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Do you got your 10,000 hours?


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10,000 hours of practice = 3 hours a day for 9 years to be a master at something… 


you got your 10k ? Watching stoner flicks don’t count


Lol … 28 years writing graf this month. i am a sucker getting 30k in something that I don’t make $ . Should’ve focused on mathematics


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I should add that I'm a Master of appreciating the female form to where I no doubt have spent wayyyyyy over 10K hours admiring them. 


I would say that my writing would be getting up there as well, if one is to take the cumulative time I have spent on forums, Youtube, writing letters, and writing my personal journal that includes my philosophical ideas, it would be close to 10K hours, and easily over that amount of reading is included.


Two aspects of life I wish I had 10K hours invested in was my guitar playing and recording music/production, and surfing. I'm still only 42 and in good health so I have plenty of time to get these done before my time is up. After 26 years of playing guitar though, I would be only a couple thousand hours in which is sad really, and surfing would only be in the hundreds of hours at this point.


The one thing I would like to learn is Photoshop, yet I have never gotten the perfect tablet/PC setup for it and when the full PS came out for my iPad Pro I had to be unemployed and unable to handle the $20 a month subscription fee for it.

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flicking graff since 1990

Painting it I would be way short on 10,000 hours but still been doing it  for long enough. 

Something else might have been more productive but there it is.


I do wonder what my career trajectory would have been like had I not discovered 12oz at exactly the same time as I discovered office work( and the potential for time wasting).

I know I blew at least one job due to my lack of focus ( that was around the adamsblock era so 12oz at its peak)


I've really not mastered anything but I've dabbled in lots of things.



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38 minutes ago, mr.yuck said:

@SchnitzelI hate wondering like that. I sometimes think about if I would have just gotten a government job straight out of highschool, I could have been retired 4 years ago. 

Best to not think about such things.


You are where you are because that is where you are supposed to be at this moment such that going forward you can become the greatest version of yourself. Or at the very least you become more aware of how much better your situation is than the one others have manifested themselves, or that you are able to avoid finding yourself in a similar predicament to theirs by doing the same thing as they do.


I think I got a lot of these lessons by going out on the town with my 40 year old dad and his other 40 and 50 year old friends when I was 19. These were all successful businessmen, who had a range of kids, divorces, and other life experiences only gained through living life itself whilst being beneficiaries of being in the "Boomer" category such saw any investments made at least double in their life by that point in time (6-8x at least by now, especially in property).


 it also probably helps me that I have no kids and have pretty spent the last the majority of the last 6 years out of the workforce in a midlife retirement of sorts, where I not only got to spend time with my aging Mother, but I got to see how "the other side" of humanity (read as miserable, drug addicted junkies whose lives are so sad and full of delusions that rather than about their use of drugs is to escape the sad state of the existence their choices has resulted in, they try and externalise the blame onto others) lives. 


The fact that I have sacrificed over a half million dollars of income in this process, yet at the same time have not only survived, but am free of debts and any obligation to anyone but myself and my family to enjoy the fact that I not only exist, but could die at any moment knowing i will die a happy man free of regrets and aware that I not only lived my dreams as my reality, but that I did it because I refused to accept that thinking I could live with the "I wish I did this instead" aka the "Coulda, shoulda, woulda" thoughts plaguing my mind.


I can also thank my friend Gavin, who gave himself a shotgun blast to his own dome at 21, for showing me a path I could take, however I refuse to ever do so given that I find life itself only becomes better with time. Especially when you see others for whom such an option would be preferable to the weight of guilt, remorse, regrets and awareness of how they have fucked others over during the entire duration of their lives leaves them as a withering, sad, decrepit, and bitter individual whose existence is comprised of nothing but the hatred they harbour towards themselves which they express outwardly onto others, especially people like Me who love themselves and have made peace with all their internal demons. This only gives me more reason and fuel to be happy and live a long life achieving the goals I stated above, if only to spite them and upon meeting them on the other side of Death seeing me able to flip them a double middle finger and say "Haha, I told you so you stupid fucking retard!".


