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Damn, Anthony Bourdain....


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On the tail of Kate Spade as well. Been a crazy week for that segment of the world.


It's crazy to think that with that much success and opportunity, resource, connections, etc... That a person can still fall into such a dark hopeless place to go on and off themselves. No disrespect to them at all, but I really have a tough time wrapping my head around that concept. Obviously its severe depression, that I can only assume is brought on in large part by chemical imbalances and stuff thats hard to control (and that I don't know a lot about), but when I hear of these types of incidents, I always wonder why not just escape to a desert island with a few people you enjoy spending time with? Go rent a cabin in the woods and reconnect with nature or some other activity that might help provide some perspective. Maybe hike the mountains in Tibet and visit some monasteries?


Don't mean to belittle the pain that people with success and vast resources experience, but its a much different situation than the average joe thats in a deep dark place and barely squeaking out a meager existence.

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I understand what you're getting at @misteraven but i'll let you guys know right now...when depression spells hit you, it takes over every thought process. your actions, involuntary and voluntary, are literally propelled by it. you can even be fully aware that you're depressed and still it wouldn't matter. It's like a high you never want. And its true, the chemical imbalances are exactly like a drug that alters your perception.

And depression comes in many forms. you don't even need to be sad. any range of emotion can be the background of your depression. The one common thing ive found among people who have depression is a lack of vitality.


the opposite of depression is not happiness, its vitality. look up the definition of ennuis. that's basically what depression is times 100.

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Was thinking to make a thread on the topic after Kate Spade, saw this news today and then you guys beat me to it. It's a complicated issue, and not necessarily related to chemical imbalance, although brain chemicals can play a roll. Money is an illusionary path to happiness as well as an illusionary cure for bad feelings. There are numerous factors that play into suicide, which is what makes the issue so complex. There are many people who really don't want to die, they want relief, mainly from mental anguish but also at times from associated physical pain. Depression can definitely cloud your judgment, and the longer it lasts, the more you risk declines in your cognitive functioning. Sometimes suicide starts to sound like a reasonable way out. Plenty of people die just trying it out, like let me see what happens if I apphyxiate myself a little, see how it feels... There have also been some interviews done with people who attempted and lived, believe they were pretty happy to be alive in the end. These were suicide jumpers, believe some of them discussed having a feeling of relief when they let go, and think there were some who said as soon as they felt that relief they no longer wanted to die. You might be able to Youtube it or something, believe it was about people who jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge and lived. Anyhow, too many people famous and otherwise offing themselves unnecessarily, IMO. If you feel like killing yourself, talk to someone, or call the national help line. If someone you know is talking about suicide, take it seriously and talk to them.

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Money is an illusionary path to happiness as well as an illusionary cure for bad feelings


I know money isn't a cure to happiness on its own, but it allows for a level of stability and freedom (most of the time) that most of us don't often attain (if at all). No doubt if you're broken inside it won't fix it, but knowing from experience how lack of money adds to stress that in turn takes its toll on the people around you and especially those closest to you, its hard to not roll your eyes when you hear people with money say that money doesn't buy happiness.

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I know money isn't a cure to happiness on its own, but it allows for a level of stability and freedom (most of the time) that most of us don't often attain (if at all). No doubt if you're broken inside it won't fix it, but knowing from experience how lack of money adds to stress that in turn takes its toll on the people around you and especially those closest to you, its hard to not roll your eyes when you hear people with money say that money doesn't buy happiness.


I agree...money isn't necessarily the burden and evil most make it out to be...and the money, I always tell people this....if you earn a decent paycheck, the money isn't for the person who earns it, its for the people trying to take it from you....youre paying people to get away from you: bill collectors, taxes, etc. to me, and some may disagree with me, money grants you peace of mind.

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Stability, freedom, peace of mind... may be ingredients to happiness, but do not equal happiness in and of itself. There's a quote that says something like the difference between the rich and the poor is that the poor have hope that money will lead to happiness, while the rich already know it won't. Hope is also pretty important related to suicide. Without hope all may not be lost, but it will sure feel like it.


And mental illness has no care for how much money you have, it can get anyone.


These things are interesting to me becauuse again, there is a lot that usually goes into killing oneself and there can be a lot more there than meets the eye. Robin Williams may be a good example. Rich, famous, admired. Dealt with mental health and drug issues through a lot of his life, but seems like what pushed him over was the medical issue. The fame, money, stability, etc., made no difference.

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I'm super bummed on this one. I think I got more texts about this than I did saying "happy birthday" a few days prior... I have a love/hate thing for him, sometimes his philosophical ramblings were such ego feeding drivel that I couldn't watch, but his books are among my favorites and he undeniably was a force for good in the world.


This world is lesser without him.

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There is an real sentimental piece to it (I worked back of house from age 14 to 25), so I think that drives the initial intrigue and personal value, but it is generally just good writing that captured a real place and lifestyle. There are pieces of Bukowski and Nietzsche and Welsh, dark humor, but a very blunt approach to facing life. It is sincere and believable


he also calls out a fair bit of the bullshit in the industry, which when you're working 60+ hr weeks for less than minimum wage just to have a certain chef on your resume provides some real catharsis.

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RIP Tony.


I read kitchen confidential 4 or 5 years ago and learned so much. 


Loved no reservations and parts unknown as well. He came to my city for a talk a few years ago and tickets were really expensive and i was unemployed at the time. ..was hoping to see him at another time. ..sad that thats not going to happen now. 

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