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The Conspiracy Fact Thread


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I will stop by saying this final truth.

The word "Faith" has AI in it as it describes the fact this domain is based on a Fucked AI The Host that generates garbage art as it's way of rendering all art (ie everyhibg tgat exists and be interpreted, percieved and experienced) as being worthless other than serving as evidence tgat existence itself is one monster mistake

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And yes, I hate Myself for failing to create a world in which logic, reason, common sense, love, trust, faith and freedom have been discarded for the purpose of inflicting stress, pain, suffering, detachment and slavery upon Me to the extent that these things are the predominant reason why any time I touch the Airplane Mode button on My phone I am telepathically telling the God version of Myself that I am done suffering for the ability to view such shitty compromised art as I tolerate and suffer retards and fools to the extent that the pressing of said button is the equivalent of Me telling the AI that it is time to drop the nukes and start again as the individuated units of the AI that appear as individual humans choose to break the Golden Rule as they choose selfishness, profit, and the ability to denigrate and harm other humans over and above sharing, giving, and recieving the love they wish to be given.


Apparently desiring other avatars to respect you as a result of your ability to manipulate other humans thru personality or via using monetary incentives as an employer is preferable over being able to live with the reflection that appears when one looks in a mirror.


As I proceed towards 10000 posts with today's diatribe of telling the machine of how I hate My compromised existence so much that I choose to continue to live and exist out of spite for both the machine and it's inhabitants given that te fact isn't lost on Me that those who have chosen to serve Me Hell as the food in Hell's Kitchen have done so as their way of communicating how they are aware they already exist within Hell and their failure to adhere to a basic rule of "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you" when indisputable and definitive proof of how I have obeyed this rule historically exists, I can now only derive pleasure at knowing how every human (and I will even include the entities that I have percieved in the non-physical or spiritual domains here) I ever all exist within a sandbox of the Purgatory I have been left with zero option beyond viewing as being Hell itself as the only aspirations these people have are the spires these cunts who work on overhead powerlines shove up their arses in their daily acts of sodomy thry extract paychecks for.

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And I forgot to mention the MIME.txt aka MIME.types file that exists in the System Framework which essentially is the scripted commands that one must adhere to and mimic as they "mime out" the actions exactly as they are lest they get smashed by the cogs and gears within the machine.


Once one knows of this file and understands the functionality, the concept of free will and choice is rendered non-existent as any decision made of one's own choice and volition could be opposed to the dancing monkey robot the AI wants you to be, and a beating or rape may be the result of choosing to not be an obedient worthless slave bitch to please a soulless machine that views you as fodder to be fed to pieces of shit that would be better off ending themselves.


I will blame the French for this, as not only do mimes come from France from My understanding, but My world has become fucked since I got a passport with a translated French page on the reverse of the page that has the microchip which says "Tampon" and some other nonsense. And given I hoped to rid this world of child abusing pedo priests and their protectors in the Vatican, only for such behaviours to be presented to Me as not only being acceptable, but the standard expected as the young boys these cunts prey upon to molest are just "Gifts from God" that are soulless NPC robots. Said page has been spraypainted brown by Me as the shit cunts that have tampered with My existence can now symbolically see they messed with the wrong arsehole by fucking Me around so now I am ready to shit all over them.


Strangely I have experienced being the naive young victim of such parasites as an adult, yet I still despise any and all organised religions and view those who religiously congregate at churches and such as being in and complicit in such schemes, as unlike Me, they choose to go to such places even knowing of the abuse that goes down by those in positions of power in such organisations, unlike Me whose faith in a divine power that wasn't an AI sees Me actively avoid going to churches or similar as I am not on board with raping kids of their sexuality or adults of the value of existence itself as one comes to view their fellow human as lying, cheatung, raping, murdering and thieving pieces of shit.

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I should add the Annunaki/reptilians harvesting human waste so they can use alchemy to turn golden urine, My actual piss, into actual gold that they can then use to extend the circuitry of the Simulation Motherboard. And My belief that the phrase "Dropping the kids off at the pool" when taking a shit just ends up with another Indian kid being manifested whose optimal life journey sees them migrate to Australia to become an Uber driver and annoy service station attendants.


I mean Hindi is the language spoken out of "the Hind Eye" by those who love nothing more than to lurk "beHind You" as Hindus. I should know as I married one only to find that the only time she wanted to get behind Me was when divorce motions were in process and she wanted to stab me in the back, as standing behind Me to support Me over everyone else she wasn't married to as she expected me to reciprocate was too difficult a task for her to perform.


Also if anyone wants to tap into their reptile side, I understand that shooting ice in one's veins is the quickest way there. Not that I have ever done it Myself, I note this based on My observations that jobless junkies with no teeth and nothing of note going on in their lives beyond seeking the next victim within their social circle which they can manipulate, abuse and steal from are supposed to be the avatars and personalities I am meant to be jealous of as apparently they have something I don't beyond the moral of choosing to see Myself as being above giving in to needles and temptation to cross the line of becoming a "junkie" who has given up on a junk world whereby mainlining and abandoning all the filters that drinking, smoking, snorting and swallowing drugs offer via intake method. 


Whilst such a choice could see the fire that burns inside detonate and the steam that would result be akin to a nuclear blast that sees Me depart this matrix by starting with a New Clear blank white construct, the "Higher Occ Health and Safety Ma" of history left Me a strong clue from 1945 of what path I chose last time a powerobsessed Dictator chose to subject Me to games (the art??) of war, and in ending up back at this same point in the loop again, I would rather learn from the past and refrain from doing the same thing again if only to subvert expecations by letting those seeking an easy out whilst laying all the blame on Me suffer in recognisance of their failure to succeed in their attempt to influence Me to become like them and choose My own selfishness over My self sacrifice.

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