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Dalek shower curtains

Guest imported_b0b

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This shit is stupid. I'm somehow reminded of a traveling snake-oil salesman with a handlebar moustache convincing us all that we need ridiculous shit like this because it's an "investment". The space monkey got old with me back in 1997, and started to get annoying when I can't even play Tony Hawk Underground 2 and not see it.


Please Dalek, find a new character, for all our sakes.

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yeh HAL deff said it alright, but another thing, that gets me pissed is that dalek you can clearly see is in this ''street'' art for the money, he puts the same monkeys on all diffrent products and toys...i mean dont get me wrong everyone can have theri cake and eat it to, but hes not out there gaining respect...i mean he never really paid any dues...i dont see dalek 10 feet near a graffiti artist/writer...even has a reg pop artist...he is 50 feet over the line...my man needs to slow down other wise he is gunna run outa ideas to slap monkeys on...

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oh yeh before anyone trys to flip the swich...im not trying to hate...what i said is all the truth, and u can all clearly see that...


dalek is like, some music artist u use to dig...but sold out and changed and now u see them all over mtv...and its just like ill gross


ok i drank to much coffee

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i dont get your thinking at all... clearly there's a demand for the guys work or so much product wouldn't be coming out (as natural selection and capitalsim has a way or working these things out). also, what does his career as a writer, whether credible or not, have to do with his career as an artist? maybe you can argue that graff might possibly be a stepping stone to his career as an artist, but knowing dalek personally, I also know he's formally trained as an artist. I can maybe see you guys knocking his space monkeys if they're all up in some major production with hardcore writers, but what the hell does him having a career as a designer/artist have to do with graff?


matter of fact most respectable writers very rarely are able to translate their talents to anything beyond graff, just as designers rarely are able to suddenly excel at doing graffiti just because they know how to design. fact is people generally gravitate towards what proves successful for them, and paying dues in one arena certainly isn't the requirment to suddenly be taken seriously in another. personally I see how being a dedicated writer can become a stepping stone to a career in art (as they both require some of the same sensibilities), but I see it as a bigger farse when a respectable writer thinks that as such they can suddenly be taken seriously in the art world.


it's cool to see these two worlds vibe off each other to an extent, but for their own best success, they should be left completely independent of each other. graff never will be, nor should be, some sort of proving ground to the art world, and vice versa.


Dalek (or anyone else) isn't immune to criticism, but to judge his art in the context of his career as a writer is retarded. For that look at Ease, Cope2, Iz the Wiz, or any of the writers trying to put graffiti on gallery walls since that's more to the point, and discuss how valid their work may or may not be in this new context.

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As a pop culture artist he needs to maximize his efforts while high on the wave. The surge behind him will slow down at some point in the next few years, and the monkeys will not sell anything, at that point he can decide to work on new thoughts. But why fuck with a good thing, just roll it out till it dies and enjoy the ride and if smart bank the cash now.

cant say I dont envy the position.

the shower curtain is a cool idea ... i say expect to see a few more cats jumping on this thought soon.

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i dig the shower curtain. beats the hell out of a walls worth of printed goldfish, or some other boring shower curtain graphic. as far as costs, i dont think it's all that much. considering this is probably produced in very limited quantity and also includes paying an artist some sort of royalty on top of manufacturing costs, it's not all that much. if you want cheap, i suppose you can go to k-mart and get some generic mass produced curtain, but clearly this is something a bit more special. if you happen to not like his imagery thats another arguement, but i dont see how questioning the dues he's paid as a writer has anything at all to do with questioning his career as an artist.


personally i dont as excited about the plates, but i'm sure there's a legion of japanese kids out there ready to buy them up if nobody else. i just dont really care about dishes enough to stray from the plain shit they sell at crate and barrel, but more power to him for doing something different.

