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52 minutes ago, Mercer said:


This argument will be flipped, though: "If I can be refused entry to a grocery store then I can refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding".


Of course, the response to this will be "Gay people getting married impacts nobody but the people who enter into a legally binding partnership of matrimony. People entering a store, who have not been tested and quarantined run the risk of infecting other people"


Ok, no more procrastinating. Back to work....

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3 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Interesting, is this implying that all of these organisations are, in some way bought off by the CCP?


IF that is the case, I'd agree with WHO and Reddit but FB, Twitter and youtube are all blocked in the PRC, right?

Using the Chinese flag to symbolically imply a totalitarian tight central control, not the CCP literally controlling (I'm guessing).

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11 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Interesting, is this implying that all of these organisations are, in some way bought off by the CCP?


IF that is the case, I'd agree with WHO and Reddit but FB, Twitter and youtube are all blocked in the PRC, right?

they didn’t make a localized version? Pretty sure they’re on the take too, don’t things critical of the CCP on those platforms get deleted for anything from ‘formatting’ to ‘hate speech’ ? 

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1 minute ago, Hua Guofang said:

This argument will be flipped, though: "If I can be refused entry to a grocery store then I can refuse to make a cake for a gay wedding".


Of course, the response to this will be "Gay people getting married impacts nobody but the people who enter into a legally binding partnership of matrimony. People entering a store, who have not been tested and quarantined run the risk of infecting other people"


Ok, no more procrastinating. Back to work....

I honestly think you should be able to refuse to bake a gay wedding cake. Not that I don't think those people would be total shit bags, and I could never associate with that type of hate trash, even if they don't think they're being hateful themselves.


The problem is, in that specific type of situation the government having that much say in a mutually agreed (or un-agreed upon) transaction would cause more harm than good big picture. Someone could walk into a muslim owned bakery and request an image of Mohamed on a cake. Producing the image itself is forbidden by their belief so it's not the same thing, but you see where I'm going with this. Ultimately, a business owner should have the right to refuse doing something they think is immoral, just as much as a consumer should have the right to refuse patronage.  

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11 minutes ago, Kults said:

they didn’t make a localized version? Pretty sure they’re on the take too, don’t things critical of the CCP on those platforms get deleted for anything from ‘formatting’ to ‘hate speech’ ? 

No, they didn't (that may be google that you're thinking of). China has their own version of these platforms such as Weibo and WeChat, and half of the reason that they block the Western versions is pure protectionism for their own companies. The other half is, of course information control and censorship.


And regards stuff critical of the CCP being deleted, absolutely not. I can't really speak for Reddit but that is most definitely not the case for twitter, youtube and FB. As an example, they're both going off as we speak as the CPPCC (annual meeting in Beijing) has just released the new security laws for HK, which are as fucked up as you would expect. Twitter and FB are exploding over it.

Edited by Hua Guofang
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2 hours ago, Kults said:

There's still hope then. I don't really do fb or twitter so ill take your word for it. Reddit has been fucked since china bought a chunk of it. 


check out plenty of examples on this sub



Yeah, that's what I'd been hearing as well and one of the reasons why I don't give it much time.


I'll check it out.

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4 hours ago, Mercer said:

I honestly think you should be able to refuse to bake a gay wedding cake. Not that I don't think those people would be total shit bags, and I could never associate with that type of hate trash, even if they don't think they're being hateful themselves.


The problem is, in that specific type of situation the government having that much say in a mutually agreed (or un-agreed upon) transaction would cause more harm than good big picture. Someone could walk into a muslim owned bakery and request an image of Mohamed on a cake. Producing the image itself is forbidden by their belief so it's not the same thing, but you see where I'm going with this. Ultimately, a business owner should have the right to refuse doing something they think is immoral, just as much as a consumer should have the right to refuse patronage.  

Other, very real issue, is this precedent blows the doors open for others to probe the limits of business. I recall immediately after, a gar couple sued a church for not conducting a gay wedding. Also a far girl suing a strip flu for not hiring her has a dancer. 

Once you establish it can be done, others inevitably seek to capitalize on being discriminated against even when it’s obvious the reasons why a business or institution might be established a certain way. Ironically you also get a few that go the other way... Boy Scouts deciding to accept females despite the existence of Girl Scouts, which seems to be accelerating the death of that institution considering its charter is essentially to help turn young boys into quality men. Extra ironic when you consider the pedo scandals that already had them on the downswing or that the existing membership was most often by people trying to hang onto a more traditional view of boys life in a society that has mostly shifted away from that more classic / wholesome view of it. 

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8 minutes ago, Fist 666 said:

I saw that quote today and can't wait to see the SJWs trip over their own labias trying to justify still loving him with all his baggage...


 Old white men are the enemy, when its convenient. Fucking hell I hate the two party system.





lesser of two evils....

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