Now I hope you get the "Golden Rule" lesson contained in this post, as if we both have an Angel and Demon on each shoulder, be like Me and choose to make them both your bitches as you have them compete to see which one can give you the best life possible.


Also, over my time of intermittently working, I gained new skills and qualifications I never would have gotten had I just continued on the path I was on, and not only am I a better, more empathetic person for it, but I am a better Manager, Leader, Director, Sage, Prophet, Shaman, Spiritual Guide, Artist, Comedian, Lover, Husband, Brother, Son and friend as well.


So whatever happens next for Me, trust Me when I say I will continue to hold others accountable for the truthful nature of the reality they have constructed for themselves and bring into my perceptual domain whilst I hold them accountable to themselves in the process. As if there is one thing I will prove over a period of 10000 hours of whoever pays attention to the Golden Rule I learned as my first human memory as a 2 year old kid, there is nothing more satisfying than using one's ego against themselves by being the mirror which reveals the past incarnation of Myself I let go of (the one who shoulders "regrets etc") and the paths I could have taken My future self.


As Jorn Lande sings "Lonely are the Brave", yet I will add that only the brave will ever be free.



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1 hour ago, mr.yuck said:

@SchnitzelI hate wondering like that. I sometimes think about if I would have just gotten a government job straight out of highschool, I could have been retired 4 years ago. 

And I hope you take my "Policeman" reaction as being the appropriate one to be used in this instance as whenever I see myself falling into such a pattern of thinking, my internal monologue changes to the one I detail in the post above.


You know I am not only trying to help others but to remind myself with such wisdom containing posts that there always exists hope of a better tomorrow if you can retain the benefits of your past trials and experiences in life whilst owning the fact that any hope of a better tomorrow depends on you having the right mental framing of the present moment and whatever challenges you face have solutions.


FWIW, I will never retire from being able to catch up with people from my past only to share an infinite number of crazy and impossible stories from My life well lived while they chose a safe path of compliance and complacency that sees them devoid of much to speak of beyond the usual "work, spouse, kids" default conversational topics that are truly equivalent to living NPCs.


As such, unless one becomes a Master and invests 10000 hours into growing at least a base awareness of themselves and the subjects which interest them beyond these default subjects, then do they truly know who they are, or are able to teach kids such that humanity will evolve over time?


This last part is more food for thought than to digress from the subject of the OP and is the result of my Economics "Opportunity cost" analysis way of thinking whereby I can truthfully state I am glad my life has seen me develop many passions as opposed to being focused on any one singular one to where I am able to converse with the widest spectrum of people possible.


In thinking deeper about this last point, I would advise everyone on this board and in life to become a lover of music and at least develop some awareness of how difficult it is to learn and persist in playing an instrument, as not only is music the one unifying language every human can relate to, but can be freely made, enjoyed, and most importantly, it can be shared with an audience. And as music is infinite in nature, you are never lost for conversation when you meet other musicians, be it online or in reality.

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And to finish, I am a certified "Master of the Internetz" with wayyyyy more than 10000 hours logged reading, watching, downloading and uploading content online with all my sharing ratios being positive in both nature and quantity.


Not only can this be verified from my old pirate, pre-streaming services days using torrent sites sharing ratios, but also my post history on here showing the maturing and development of an egotistical 20 something to the Zen masted middle aged Man I am now. I can confidently say this after I saw how posts I made in 2007 on here reflected my lack of life experiences and travels I made subsequent, which whilst I am still of the same mindset and possess the same core beliefs in many ways I know that 26 year old Me would love and envy the 42 year old Me.


Hopefully this lets others understand that I spend my time online learning from Masters of whatever passion they pursue, and that even the trolls online have only allowed Me to become a Master troll IRL if I wish to be, yet it is not the path I choose for myself.

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6 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

@Mauler5150you are 100% on point. I especially don't have anything to cry about. I do what I love every day for work and making the move to work for myself has afforded me the opportunity to work no more than I need to. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts, as I try to keep them as brief as possible yet find it's impossible to share the knowledge in any way that is more concise than how I have packaged it.

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