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Green Party candidate Jill Stein graffing at the Dakota pipeline


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Green Party presidential candidate visited water protectors in the Dakotas. They are trying to protect sacred land and water resources and outsiders are putting a pipeline that was fast tracked without proper environmental studies. Anyways she caught a tag on one of the pipeline company's bulldozers.

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I wish I could edit the title. I would've changed it to dance n graff. It's taking a minute to remember oontz speak. I have to read up more on her before I can say she has my vote. Thanks for clearing up the anti vax thing. That's one of the things I disliked about her.

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I get the protesting, but she didn't think this would be a good look for her did she?


Was having a conversation w/ someone a while ago that when a politician does some illegal shit/gets arrested in the name of protest no one particularly cares or questions their character, but when others do something similar people will question them and act as if they are bad, immoral, etc.

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...and the whole Gary Johnson saying "what is Aleppo?" thing.....man.


I have a friend who fancies himself a libertarian until he needs unemployment or foodstamps, and we were having a discussion about this. Although I feel like he should know what what Aleppo is, he is the candidate who I would give a soft pass to on that, being as libertarians are all about zero foreign interventions and what have you.



As for Jill Stein, she is a moron.

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^i agree that libertarians are all about no foreign interventions (which would probably mean disbanding the CIA) but you still have to have knowledge of whats going on in the world if you're going to be president of the United States.


the only reason I had a wtf moment about it in the first place was cause even I know where Aleppo is....same with Trump not knowing about "Brexit"....that term was used all over CNN, BBC, and MSNBC for weeks before he was even questioned about it.


the people being interviewed on the news supporting Gary Johnson said it was a "gotcha question" but seriously Aleppo and Syria as a whole is a huge humanitarian problem right now....i wonder if Johnson even knows about the significance of Raqqa or even Mosul and which country each one is in.

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With that being said, I just took a course this summer and the guy who sat in front of me was a staunch libertarian...and while he hated both Hillary and Trump, I remember him mentioning something about Gary Johnson as coming off goofy looking ...lol.

We cannot have a goofy lookin president!


I think he should know what aleppo is, I was trying to throw my faux-libertarian friend a bone. It isnt like they asked him about the peace deal with the farc peace deal, its aleppo for christ's sake.

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allowed to stay?





Why not? How many leaders and others from South America previously received training at the School of The Americas here in the US? How many leaders, groups, etc., have represented US interests in the past? The above story really only tells the story of one man and doesn't even touch upon these other issues. In no way agreeing with it, just pointing it out.

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