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13 hours ago, Mercer said:

@Hua Guofangfrom the jump, before even reading the article you wanted to debunk. Not sure why you find this so hard to believe?



Not necessarily, I don't want to debunk anything. I've just learned to call bullshit on a lot of what you say, because you tend to believe whatever suits your biases.


You're more about bleating and preaching than you are about actually digging for truth and you hate it when people question you.


Most people look forward to the opportunity to test their assumptions. You don't, you just want to convince people of stuff. So, I ask for details, sorry that's a problem for you.

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13 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

you tend to believe whatever suits your biases.

Don't we all. I mean I don't see how this applies to me specifically more than it would for anyone else.



you hate it when people question you.

Not really, I just thought you could do better considering your skillset. "The Free Thought Project's" logo/watermark is visible in my original post, and you were asking for links?? Admittedly it's not the easiest to pick out, but dude, you're a pro at this and I hold nothing but the highest expectations of you.


You could have googled it, or noticed "the free thought project" and looked for yourself. You were acting average, and sort of asked the person who's judgement you question for a favor, in an effort to debunk them. Little did you know I'm even lazier than you, and would bitch about having to provide the link. lol. Bad form on your part, especially since you've ended up on the side supporting the police, during a time like now, and a thread like this. I had to apply a verbal penalty along with the link.

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8 hours ago, Mercer said:

Don't we all. I mean I don't see how this applies to me specifically more than it would for anyone else.


Not really, I just thought you could do better considering your skillset. "The Free Thought Project's" logo/watermark is visible in my original post, and you were asking for links?? Admittedly it's not the easiest to pick out, but dude, you're a pro at this and I hold nothing but the highest expectations of you.


You could have googled it, or noticed "the free thought project" and looked for yourself. You were acting average, and sort of asked the person who's judgement you question for a favor, in an effort to debunk them. Little did you know I'm even lazier than you, and would bitch about having to provide the link. lol. Bad form on your part, especially since you've ended up on the side supporting the police, during a time like now, and a thread like this. I had to apply a verbal penalty along with the link.

That’s actually a pretty fair response, except the part about being on the side of the police. Asking for evidence is never an indication of anything other than looking for evidence. 

I actually did google it and read a news article but misunderstood what I was reading. I mistook custody for arrest, hence my follow on questions. 

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Because there is that strong sense of betrayal. With a Psychopath, you know what you're in for. Physical and mental torture. Body harm, lies, and complete unfair treatment, someone drunk with power excited to use it.

With Cops it's not just all that, it's the betrayal! the realization that these guys who you've been told your entire life are supposed to "serve and protect" are treating you equally or worse than a psychopath, is a hard reality to process. What's worse is, WE pay them, yet we have no recourse at all. We know that under the right circumstances this officer can kill you and get away with it with paid vacation and early retirement. Which is even scarier than being held by a psychopath. There you know he will face justice if found. Which is honestly less scary than a cop breaking into your apartment at night on accident (which seems to be happening more and more often now days)


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The Cop husband was also a former MMA fighter, he broker her ribs and when she tried to escape they put this out so they could arrest her for "domestic abuse" and prevent her from fleeing, this shit is fucking sickening. Look at her mugshot.

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11 hours ago, Mercer said:


How people aren't just shooting at police randomly on the street is beyond me.


I'm not saying that's what I want to see happen, but seeing so many videos like this makes me wonder why it isn't happening (maybe I'm just not seeing it over here, or something)

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@Hua GuofangI haven't said this before because it might sound insane, but I'm assuming most of you probably think so anyway. When I saw the George Floyd murder I thought it was intentional, and still have that thought gnawing at the back of my head. I thought this entire thing might have been planned since it was obvious the cop knew he was being filmed, and continued anyway like he was just doing what he had been ordered to do. I thought maybe they have had an even more egregious crime hanging over him and people he cared about so "you better make it look good" type of deal.


Got me thinking, there was plenty of anti authoritarian pressure building on "the right" with mandatory house arrests fin most places, and mandatory masks and all. The Feds don't fuck with the right anymore like they used to after the Oklah homa sity bombng which was only like 25 years ago, and acknowledged as direct revenge for what the FBI did in Waco/Ruby Ridge. That's the type of protest the state here really doesn't like, and the only one they seem to notice. I mean not a single fuck was given about police violence here until the riots. What kind of message does that send?