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Originally posted by Misteraven@Feb 1 2005, 04:18 PM

i dont get your thinking at all... clearly there's a demand for the guys work or so much product wouldn't be coming out (as natural selection and capitalsim has a way or working these things out). also, what does his career as a writer, whether credible or not, have to do with his career as an artist? maybe you can argue that graff might possibly be a stepping stone to his career as an artist, but knowing dalek personally, I also know he's formally trained as an artist. I can maybe see you guys knocking his space monkeys if they're all up in some major production with hardcore writers, but what the hell does him having a career as a designer/artist have to do with graff?


matter of fact most respectable writers very rarely are able to translate their talents to anything beyond graff, just as designers rarely are able to suddenly excel at doing graffiti just because they know how to design. fact is people generally gravitate towards what proves successful for them, and paying dues in one arena certainly isn't the requirment to suddenly be taken seriously in another. personally I see how being a dedicated writer can become a stepping stone to a career in art (as they both require some of the same sensibilities), but I see it as a bigger farse when a respectable writer thinks that as such they can suddenly be taken seriously in the art world.


it's cool to see these two worlds vibe off each other to an extent, but for their own best success, they should be left completely independent of each other. graff never will be, nor should be, some sort of proving ground to the art world, and vice versa.


Dalek (or anyone else) isn't immune to criticism, but to judge his art in the context of his career as a writer is retarded. For that look at Ease, Cope2, Iz the Wiz, or any of the writers trying to put graffiti on gallery walls since that's more to the point, and discuss how valid their work may or may not be in this new context.


i think its more the charging $90 for a set of 6 plates. anyone can see that its a tad excessive.

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The curtains definitely are aesthetically pleasing in design. The man has great technique as a graphic designer and I think his canvases are the real deal after browsing his site.


I would like to think that the high price is attributed to the fact that the majority of the proceeds go directly to the artist because he is not working with a corporate distributor, and perhaps he's implementing the costs of distribution(out of his own pocket?) into the asking price.




I want a shower curtain with Taz dancing on a grave that says Osama and a quote that reads 'these colors don't run.' or maybe the lyrics to 'what a mighty good man' by salt n pepa.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imported_b0b

Not as a direct response to Raven or Sonik, but their responses got me thinkign which lead to a certain train of thought. It is: when should someone who came from a graffiti background start using their own name for thier work? Like Twist or Reas often go by their real names for work they do, so does Lee, Giant and others. But then you get folks such as Stash still using his tag. I think I lot of the criticism for Dalek here is that it appears as though he is trying to get his graff credentials to help him sell shower curtains and plates and he is isn't letting us work stand on its own (which it would do more if he went by John Dalek Doe say). So any thoughts on that? Should designers or artists from a graf background move over to their real name in an attempt to make their work be judged on its own merit, rather than being by a "graffiti artist" or former graf artist? Personally I think if they want to avoid some of the criticism that might come their way, and to avoid their work being judging as a graffiti based work, they should move away from their tag to their name.


Bit of a rambling response, but I have an office full of laughing colleagues telling Michael Jackson jokes all around me so it is hard to concentrate

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imported_b0b
Originally posted by b0b@Mar 4 2005, 03:28 PM

Not as a direct response to Raven or Sonik, but their responses got me thinkign which lead to a certain train of thought. It is: when should someone who came from a graffiti background start using their own name for thier work? Like Twist or Reas often go by their real names for work they do, so does Lee, Giant and others. But then you get folks such as Stash still using his tag. I think I lot of the criticism for Dalek here is that it appears as though he is trying to get his graff credentials to help him sell shower curtains and plates and he is isn't letting us work stand on its own (which it would do more if he went by John Dalek Doe say). So any thoughts on that? Should designers or artists from a graf background move over to their real name in an attempt to make their work be judged on its own merit, rather than being by a "graffiti artist" or former graf artist? Personally I think if they want to avoid some of the criticism that might come their way, and to avoid their work being judging as a graffiti based work, they should move away from their tag to their name.


Bit of a rambling response, but I have an office full of laughing colleagues telling Michael Jackson jokes all around me so it is hard to concentrate


Sorry to dump my own post, but I was hoping for a response.

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