, instead of Wifey watching annoying ass TLC, I could be smoking thc and getting tlc on my d from a pyt.
    1 point
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, get well soon cali-g p.s. lots of fluids and lots of rest yo
    1 point
  12. Edit* nevermind... two bars so far and counting... props?
    1 point
  13. bondage is legit?? props please
    1 point
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Drunkenness, Why must you remind me of all the bad times as well as the good. - Random Dear 12oz, Hey fuck you guys, no one has love for Random? I see how it is - Random
    1 point
  15. Im almost at 3 bars,help me out.
    1 point
  16. how many are my points worth?
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. they should play "welcome to the jungle" on the PA system. no but seriously. that's awful.
    1 point
  20. got who i could... prop me, i prop you back...
    1 point
  21. Re: This is my blog. *NH I'll give A useful critique, Here is what could be improved. The girl you say trash, need a better pic of her and her assets, I have low standards and would smash, plus don't dis your friends. The shirts, get your own unique ideas, I have a hatred for all this celebrity or pop culture inspired hipster "art". The girl you say smash, we need better pics of her as well, the more skin the better, she looks good. Just to make it better for 12oz, don't use the word fucking and rant so much, we have enough here by people who do it better. Last but not least, Don't have art school students modeling for you in homoerotic poses, hire some bums or smashable females. I hope this was helpfull.;)
    1 point
  22. Re: This is my blog. *NH i shop exclusively at Men's Warehouse.
    1 point
  23. Im at like 170. help me out and ill prop you back.
    1 point
  24. i tried propping alot of you and even after 6 days i couldn't get most of you so i hit everyone i haven't hit yet, come on 6 more and i'm another bar ;)
    1 point
  25. 15 more for another bar holla
    1 point
  26. macaframalamma you hoe
    1 point
  27. E-CRED ROUND 2 12-25-2007 08:24 PM Poesia [T] For the Tranny porn............. /nohomo.?
    1 point
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