Much better for them if "the right" is on the State's side in a time they're being told to "stay inside or else", it's just how could they make that happen? I mean is there any group of people out there that most gun loving rednecks dislike, more than the Government? Que the race riots just in time and the so called Libertarians who are supposedly against state overreach immediately turn a blind eye to the state, hang up that sweet Hawaiian shirt that matches their plate carrier's camo pattern so well, and sit at home tuned into the anti BLM rhetoric. An almost immediate retreat from the right protesting their very real loss of freedoms, without actually giving even of them a shred of said feedom back.


Either way, America in July, 2020, and most legal gun owners fear protestors, rioters, and minorities more than they do the cops. Almost bewildering until you consider this countries past, and the massive compliancy required to have legal slavery here, the place they consider "birthplace of freedom".  A false sense of security, that knee to the neck will never happen to me fed by the false racial narrative both sides believe that has little to do with the police brutality. I'd say a majority of Police organizations/Departments are out of control with everyone here, not just blacks. Bottom line is the boogaloo boys identify more with deep throating the entire boot right now, than they do with their own fellow citizens that they watch being murdered slowly, and painfully. The entire Country's vibe is basically two groups of retarded white people, competing against each other to see who's more misguided, and the fringe groups they encompass are as in line as ever.


32 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

How people aren't just shooting at police randomly on the street is beyond me.

Murdering another human just because you don't like their profession takes a level of irresponsibility that doesn't mesh well with gun ownership, and firearms culture in general despite what you may see in the media, and the general consensus of Australians. With that said,  you're not the only one wondering what the time line on that happening is. Fortunately most gun owners currently live fairly comfortably, AKA they have something to lose. The people with nothing to lose, and own guns, well they are already shooting more frequently now, but obviously they prefer easy targets, not cops. Besides, the people with balls enough to actually lay it down like that, they either enjoy the tase of police boots, or generally dislike minorities more than they do the cops. Either that, or they're at least smart enough to understand the direct consequences they'll face for such misguided foolishness. Even if they're not bootlicking, or racists, most people still find the current situation they're in at least tolerable for now.

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26 minutes ago, Mercer said:

@Hua Guofang




Murdering another human just because you don't like their profession takes a level of irresponsibility that doesn't mesh well with gun ownership, and firearms culture in general despite what you may see in the media, and the general consensus of Australians. With that said,  you're not the only one wondering what the time line on that happening is. Fortunately most gun owners currently live fairly comfortably, AKA they have something to lose. The people with nothing to lose, and own guns, well they are already shooting more frequently now, but obviously they prefer easy targets, not cops. Besides, the people with balls enough to actually lay it down like that, they either enjoy the tase of police boots, or generally dislike minorities more than they do the cops. Either that, or they're at least smart enough to understand the direct consequences they'll face for such misguided foolishness. Even if they're not bootlicking, or racists, most people still find the current situation they're in at least tolerable for now.

That's a pretty well thought out response, I have no idea of its accuracy but I'm glad you wrote it, thanks.

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3 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

That's a pretty well thought out response, I have no idea of its accuracy but I'm glad you wrote it, thanks.

Yea, not so sure myself that George Floyd thing was intentional, or conspiratorial, but damned did it get the gullible narrative of the right wing back on the side of the state/authoritarianism real fucking fast. Either way conspiratorial or not,  it's a hard pill to swallow.

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“An additional 16 Los Angeles officers are under criminal investigation for potentially falsely identifying people as gang members and fabricating evidence, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.”


“The LAPD said in a statement Friday that it is investigating 21 more officers regarding possible misuse of field identification cards. Field interview cards are used by officers to conduct interviews while they are on duty.”








c o r r u p t i o n



i got put on this list for a graf arrest


if I am pulled over in a traffic stop any anyone else on this list is in my car, it’s an automatic charge

if I catch a firearms case, automatic max yrs


babylon tings

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Been happening for over a month now@Hua Guofang

this one happened here on 6/5/20

these guys have patches though....

not sure if they need to specify what kind of police 

city police, state police, military police, federal police


crazy as fuck these guys are basically using Enterprise rent-a-car mini vans for this shit instead of marked cruisers/suv/van... paddy wagon....!?



Dodge Minivan






im really not happy with what’s happening with my country



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