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Why stop with the Saudis, The Iranians kidnapped 52 Americans and held them hostage for an extended period of time and chant deathe to America regularly. Israel has been caught red handed conducting espionage in the United States despite our massive support. This is why I think we should just pull all the way out of that literal hot mess.



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2 minutes ago, Mercer said:

Why stop with the Saudis, The Iranians kidnapped 52 Americans and held them hostage for an extended period of time and chant deathe to America regularly. Israel has been caught red handed conducting espionage in the United States despite our massive support. This is why I think we should just pull all the way out of that literal hot mess.

You know what, I agree. 

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5 hours ago, Mercer said:

@KultsYou're correct about us exporting oil, that doesn't mean there isn't an incentive to try to control oil. We're fairly insulated from losing military advantage from an oil shortage and all our planes/tanks etc. will be well supplied should we need it. Economically speaking, the fact that we're exporting means if the price rises globally, oil companies will sell to the highest bidder, so a spike in price anywhere still translates to a spike in price here.


If our exports were significant we would have cut ties with, and blown up the Saudi's by now for all their fuckery. Don't forget they were responsible for 911, and everyone knows it. They just straight murked a prominent journalist & American citizen, and it was in the news and they felt zero repercussions. We're exporting oil now, but not on a significant enough scale to gain influence abroad, that's still a mid east, and Russian (Specifically Putin) game for the time being.


All these recent tensions over the last week drove the price of a barrel of oil up by nearly $20 ($50 to $70), mostly driven by Asia trying to stock up. The interesting thing about that is a spike in oil prices to $90 a barrel or more would cause a major shortage in China and the rest of Asia, and everyone knows it. Asians have been moving their money out of risky assets, and into "safe heavens" all week which is awesome for someone like me heavily invested in Bitcoin, and great for anyone holding silver/gold. Bitcoin gained more than 15% over the last week, Ethereum and other alts also shot up significantly.


Don't get me wrong, I think Iran is an enemy, and the dude we took out more than deserved it IMO, but you'll never see me believe the official narrative, or Trump on anything like this that makes zero sense. Whatever this Iranian General supposedly did that they claim prompted the recent attack, he's been doing his entire career. Why attack now?


They've presented zero evidence of why they attacked him last week. I mean even bush had Colin Powell make his case to the American people for "WMD". Why they made a move now, we'll never know. Again, I just don't trust Trump (or any politician for that matter), especially when his story all of a sudden matches up with the narrative the deep state has been trying to feed us for years . If we do get drawn into a ground war with Iran now, when we're running over a Trillion a year short on our budget, America will be bankrupt.

Cosign the majority of this.


World energy supplies still matter, a lot.

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4 hours ago, Kults said:

The face you make when you just fleeced CNN of 275M for trying to dox/shame you and end your life






That whole incident was the rawest example of internet cuntism by 'the left', people screaming for his head without any real idea what happened.


In the end, the kid was probably the most polite person there.

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4 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

Hilarious that someone actually spent time photoshopping trump's face.... probably gripping their little p p way too hard while operating the mouse with the other hand.  /nohomo

Its like where the West was at with memes 10 years ago lol


They dont quite "get" it yet. A for effort lol

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