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The 5 Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor


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An offensive comment about how awesome not being poor in the first place is?


A prideful remark about how much being poor sucks, but how it made me realer?


Which one will get me more props???


the second one, definitely.. being real is of upmost importance on the internet, an being poor automatically makes you realer than everyone else. FACT: rich people can't be real, unless they are hood rich. but thats completely different.



and your name is realism so you have to live up to that name you know?

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casing places with scrap metal on instinct

looking at beer bottles as money

hustling everything from bikes too smokes

throwing rocks

throwing bottles

picking locks

eating baloney

smokin weed till the last possible puff

savin the last draw of a smoke for your mook friends


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Don't we already have a ghetto thread?


I've always been poor so you could probably just follow me around with a video camera and get tips by watching what I do.


One of my favorites is bringing random stuff off the street home because you might be able to sell it....then selling it and getting loaded with the money.


And not talking to cops.

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bringing random shit off the street home just cuz you thought it was cool not to sell or anything.. found a cool scarf took it home and washed it. found some shirts too.


a real fucked up habit is eating shit out the trash just cuz you think its still good and shouldn't go to waste.. not that i have ever done that.......

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Dumpster diving at Dunkin Donuts. Plastic bag fulla treats. When you are 12 that shit is a King's Feast.


Putting shrink wrap plastic and cardboard on your house's windows to keep the cold out.


Screaming from outside cuz you know there's holes in the windows and screen door.


Makin sure you're the one cleanin up after dinner so you can eat the leftover scraps. This was especially used when I was at friends houses.


Jackin toys from rich kids, they didnt care. Prolly helped em get new shit.


Drinking out of the hose, still.

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parents making you play outside all summer so they don't have to run the AC


Kool aid for everything, even though you prefer juice, and have made it very clear.


Getting your clothes after your older cousin got it from HIS older cousin.


Crack use. (not my family. but hey. poor people love the shit!)

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peanut butter sammiches for dinner


sleeping with 5 blankets


washing clothes in the tub



using your hands as a cup while drinking water from a faucet


collecting used dryer sheets from dryers to use on your clothes



1 dollor packs of ramen in bulk



standing in the beef/chicken area at the grocery store knowing damn well you arent getting shit but browse anyway


knowing how to cross stitch your clothes


by new socks and underwear every six months...if that



always look around the floor no matter where you are in case there dropped money

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not being able to afford to pay for the band to play at sixteenth birthday party.


having to settle for basic cable instead of hdtv on directtv


having to cut back on my allowance so my parents can pay the bills, it sucks too because i really depended on that 50 bucks a week :(


only being able to afford going to a state college and not a university.


not really habits per se. but it was pretty rough for me as a kid you know? i mean i didn't even get my first car until i was 18, and i had to settle for a G5 even though my dad had a perfectly good audi that he no longer drives, what a dick.

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not being able to afford to pay for the band to play at sixteenth birthday party.


having to settle for basic cable instead of hdtv on directtv


having to cut back on my allowance so my parents can pay the bills, it sucks too because i really depended on that 50 bucks a week :(


only being able to afford going to a state college and not a university.


not really habits per se. but it was pretty rough for me as a kid you know? i mean i didn't even get my first car until i was 18, and i had to settle for a G5 even though my dad had a perfectly good audi that he no longer drives, what a dick.


This is prolly you being sarcastic really poorly. For the most part though, it's believable that you are a fag.

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Too poor for an allowance


We weren't too poor, my parents just felt that there was no need for a kid to have money.


When we bugged them enough they gave us $5 a week, the first week I bought some heavy metal magazine for the pinups and my mother cracked the shits because I wasn't saving my money. The actual quote was "If you can't save money when you get $5 a week how do you expect to be able to save money when you get $500 a week?!".


My mother never understood math nor finance, plus she's Scottish heritage.

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@ Eliserx - Hanging out your clothes to dry instead of needlessly burning electricity in a machine is a sign of being poor??!! You're kidding me, right?


And yeah, I'm a bit miserly. I do my weekly food shopping in 3 different shops to save like $10 out of around $130-150. That's part miserly and part 'fuck you arseholes, I'm not giving my money to you for no reason!'. Our main two supermarket chains out here are rrrrrreal corporate type arseholes though that fuck over farmers, suppliers and smaller chains in the most ruthless ways though. They do not deserve my money, the pricks.

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i still do flea markets, those shits are awesome.

find all kinds of deals on tools. and socks.


plus bagged cereal is great, its the same as the $5/box capn crunch, but twice as much for 1/2 the price.


getting to choose a special cereal for your birthday--meaning a non store brand one, eating cookie crisp as if it was from the hand of god.

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