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car inshuransh shtuff


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have you guys found that its cheaper to go thru

a broker

one of the big companies directly (allstate, cen 21, wawanesa, etc)

maybe credit union




gonna be doing some calling around, would like some input for a good starting point.



(i know that everything depends on each individuals economic blah blah blah... just IN GENERAL.)







(.)(.) epic bewbz

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i prefer having an agent to talk to rather than some dumbshit call center worker when i have a problem or a claim. i keep all of our policies under one agent so when there's a problem i only have one person to call. plus, he actually values our business and works with us rather than just looks at me like another asshole to talk to.

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In general, Geico kills it. If I'm thinking correctly, you're in CA, so your credit isn't factored in like most states, so you have that advantage going for you if you don't have really good credit. For the most part, an agency just means you're going through a middle man who may or may not be pulling some shady bullshit. However, most of them will do the legwork of quoting around for you if you're lazy or short on time. And if you prefer actually knowing you can always get the same person on the line, an agency can be advantageous. If you're quoting online, make sure to input any accident/violation info as accurately as possible, because a lot of companies will bind your policy before they run reports. Then like a month later you might see your rate skyrocket when they run reports if you didn't put in all the info. Don't be fooled into thinking your tickets or accidents are going to somehow slide under the radar by doing a policy online.


Edit: I should specify that there are plenty of good agents out there, just do a little research if you go that route. The last thing you want is some agent who is adding extra shit onto your policy to increase their commission, or the opposite, and some guy who is secretly selling you really short on coverages just to try to provide a good looking rate. It's generally a lot easier for agents to get away with shady shit like that than a call center type of employee because they aren't usually monitored as heavily.

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I would say through the insurance company directly. A number of years back I got hit with a careless driving charge, insurance through an agent got bumped up to around 400 a month. Sidestepping the agent and going through another insurance company (progressive) got it brought down to about 160.

Cut out the middle man

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i forgot to mention that we also insure our business, our camera equipment and get our renter's insurance from our agent as well. if all you're looking for is car insurance, calling the company directly is probably the best way to go. call around and go from there. just remember if you go with some sort of fly-by-night no name shit that's cheap as fuck, you'll probably be up shit's creek when it's time to make a claim.

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