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2020 election day/night hell thread

Elena Delle Donne

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10 minutes ago, Mercer said:

In reality, I honestly do think Clinton, Wiener, and all these dudes are at least guilty of fucking teenage girls. Abusers in general are attracted to positions of power where they can act out their desires without too much interference from law enforcement. Not saying every politician is a pedo, but I'm willing to bet that as a profession, it's probably a greater than average chance of even one of these untouchables getting caught on film pinching a pre pubescent child's nipple on stage, sexting dick pics, you know, normal shit for politicians these days. The reality of the matter is Trump is the only one of these major players with sworn testimony describing a girls rape at a party when she was a child. Believe what you want I guess, it's cool, but my own strongly held beliefs advise against harboring such bias towards any elected official.

There's more on Weiner's laptop than teenage girls. Hard to answer your question on "Clinton". Bill will fuck anything with a pulse. Hillary is another story. 

POTUS allegations: Look into the accuser. Katie something. Drug user who got her cases kicked out of multiple courts because she was full of shit. She went judge shopping and eventually had to drop her suit because everyone found out what she was. 

Drug addicts are easily convinced to do things for money.....

Read my post before this....I answered Where's question. 

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6 minutes ago, Elena Delle Donne said:


you and my cousin who works on a loading dock and says multivitamins prevent covid are peddling the same stuff here. i'm good man

I think you're not intelligent enough nor well-read enough to speak about things you desperately want to talk about. 
That's a real shame and only makes you look foolish. 

As I said, if you said "I don't understand this" or "I need more information" I would think nothing of it and provide whatever I can to 
help you understand. It really doesn't have to be like this with you posting stupid memes because you don't have an intelligent response. 


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Just now, Dark_Knight said:

“Are you really going to believe this drug addicts accusation that I raped her?”

She was an addict before the allegations. She's just a grifter. 

Believe me, after the anal probe the IC gave POTUS before and after the election, if there was anything to it it would have come out. 
Would have been way better than the Russian collusion bs that HRC and her team came up with. 

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4 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

Dude rapes. But he has money and power to make those rapes go away.

You don't understand. If that were the case the corrupt IC would have spilled the beans prior to his election in 2016. They hit him 
so hard with investigations, wiretaps, etc that it wasn't funny. 

He had been keeping a clean nose for a very long time with his eye on the Presidency. He knew what they'd do. I don't think he knew
how far they would go until Admiral Rogers met with him, but he had a good idea. 

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5 minutes ago, lord_casek said:

Exactly. The psyop on a segment of the American population worked. Thank 24 hour news channels for part of that. 

Turned decent people into binary cults same shit they were doing to inner cities but now on a country scale. wait til they break out the kool aid

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Look man, Truth be told I never liked Trump, all his pedo shit aside I know his ilk having lived in Queens NY for 12 years where dudes like this are a dime a dozen. It's alway "Tremendous, Yuge", never just "big" over exaggerated language. Most end up with diamond pinky rings, and work as sales managers at car dealerships, or some shady company that rips off either their customers, or contractors that work for them like Trump did there. We all knew him as a shady fuck. I actually worked for a guy like him for 3 weeks when I first moved there. Interesting shit, I just can't get how rural dudes, in places that always hated NY City Slickers can fall for the shit shinola these con men peddle. He's a terrible person, period. Not saying he's any worse than many of these people, I mean the highest ranking elected official to do time for child rape was quietly dismissed without a peep from the press. The government isn't ever going to solve a single problem for you because it attracts, and favors people just like Trump. Never admit fault, zero humility, petty, the list goes on. These are the type of toxic people most of us usually dislike.

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5 minutes ago, Mercer said:

Look man, Truth be told I never liked Trump, all his pedo shit aside I know his ilk having lived in Queens NY for 12 years where dudes like this are a dime a dozen. It's alway "Tremendous, Yuge", never just "big" over exaggerated language. Most end up with diamond pinky rings, and work as sales managers at car dealerships, or some shady company that rips off either their customers, or contractors that work for them like Trump did there. We all knew him as a shady fuck. I actually worked for a guy like him for 3 weeks when I first moved there. Interesting shit, I just can't get how rural dudes, in places that always hated NY City Slickers can fall for the shit shinola these con men peddle. He's a terrible person, period. Not saying he's any worse than many of these people, I mean the highest ranking elected official to do time for child rape was quietly dismissed without a peep from the press. The government isn't ever going to solve a single problem for you because it attracts, and favors people just like Trump. Never admit fault, zero humility, petty, the list goes on. These are the type of toxic people most of us usually dislike.

You're entitled to your opinion and I'd never try to take that away from you. You are lacking in what you know about his Administration. He was the only POTUS to do (how long and how many presidents did Epstein, Maxwell, etc go through without anything being done to them?

Thank you for dropping the mask and being real. I've been waiting on that and do appreciate it. 


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6 minutes ago, lord_casek said:

You just expressed a thought I've had a lot recently re: what they did to inner cities. 


First they did it in South America, then used the same strategies here to fracture inner city relations (which led to dem leaders in the cities cause of a perceived need for a social safety net cause of all the chaos) , and now finally in macro 

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2 minutes ago, where said:

First they did it in South America, then used the same strategies here to fracture inner city relations (which led to dem leaders in the cities cause of a perceived need for a social safety net cause of all the chaos) , and now finally in macro 

My thoughts were this 

How did black Americans go from family oriented, close knit communities, to black fathers abandoning black mothers, etc. and making young black women think that they didn't need the fathers in their child's/children's lives? That totally fucked up the black community in my humble opinion. 


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12 minutes ago, lord_casek said:

My thoughts were this 

How did black Americans go from family oriented, close knit communities, to black fathers abandoning black mothers, etc. and making young black women think that they didn't need the fathers in their child's/children's lives? That totally fucked up the black community in my humble opinion. 


It’s a few things converging, the welfare state was initially extremely easy to access in cities so it invalidated men’s contribution to the house as a bread winner, this happened at the same time as feminism becoming big. The criminality caused by the war on drugs, with access to cheap drugs and guns was mad divisive on families in inner cities. Also it’s been heavily cited that depictions of extreme opulence on tv in the 60s and 70s made people more violent in cities.

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1 hour ago, where said:

It’s a few things converging, the welfare state was initially extremely easy to access in cities so it invalidated men’s contribution to the house as a bread winner, this happened at the same time as feminism becoming big. The criminality caused by the war on drugs, with access to cheap drugs and guns was mad divisive on families in inner cities. Also it’s been heavily cited that depictions of extreme opulence on tv in the 60s and 70s made people more violent in cities.

That is deeper than I got. Thank you for that. Very insightful and logical. 

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12 hours ago, where said:

It really seems like a ton of folks don’t care about anything as much as they did orange man bad


Nail on the head, just look at how many times in the past few pages someone replied with "well..... Trump did xyz, " in response to some horrible shit someone else who actually did and got caught for doing horrible shit.

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37 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:


Nail on the head, just look at how many times in the past few pages someone replied with "well..... Trump did xyz, " in response to some horrible shit someone else who actually did and got caught for doing horrible shit.

Conservatives did the same shit talking about Monica lewinsky and her cum dress as a adjacent argument when defending the war in iraq. Both sides do this garbage, defending whatever ideas their groups annex but don’t argue the facts because the facts don’t matter anymore.

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