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Gaylords (stone greasers)


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My friend showed me a link to a site a while ago showing the history of the "gaylords" gang.

A white gang from Chicago that has been around since the 1950's.

The name made me laugh initially, and I don't feel the white power slant they have.

But I find them pretty interesting, do any Chi town people know about them? Are they still doing things e.t.c.



The Chicago Gaylords, also known as the Almighty Gaylords, is one of the oldest Chicago street gangs. It originated in the neighborhood of Grand and Noble. The original president of the Gaylords selected the name after reading about the Gaylords of France in the public library. They are a part of the People Nation alliance.

The Chicago Gaylords began as one of the clubs started by veterans post-World War II. The majority of the original members were Italian, Irish, Greek, and Mexican American which reflected the population at the time, as the Grand and Ogden area was known as one of Chicago's "Little Italys." There were many such clubs in Chicago during the post WWII era. Many of these social clubs had their own clubhouses and baseball teams. The Gaylord's clubhouse was on the corner of Ohio and Noble Street. At the height of the Gaylords reign,they had more than 6000 members, and was one of the most powerful gangs in Chicago, controlling large areas of the city.

During their peak period in the 1970s, the Chicago Gaylords held sets (or sections) on the North Side, West side and the South Side of Chicago. The West side sections included Ohio and Noble, Ohio and Leclaire and Monticelllo and Augusta. Their South Side sections included Back of the Yards (around 55th & Ashland, Sherman Park), Marquette Park, Pilsen (18th & Western), and Bridgeport (Throop Street). Their North Side presence included Humboldt Park (Moffat & Campbell); Logan Square (Palmer & California, Lawndale & Altgeld); Irving Park (Albany & Byron); Kilbourn Park (Roscoe & Kilbourn); Kelvyn Park (Kilbourn & Wrightwood); Dunham Park (Montrose & Narragansett); Ravenswood (Seeley & Ainslie); and Uptown (Sunnyside & Magnolia, Lawrence & Broadway). During the 1960s through the early 1980s, the Chicago Gaylords experienced tremendous growth and expansion, with sections popping up all over Chicago.



A Doc about the gang.

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Gaylords aint on shit no more B, they have like one hood and thats on the Norhtside.

Mostly all the GayLords are older heads, they dont flip niggas in anymore.


I see dem Almighty Latin Eagles, Latin Kings, Harrison Gents, Imperial Gangstas(RIP SPOOKY G), Insane Spanish Cobras, Insane Unknowns, Almight Simon City Royals, and most likely Party People wit that Playboy shit

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My best friend is a Black P. Stone Blood, and since the Stones originated in Chicago I guess he sometimes talks to other gang related faggots from there, and apparently there's still a few oldheads out there banging Gaylord...SUPER NO HOMO haha


Nah mostly all the Gaylords do now is have barebeques and take pictures. I havent heard bout any GLs droppin bodies since like the 70's



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when you see this card get on the floor and hand me your cardigan... or some shit like that. there was a thread about this shit already.


OK cool, well I guess my post was more about the whole white gang thing. They seem to have been around for an improbably long time. Past the doo-woop stage and into the outlaw 70's 80's era.

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Nah mostly all the Gaylords do now is have barebeques and take pictures. I havent heard bout any GLs droppin bodies since like the 70's


All I said was they're still claiming it, I wouldn't know anything about their homicide rates haha.


Having BBQs sounds more fun than other gang shit anyways. Maybe it's cuz I'm from the Northeast where we never had a huge gang culture until recently, but I think that shit is gay as fuck, and that people who get into that shit (best friend included) are generally fucking morons.

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Anyone heard of the 'golden guineas' from the Bronx NYC, they are name checked in a lot of hip-hop history books (ex. getting up). They were a white gang that fought against the black spades savage nomads back in the 70's.

I wrote a paper about the US gang culture a while ago, and these white gangs got a mention but never got discussed.


Also, for all that have never seen it.

80 blocks from tiffany's.

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80 blocks is filmed in the same style as "style wars" but overall its cheesy and full of cornball re-enactments. the only thing thats good about it is the sound track. the entire documentary revolves around a block party that turns out to be boring, all in all very anticlimactic


To me it is important as a portrait of a place and a time, it has its moments.

But it certainly isn't some amazing piece of film making.

Have you seen this?

No subs German doc about "the sex boys" gang.



The intro score is reason enough to watch it.

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So apparently I lived right in the heart of their old hood for many years and I just found out about it now.


I guess they failed since it was full of Latinos when I live there, but whitey and their condos were making moves on the hood.


Whitey is claiming everything East of Western.






.....and what about the muff-divers?! Think about it!

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