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Remember when 12OZ used to be fucked in the head?

Hua Guofang

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It would suck on the level of WWII.


And it's highly unlikely. However when the consequences are so high and there is a distinct possibility you can't go ignoring the concept. If this is a highly sophisticated hijack, as opposed to a looney pilot who wanted to see the Indian ocean up close....., or the most bizarre mechanical ever, then you have to really reconsider what is or isn't likely. All of a sudden catastrophic attack by civilian aircraft becomes much more probable than it did two weeks back.

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before I read this thread I was completely indifferent to the plane going down. Assumed malfunctions and shit and plane went down in the water not where it was supposed to have been.


After reading this thread I still assume the same. But kind of want it to be something more crazy like hijackers stealing it to fly a bomb somewhere as that is some crazy real life bond villain stuff. Not saying i want it to succeed but imagine the hollywood blockbuster type of story it'd be if there's a huge climax to this story.


You guys have some entertaining theories.


My bet is on an eccentric billionaire pilot stealing all these people to live in his secret underground layer and paying them many millions to keep quiet and can wire the money to their families and stuff. But one of them will not be down, sure they'll feign interest and go along until a big news story develops and is broadcast on their cool under water televisions that you scuba dive to watch and their spouse has been murdered. they vow to seek vengeance and he tries to escape the crazy billionaires layer only to be thwarted time and time again.


I'd have taken the non wake up pill if I were in the matrix movie and gone back to blissful ignorance of the crazy shit people with money and power can do and get away with.


Keep on keepin on big brother.

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One thing I think most reasonable people would assume, is that for that huge plane to land somewhere, there would have to be a big enough runway for it. I am sure that every runway that size in the flight distance and beyond is and has been watched from the second the plane went missing. I am also sure that they are looking for anything that could be used as a runway and watching that too.


I don't think the plane landed on land.


That is my guess.

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That's a lot of runways to watch, especially throughout India and the parts of Central Asia that are reachable. Also, all you're going to see from a satellite is a plane flying/landing. Still have to be able to identify which plane it is. Secondly, when it initially happened first thought would have been crash, they would have been looking around the presumed flight path if anything.


I was wondering what the chances are of an aicraft like this landing on salt flats or a long freeway. The Sinaporean freeways are designed to accommodate the airforce in case the airfields are cratered. Wonder how many roads there are in the radius of the flight that might take an aircraft like that. Maybe fuck all, I have no idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the userbase is older now

believing in conspiracies and shit after 25 is a bad sign haha


i think it has to do with getting a real job and seeing how shit a company of 40 people runs, and realizing a conspiracy involving 100s would crumble


i just dont get why the beacon/blackbox/VADR has an OFF SWITCH???

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ill play though,,,,,,,,,,,, iranians w fake passports, shady govt behavior, no debris


highjacked... then shot out of the sky by govt

just like the plane the passengers 'overtook' on 9/11 and crashed into a field

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If I were to put money on it I'd say that the pilot has lost the plot, hijacked the aircraft and done some kind of dumbarse shit.


I'm still of this position. Difficult to think the plane could have ended up where they think it is and the way they think it got there by chance. Pilot hijacked the plane and everyone is now dead.

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I don't believe shit that anyone has said yet. Since they have not found a single thing, I don't think they know anything.


I am not sure that the plane is where they think it is.


Maybe it is sitting at the bottom of the ocean where the pilot said good night?


All involved come across as bumbling idiots.

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